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Cave of the spiders - Newbie PbP GM


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
Now fully exposed, Girble pulls out his sling to fire a bullet at his enemies and then steps back behind the tree line.

+10 Attack, 1d3-1 Damage

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Damn it, if only they'd been patient With a scowl on his face Lucas concentrates on the arcane eye and causes it to head towards the cave mouth to begin it's exploration of the cave complex. (at 30' per round)

OOC:As stated before the eye will move at 30' per round while in passways, and at 10' per round when in comes across a room.


Ery Elf Rogue

Ery tries to position herself so that she is still hidden and within 30' of the closest bugbear, she points her wand at it and waves it while mummbling "workdamnitwork"

OOC: UMD +11, 3 missiles 1d4+1 (5th level) - if within 30' sneak attack?? She'll repeat until forced into melee in which case she will quickdraw her longs word and attack.
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Ferrix hasn't posted, but I want to keep things moving with at least one post per week-day for myself, so we'll forge on assuming he'll keep peppering away with his bow.

Girble deftly slips a stone into his sling and whirls it over his head, popping out from cover just long enough to let it fly. The bullet whistles through the air, but flies wide of the mark.
[sblock]Attack roll 4+10 - 2 (range) = 12 vs. AC 20[/sblock]
Erethinol extends her wand muttering under her breath and shaking it, but without results this time.
[sblock]UMD roll 7+11=18 vs. DC 20[/sblock]
Donnybrook smoothly draws and fires his bow in two quick motions. The first arrow grazes the sentry's cheek while the second skewers him in the abdomen. He roars in pain, badly wounded.
[sblock]Attack Rolls: 8+14=22, hit!; 16+9=25, hit!; Damage rolls 4+2=6, 6+2=8, 14 total. This Bugbear has now taken a total of 25 HP. Remember to declare if you want to use Rapid Shot or Manyshot. You specified two arrows this time so I assume not.[/sblock]
Slight correction for Lucas. The Arcane Eye can be created anywhere within your current line of sight, so I'll make the assumption you created it near the cave entrance instead of in front of you. Spoiler below for Lord Raven, so he can announce what he sees in character. :)
[sblock]Lucas is disoriented for an instant as his perspective is split between his own location and the cave mouth. Quickly getting his bearings he looks around and ses that there are indeed two bugbears at the cave mouth. In addition, there's a goblin who seems to have been lounging on the ground, but both he and the other bugbear are now moving toward the ledge. He also notices that the cave goes back at least 60 feet (the limit of his darkvision).[/sblock]
Sirius sends more arrows arcing toward the bugbear, but without luck this time.
[sblock]Rolls 1 (auto-miss) and 7+6=13[/sblock]
The bugbear is joined by his comrade and they both take a shot at Donnybrook. Fortunately their arrows skitter and shatter against the rocks, missing him by a wide margin.

Another spoiler for Lord Raven:
[sblock]The goblin rises to his feet but doesn't move toward the edge of the slope yet. Instead he makes some familiar passes with his hands. Even without being able to hear the incantation, Lucas easily identifies the elementary spell being cast: Mage Armor.[/sblock]

Ready for new actions.


First Post
Opening his eyes Lucas shouts to his companions "Beware there is a Goblin Wizard up there"

Fireball Question for the DM:[sblock]
If Lucas cast Fireball will it destroy the arcane eye? I've read the spell discription and it doesn't state the magical sensor has an AC of HP's, but it is a phyiscal object which can be hinderd by other objects.(Spellcraft +17)[/sblock]
If Arcane Eye won't be affected:[sblock]
Stepping forward (5' step) to see the cave opening Lucas warns his companions "Stay back, it's gonna get hot up there" pulling out a tiny ball of Bat guano and Sulfur Lucas begins to speak in the spidery language of magic as he performs the necessary intricate gestures to cast the spell.

OOC:All the PC's know this catch phrase to mean Lucas is going to cast Fireball[/sblock]
Trusting in his companions to deal with the minor annoyance Lucas once again closes his eyes and begins to concentrate on the Arcane Eye, sending it further into the cave complex[/sblock]

Ranger Rick

First Post
Ranger Rick said:
Donnybrook gets into position to fire two arrows.

(Seeker) Composite Longbow: +14/9, 1d8 +2 damage, Threat 20/x3 (ignores concelment)

Smelling the sentry's blood, Donnybrook, arm becomes a blur as he fires several more arrows.

OOC: Correct, I only fired 2 arrows. Now I am doing rapid shot. +12/12/7 1d8 +2 damage, Threat 20/x3 (ignores concelment)


First Post
I'm going to go ahead since Jdvn1 may still be spotty with his posting as he manages his hurricane clean-up. Let me know if anybody feels I'm taking liberties with their character, I'll be glad to revise.

Girble looses another sling bullet at the wounded bugbear, catching him square between the eyes. The big sentry falls back and lands stiffly, sending up a small cloud of dust.
[sblock]Attack Roll 14 + 9 - 2 = 21, a hit! Damage roll 3 - 1 = 2. Exactly how many HP he had left![/sblock]
Ery curses under her breath and adjusts her grip on the wand, but to no avail. In fact nothing emerges but a small puff of pink smoke shot through with green glittering points of light.
[sblock]UMD roll: 1. Blech. :)[/sblock]
Donnybrook adjusts his aim as the first sentry falls, and sends a hail of arrows at the second. Only one of the arrows hits, but it strikes deep.
[sblock]Attack rolls 5+12 = 17, miss, 12+12=24, hit, 5+7=12 miss. Damage roll 7+2=9[/sblock]
Lucas steps forward to see the cave opening and warns his companions "Stay back, it's gonna get hot up there". His companions know what to expect as he pulls out a tiny ball of Bat guano and Sulfur and begins to speak in the spidery language of magic. Suddenly a blazing missile leaps from his hands and races to the top of the slope where it bursts into a conflagration. The remaining sentry bursts into flames and tumbles silently down the slope.
[sblock]Fireball! Damage: 36. [/sblock]
THe bugbear fails his save and takes full damage, but through the Arcane Eye Lucas sees the goblin dive under cover just in time, then burst from cover and run back toward the cave entrance.

I'll let Sirius (Ferrix) declare a new action since he has no target. Ferrix?


First Post
Damn, I was hoping that would take out the Goblin and the Bugbear, that must be one tough Goblin Shouting to his friends "The Goblin is getting away".

Nevermind I can always follow him with the arcane eye and find out the lay of the cave complex, maybe he'll even lead me to his leader Lucas closes his eyes and concentrates on the arcane eye, and sends it after the fleeing goblin

Voidrunner's Codex

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