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Cave of the spiders - Newbie PbP GM


Sirius hefts his shield up slightly higher yelling to the man, "run to me friends laddy 'fore these beasts tear ya apart," he looks at Lucas, "ye get back too!"

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Erithinol's shout is followed by a sharp report as the wand snaps out blazing missiles. Three bolts race through the branches, taking separate, winding paths to the spider, but all converging unerringly on its bloated abdomen. The creature suddenly drops a few feet on its line, but recovers and keeps moving toward those below.
[sblock]UMD roll 19 + 11 easily succeeds. Damage rolls 3,3,1 (+3) = 10[/sblock]
Donnybrook bends his thick bow and lets fly at the thing moving through the underbrush. The arrow flies true and lodges in the creature's thigh. It emits an ear-piercing shriek and keeps charging.

[sblock]Attack roll 12 + 14 = 26, easy hit. See the OOC thread for a question about your attack mod. Damage roll 8 + 2 = 10. Max damage, nice shot.[/sblock]

The spider in the tree and the one bursting from the underbrush both rush Sirius, trying to overwhelm the dwarf. But their dripping fangs merely skitter off his armor.

Meanwhile, the other creature stops a short distance away and sprays a thick liquid from near its mouth. The liquid solidifies in the air and descends as pasty tendrils of webbing which falls heavily onto Lucas, entangling him in its sticky strands.

Lucas is Entangled: -4 dex and -2 on attack rolls. Casting requires a DC 15 Concentration check. Escape Artist or Strength checks can be used to try to escape.

New initiative for the first full round:
Sirius: 20+1=21
Girble: 14+5=19
Bipedal Monster: 15
Donnybrook: 8+4=12
Lucas: 4+6=10
Ery: 5+4 = 9 (adjusted to 9.5 to break the tie)
Spiders: 9

Never fails. The guy with the lowest modifier rolls a 20. :)
Actions, please? I assume Girble will be spending the round running as mentioned in the OOC thread.


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
Huff, huff, huff <I need to get some longer legs> Having heard ruckus ahead, Girble started in a mad dash. "Hang tough, guys!" Huff, huff, huff.

Ranger Rick

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OOC: I will fire (rapid shot) at the hideous bipedal monstrosity. Longbow: +12/12/9 (9base + 4dex + 1MW-2), 1d8+2 (Seeker bow so concelment is not applicable)(-4 into melee is not applicable) However, due to my actions being after the creature, if I can not fire on it, than I switch to attack a spider. I will be offline this wekend. Please use me as you all see fit.

Donnybrook, seeing the bipedal creature take one in the thigh, fires 3 fast arrows at it. Using his periphial vision, he does not yet worry about the spiders.


First Post
Lucas manages to avert his face as the strange spiderlike creature sprays him with webbing.

I won't go so easily this time, "I sure am glad I kept hold of my wand and dagger", pointing the wand in the direction of the bipedal monster Lucas utters a single word. "Dulak", 5 glowing points of magical energy launch themselves from the wand and home in unerringly on the Bipedal Monster.

OOC: If the Bipedal Monster is dead by the time that it is Lucas' turn, then he'll shoot at the most hurt spider.

Also Knowledge (Arcana & Dungeoneering) checks (+17) to see if Lucas known what the creatures are.


JimAde said:
The spider in the tree and the one bursting from the underbrush both rush Sirius, trying to overwhelm the dwarf. But their dripping fangs merely skitter off his armor.

OOC: Never fails. The guy with the lowest modifier rolls a 20. :)
Actions, please?

Sirius bellows loudly, "dent yer fangs and I'll bash yer brains!" His shield ready to parry more of these vile creatures blows, while his axe swings free hoping to cleave one of the bests in twain, or at least lop off a few legs.

OOC: +1 Adamantine Waraxe +15/+10 (1d10+7, 19-20/x3)


First Post
I note that D20Dazza is in Australia. So since Ery is going late in the round I'll do everybody's actions up to that point, then wait for D20Dazza's post. I've attached a picture of the creature attacking Lucas. I'm sure you'll all recognize it.

Sirius pushes one of the spiders from him and brings his axe down on its head in a mighty, whistling arc. Black ichor flies in all directions as the creature gives a spasmodic twitch and falls onto its companion. Siezing the opportunity, Sirius quickly swings again at the other spider, hewing off one of its legs. He checks his swing, brings the axe back again and connects with the thing's meaty body. It is dripping vital fluids onto the forest floor, but still barely moving.
[sblock]The dice like Ferrix so far: First attack roll: 20! A 7(+15) confirms for triple damage. Rolls: 10,10,5 + 21 = 46 points of damage! Cleave attack on other spider: Roll 15+15 hits. Damage roll 5+7=12. Second normal attack (on now injured spider: Roll of 6+10 hits (yes they're pretty easy). Damage of 2+7=9. One spider dead, the other has taken 21 damage and is barely alive.[/sblock]
Girble hears the sounds of furious battle and runs as fast as he can manage in his heavy armor to help. He draws his weapon as he goes, ready to dispatch one of the creatures when he's in range.
Please let me know which weapon Girble is drawing. :)

The horrible chitinous thing rushes the ensnared Lucas and sinks its black fangs into the wizard's leg. There is a searing pain as the creature's venom is pumped into Lucas' body.
Lucas takes 5 points of damage. Fortitude save DC 15 poison: Lucas rolls 12+4 and succeeds!
Donnybrook draws arrows and fires furiously at the thing attacking Lucas. All of his shots strike true and the creature emits another ear-splitting shriek, but it seems to be simply enraged by the attacks.
Just to clarify, it definitely took the damage, it's just not down yet
Donnybrook's attack rolls:
10+12=22 Hit, 4+2=6 Damage
2+12=14 Hit, 2+2=4 Damage
16+7=23 Hit, 4+2=6 Damage
Lucas knows now what they face. The abomination known as an Ettercap combines the worst traits of spider and human. Fortunately he also knows what to do with such a thing. He points his wand at it and intones "Dulak". 5 glowing points of magical energy launch themselves from the wand and home in unerringly on the Ettercap. They slam home, tearing great chunks of chitin and flesh from its body. The thing flies back to land in a smoldering heap on the forest floor.
[sblock]Knowledge(Dungeoneering) check 16+17=34. Feel free to look up the ettercap in the SRD. :)
Damage on the MM: 2+3+3+3+4 = 15. It drops

Waiting now for D20Dazza's post, when Ery and the remaining spider (if it survives) will go


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Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
ooc: Uh, um, yeah. :heh: Probably a light mace so that I can take AoO's should the opportunity arrive. Without a critical, my max damage is like 2 or 3, depending on what I use, so I'm going to be casting as soon as I get into range. When I have the time, I'll update my character sheet to show a light mace and fill in a couple more spell slots that I didn't have before buying items. :uhoh:



Grinning madly at the carnage Ery shakes the wand at the remaining spider "whatever worked last time, whateverworkedlasttime"
OOC: UMD +11, 3 missiles 1d4+1 (5th level)


Sirius lets out a triumphant roar as his companions overtake the spider-like humanoid, should the spider survive, he'll do his best to make sure it doesn't with two powerful swings from his waraxe.

OOC: +1 Adamantine Waraxe +15/+10 (1d10+7, 19-20/x3)

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