D&D 5E Call of the Netherdeep Previews

Other than some announcements about delays, the buzz around Call of the Netherdeep, the latest Critical Role underwater-themed hardcover from WotC, has been a little muted. But there have been some previews which have snuck online, including Shaggy from Scooby Doo, and Yoda! These previews center around the adventuring rivals which feature in the game. Call of the Netherdeep launches next...

Other than some announcements about delays, the buzz around Call of the Netherdeep, the latest Critical Role underwater-themed hardcover from WotC, has been a little muted. But there have been some previews which have snuck online, including Shaggy from Scooby Doo, and Yoda! These previews center around the adventuring rivals which feature in the game. Call of the Netherdeep launches next month in Europe, and next week in North America.

"Take a dive into the new dynamic character building for Rival NPCs in Call of the Netherdeep. Watch as both the leader Ayo Jabe and her party change and adapt to every crucial moment in your campaign."


Meet Irvan Wastewalker: a man who isn't afraid to take a hit, but is constantly beating himself up.


This humble goblin cleric is willing to follow his friends into the most perilous situations.


Take a dive into the new dynamic character building for Rival NPCs in Call of the Netherdeep. Watch as both the leader Ayo Jabe and her party change and adapt to every crucial moment in your campaign.


A beautiful mind combined with a keen sense of surroundings and a 12-foot stature. The ogre mercenary Maggie will be a fierce rival to your party in Critical Role: Call of the Netherdeep.


A couple of monsters found their way over to ComicBook.com, too!



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DNDBeyond has an article about a substance called Ruidium that plays prominently into the adventure: What Dungeon Masters Should Know About Ruidium From Call of the Netherdeep

It is exactly red lyrium from Dragon Age, right down to red crystals growing out of your body and insanity when it corrupts you.
Interesting. I finally got around to finishing DA2 and started DA:I over the past week while I've been at home with covid. Color me even more intrigued. I'm not a CR fan, but I enjoyed what I read of the Wildemount book and am looking forward to getting this adventure and possibly also running it.

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