Carrion Crown AP (Savage Stampede) - IC


Thy wounds are healed!
The Haunting of Harrowstone

by Micheal Kortes

When Harrowstone Prison burned to the ground, prisoners, guards, and a host of vicious madmen met a terrifying end. In the years since, the nearby town of Ravengro has shunned the fire scarred ruins, telling tales of unquiet spirits that wander abandoned cellblocks.

But when a mysterious evil disturbs Harrowstone's tenuous spiritual balance, a ghostly prison riot commences that threaten to consume the nearby village in madness and flames.

Can the adventures discover the secrets of Harrowstone and quell a rebellion of the dead? Or will they be the spirit-prison's next inmates?

Daggal Harjyr - Deugar Inquistitor as played by Herobizkit
Hagnim of the Frozen Earth - Dwarf Druid (arctic) as played by Walking Dad
Joseph - Human Fighter as played by GandalfMithrandir
Daros Randarov - Human Necromancer as played by Orius
Zeldana - Half Elf Cleric of Pharasma as played by rangerjohn

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Thy wounds are healed!
Winter has been over for a week or more now, but in Ustalav you could hardly tell. The ground is cold and hard and the wind bites at you when it finds a place exposed from under your cloak.

But at least it is not raining. Though this morning a misty rain fill and had it been a bit colder it would have turned to snow. The weather is partly responsible for your lateness to attend the funeral of your friend Professor Petros Lorrimor. But luckily you arrived on the morning of the service and after a quick gathering of information at the only church in the small town of Ravengro you have come (finally) to The Restlands, the local cemetery, and the funeral progression.

You notice others catching up as you are and by their look they too aren't locals. As the mourners and the cart carrying a finely crafted black coffin come to a stop before the gates you have time to take in everyone in the area. Their seems to be a woman that was leading the group and when she turns and sees you she boldly walks forward alone, the other locals hanging back to watch.

She is young (early twenties) and has on a fine wool dress and cape. Her eyes are red and puffy but their is a determination there that is unexplainable. She looks at each of the newcomers as they each reach a spot close to her and stop.

"Hello may I help you?"
she asks in a soft musical voice.

[sblock=OOC] Descriptions and Introductions please.[/sblock]


Zeldana of Pharasma

A young woman of Varasian extraction, with black hair and green eyes aproaches the woman who speaks. "Hello, I am Zeldana of Pharasma, I was invited to this funeral. May the Proffessor find his peace in death. Though this life will be the sadder for his passing, he was one of few, I could call friend."


First Post

A tall northern man, with features as rough as the tundra he grew up in, walks steadily toward the woman, obviously not accustomed to formality, he briefly nods "And the same for me" before taking his place at the funeral


Daros Randarov approaches the funeral procession slowly. He still is having a hard time believing that Petros is dead. The man was more than a mentor to him, he was almost like a second father to Daros after his family banished him from their estates forever. Although Daros hasn't seen Petros in nearly two years, it still seems strange that the man is gone, for he was still in his prime. Seeing the young woman, Daros walks over to greet her.

"It's good to see you again Kendra. I wish it could have been under happier circumstances, though. Your father was a good friend. If there is anything you need from me, I will do it if I can."

I'm assuming this woman is supposed to be Petros' daughter? Is it alright if my character is acquanted with her, possibly as a romantic interest?

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Daggal Harjyr

A bulky, spike-laden figure strides forward, oblivious to the procession and the others gathering around the young human. His skin is gray, his face hard and chiseled. Though he is clearly a denizen of the deep, his breastplate and his ornate mace suggest wealth, perhaps nobility. The inverted crimson pentacle of Asmodeus is brazenly displayed on his chest and metal shield.

The dwarf - no, the Duergar, removes his helmet and tucks it under his arm. His eyes fall upon the maiden, a stony glare that demands obedience.

"I am Daggal," the Duergar rumbles flatly, "And your dead master owes me a watch."
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Walking Dad

First Post

"Hagnim. I wouldn't have called him a friend. But I saved his life and never saw a payment. That should be more worth than your watch, Duergar!"
Hagnim answers, giving the duergar a glare.
He seems to be a dwarf himself, from beard and stature, but his hair and beard are snow white, containing tiny ice crystals and his pale skin has almost a bluish tone. He is clad in heavy furs.


[sblock=Mini Stat Block]

HP: 12/12
AC: 19, Touch 13, Flat Footed 16
Initiative: +3
CMB: +1
CMD: 14
Fort: +5
Ref: +3
Will +6
Speed 20'

active spells:
Endure Elements

Spells prepared:
0 - Detect Magic, Guidance, Light
1 - Endure Elements, Magic Stone - Obscuring Mist

Ice Bolt: 7/7
+3 ; 1d4(p) / 1d4(cold

Club (melee): +1 = +0 (BAB) +1 (Stat) (1d6+1)X2

Perception +8

dies at -16

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Daggal narrows his eyes and turns to the snow-blessed dwarf. "His life is ended, therefore it no longer has any value."

"... Much like the words I waste now," Daggal smiles, clearly amused by his own wit.


Zeldana of Pharasma

"You are wrong on two counts good sir! His life had value for the enrichment of experiences he gave others. His death has value from the release of the woes of life, and to bask in the glory of the Lady."

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