Spelljammer Chris Perkins and Ray Winninger Interview Discussing Spelljammer and Product Development


Book-Friend, he/him
Actually the fact that they didn't save Thrikreen for Darksun and that they are putting Darksun creatures in other settings just 1 year ahead of 2023's classic setting suggests its not Darksun or Darksun would have had dibbs.
I think Dark Sun may cameo in the world hopping "Planet of the Week" Adventure for Spelljammer. Since we know that there is a Classic Setting cameo this year.
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The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
What's funny is, somehow, 5e is getting closer to AD&D with the number of officially supported settings it has. There's still a lot of settings that haven't been converted, but theres also a ton that are new (or at least post-TSR like Eberron).

What 5e is doing differently though is that they're not flooding the market with products, and they also aren't creating mutually exclusive pockets of products.

That last point is why I think that, when Dark Sun drops, it'll look a lot more like the 4e version than the original. Also, no setting that comes out, not even Greyhawk, will have as its core identity anything like "No Dragonborn No Tieflings". That's seems pretty opposed to 5e's core identity. If 5e Ravenloft has these races, 5e Greyhawk certainly will as well.


Book-Friend, he/him
What's funny is, somehow, 5e is getting closer to AD&D with the number of officially supported settings it has. There's still a lot of settings that haven't been converted, but theres also a ton that are new (or at least post-TSR like Eberron).

What 5e is doing differently though is that they're not flooding the market with products, and they also aren't creating mutually exclusive pockets of products.

That last point is why I think that, when Dark Sun drops, it'll look a lot more like the 4e version than the original. Also, no setting that comes out, not even Greyhawk, will have as its core identity anything like "No Dragonborn No Tieflings". That's seems pretty opposed to 5e's core identity. If 5e Ravenloft has these races, 5e Greyhawk certainly will as well.
Yeah, by number of Settings, 5E might even be ahead now. It's the product line approach that hasn't been repeated.


Speculation Specialist Wizard
What's funny is, somehow, 5e is getting closer to AD&D with the number of officially supported settings it has. There's still a lot of settings that haven't been converted, but theres also a ton that are new (or at least post-TSR like Eberron).

What 5e is doing differently though is that they're not flooding the market with products, and they also aren't creating mutually exclusive pockets of products.

That last point is why I think that, when Dark Sun drops, it'll look a lot more like the 4e version than the original. Also, no setting that comes out, not even Greyhawk, will have as its core identity anything like "No Dragonborn No Tieflings". That's seems pretty opposed to 5e's core identity. If 5e Ravenloft has these races, 5e Greyhawk certainly will as well.
When I worked on my little Dark Sun and Birthright conversions, mostly just notes, I tried to approach it the way I thought WotC would. I made them more inclusive where a player could play almost anything published by Wizards. The only things that were off the table were those races that were wiped out, and even then they weren't fully off the table. If a player really wanted to play a gnome, let's do it! But, we'd have to figure a few things out...like how they're still around and what they might be like these days. If they really wanted to play it straight out of the PHB, we can still do that. It may seem out of place, but I'd still roll with it. Fun is more important!

There is a second option, the faction of the module "the Black Spine" could discover, explore, settle and conquer a second world next to Athas, and this could be a mixture of classic D&D standar and Dark Sun touch. They have founded a lot of slave colonies, and someones escape toward the "land within the wind" ( = Faywild), and they aren't wellcome by the eladrin(high elves). Then it would be like a strange twist of the isekai genre, from a D&D world to Dark Sun, with the cultural shock. Maybe that faction has also discovered the world of Jackandor, joining to the "party" between the two previous factions. (as we say in our land "we were few and the grandmother gave birth!" (= As if that weren't enough!).

Other idea is a totally new adventure, a sequel, or spin-off, of "the Black Spine", but this time not for PCs from Athas, but from Spelljammer or other space of D&D multiverse. Or the cult of Tharizdum, the elder elemental eye, creating secret hidden cells in Athas. What better place to hide? Then the psionic powers wouldn't be too necessary for the PCs because they aren't in a place where arcane magic can hurt the plants.

* If they are working in a new psionic handbook we should see UA about the psionic races: blues, dromites, synads, elans, maenads or the xephs. (It is curious, now I imagine xephs as cousins of giths and elves, maybe were giths who escaped to the Feywild, and the synads to the Shadowfell, and the synads would enjoy a special racial trait to create telepatic link with a "monster pet" or an ally, allowing a player to controll the synads and a second PC).

* Didn't Chris Perkins create a homebred world, Iomandra, with a lot of ideas from "Councyl of Wyrms"? But we would need playtesting and feedback of dragons as PCs. What if I wanted a pearl dragon as PC?

Councyl of Wyrms should be designed to allow enough space where we can add later all the dragon species, even updated version from previous editions, for example the cobra dragon, or the minidragon as monster ally from Dragon Magazine #146.

Voidrunner's Codex

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