D&D (2024) Check Out The New Monster Manual’s Ancient Gold Dragon

Check out the iconic monster’s stat block from the upcoming monster book!

Wizards of the Coast has previewed (part of) the stat block for one of its iconic monsters on social media. Take a look!


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Interesting. The new one isn't quite as strong as the A5E version, which is three very hard hits for 97.

Multiattack. The dragon attacks with its bite and twice with its claws.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +18 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 32 (4d10 + 10) piercing damage plus 9 (2d8) fire damage.

Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +18 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 28 (4d8 + 10) slashing damage.
But now that I look the CR for it was also bumped by 2 despite having 60 fewer hit points.

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So it's very interesting to see that the AC and HP of the Gold Dragon haven't changed. I think 500+ should be pretty normal for a CR20+ monster that is supposed to be able to take on an entire adventuring party.

So if we expect the ancient gold to be able to make 3 rend attacks as a Legendary Action too, we might see a max average DPR of 187. That's about a 32% increase in DPR. Not bad. I wouldn't have minded something between 50-100% increase, but dragons have always been able to deal decent damage.


Interesting. The new one isn't quite as strong as the A5E version, which is three very hard hits for 97.

But now that I look the CR for it was also bumped by 2 despite having 60 fewer hit points.
Interesting, the A5e Gold dragon is hard to compare, since it has a lot of different tools. However, it looks like the DPR of it is only 134, more than 50 less than what I predict the MM25 will be able to do.

I like the A5e one though, looks like fun to run.

The base damage of the attacks looks atrocious. At CR 24 it should be dropping an Epic Tier PC each round, not each week.

Also while I could understand a bite attack (the round after it breathes fire) adding fire damage, having "Rend" just add fire damage doesn't make a lot of sense.

Not upping the Breath Weapon damage is particularly baffling. It would have to breathe fire on my Level 20 (2014 build) Fighter five times to drop him to 0 HP...and that assumes five fails saving at 12+ (with Indomitable). A Dragon using its breath weapon should always be its signature attack; in this case its an irrelevance against epic tier PCs.

Hopefully the Legendary Actions save it from being a total disaster. First big disappointment of the 2025 Monster Manual.

That damage should be doubled.


The new dragon YouTube video with a Jeremy and Wesley has me excited to see the changes as it seems like they will be a fun and more deadly challenge for adventurers.

Sounds like there is plenty in the remaining stat block we don’t have yet based on the video and the changes to dragons.


Deluxe Unhuman
Interesting that it has Rend instead of Bite and Claw. I like it.

I'm of a mind that unless something is different than normal leave it out - in the interest of conciseness and decluttering things - so I wish Mod and Save were just one number (with occasional exceptions called out).

And why is PB down with CR?
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I agree that big creatues should attack fewer times and do bigger damage with each hit. Like if it was 30-40 damage a rend, that'd feel like I'm being hit by an ancient dragon. Right now, it's like being hit by literally a Large Sword, not a Huge or Gargantuan Claw.

Form and function are intertwined with game mechanics and indeed all art, so I get Dave's complaints.

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