Challenge: Shows that Deserved More than Four Seasons

But was the end of Season 4 when it started sliding?
There's also sliding versus tanking. Every show has its "peak", but just because Season X is weaker than Season X-1 doesn't mean its bad. Now there are plenty of shows that do "tank" and become horrible, but sometimes a show just drops down a bit but is still a solid watch.

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So, a couple thoughts:

She Ra and the Princesses of Power - Yeah, this is a kid's cartoon. However, this show is super-tight in its scripting. There are no wasted episodes, all the characters develop. It has a beginning, middle, and a good end, and it needed that time to get where it was going, and it was a worthy destination.

Babylon 5: An example that not only that it needed it's 5th season, but it also needed to have them without the network yanking their freakin' chain about how many seasons they'd get.


Netflix Executive: Of course it was! Also, you're not getting a second season.
Having read some of your posts I know there is some hidden meaning in this, but I can't for the life of me think who "Also" is.

Anyway. Flippancy aside (although there was a point to my earlier post), I think a case can be made for Endeavour, which as run for all of 8 seasons so far. It's what Americans call a "cop show" that details the rise of the main character of Inspector Morse (which is a bit of a bore) and distinguishes itself through story, acting, and the fact that it actually presents you will all the evidence you need to solve the case before the show does.

Also The Wire, as noted upthread, and, of course Star Trek. The Next Generation, even if you would discount the first two seasons and all episodes with Wesley Crusher in them (-ducks for cover-).

Owl House only get a truncated 3rd season is a travesty.
and, of course Star Trek. The Next Generation, even if you would discount the first two seasons and all episodes with Wesley Crusher in them (-ducks for cover-).

The following episodes were in season 5 or later: "Darmok", "Tapestry", "I, Borg", "Chains of Command", "The Inner Light"

Edit: "In the Pale Moonlight" was late season 6 of Deep Space Nine

Owl House only get a truncated 3rd season is a travesty.

The following episodes were in season 5 or later: "Darmok", "Tapestry", "I, Borg", "Chains of Command", "The Inner Light"

Edit: "In the Pale Moonlight" was late season 6 of Deep Space Nine

Like The Perfect Gift was Season 5.

Babylon 5: An example that not only that it needed it's 5th season, but it also needed to have them without the network yanking their freakin' chain about how many seasons they'd get.
I’ll disagree on B5. Now I did enjoy season 5, but honestly it wasn’t necessary. Season 4 with the sleeping in light finale (which was the plan before season 5 was greenlit) would still have been a magnificent closer for the series…and you could argue a stronger one. The show would have ended on its highest note.

I would disagree with the idea that shows should have a 4 year cap.

Instead, I would posit that no show should be greenlighted without a strong plan for multiple seasons, how many ever that might be. And by “strong”, at least some kind of possible complete story arc that can be evaluated. It need not be unalterable, but it should be firm enough to provide an evaluatory framework and a guide to writing teams. (It wouldn’t be the series Bible, but would inform it.)

One clear consequence of this would be an advantage to adaptations of pre-existing IP. But I’m certain the better creators/creative teams would be capable of spelling out how a completely new show could- but not necessarily would- play out over N seasons.

I’m NOT advocating the demise of the “elevator pitch”, just not letting it be sufficient to get money thrown at it.

I’ll disagree on B5. Now I did enjoy season 5, but honestly it wasn’t necessary. Season 4 with the sleeping in light finale (which was the plan before season 5 was greenlit) would still have been a magnificent closer for the series…and you could argue a stronger one. The show would have ended on its highest note.

Do you know the story of seasons 4 and 5?

For those that don't - Babylon 5 was originally intended to have five seasons. The arc was laid out before a single episode was ever filmed. They made three seasons. During production of the 4th, PTEN, the network Warner Brothers used for the show, shut down. So, it was not clear if the 5th season would happen.

So, J. Michael Straczynski did a lot of slash and burn on season 4, to jam in many elements intended for season 5, to make sure the fans got resolution on some of the core plot elements. Then, after that was completed, they got the order for season 5. This nonsense made scrambled eggs out of how the show was intended to go, and also was also party responsible for the departure of Ivanova.

Do you know the story of seasons 4 and 5?

For those that don't - Babylon 5 was originally intended to have five seasons. The arc was laid out before a single episode was ever filmed. They made three seasons. During production of the 4th, PTEN, the network Warner Brothers used for the show, shut down. So, it was not clear if the 5th season would happen.

So, J. Michael Straczynski did a lot of slash and burn on season 4, to jam in many elements intended for season 5, to make sure the fans got resolution on some of the core plot elements. Then, after that was completed, they got the order for season 5. This nonsense made scrambled eggs out of how the show was intended to go, and also was also party responsible for the departure of Ivanova.
I am a total BS nerd, so I know all the things:)

If your saying that B5 as it was originally intended would have made a great 5 season show, I could buy that.

Four nothing, I can think of shows that deserved more than one! Netflix, in particular, has drawn a lot of my ire lately. But I think the biggest letdown in recent memory is Grendel.

It didn't even get a season!

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