D&D 5E Chris Perkins - D&D Next Game Hole Con Panel

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That's some fantastic artwork. It's tempting me to back that Kickstarter just to support it.

Me too! There is a lot more great art in those books as well. The thing is a well-supported Basic/Expert/Companion retro-clone that's been going for some years in Spain, and this is the English translation of it. Here is some more art:









Even their black and white art is awesome:



Post-launch, looking to focus on adventures and story for #dndnext and not pumping out a pile of rules expansions.
I'd like to consider that good news, but WotC doesn't make adventures that I can use.

Now, if they published a 320 page book of one-page-dungeons, I would be all over that like white on rice.

It seems to me like they should have Chris Perkins commenting more and Mike Mearls commenting less. Mearls is a great designer, but much of what he says/writes seems to turn people off of 5E.

Or am I misinterpreting this?

Not explicitly stated so far in the thread: This was the inaugural "GameHole Con" -- their first year of running that event. (No wonder I'm not familiar with it?) Perhaps it will become more renowned in future years.

About the flumph: does the running gag about flumphs in The Order of the Stick count as support for their presence?

It seems to me like they should have Chris Perkins commenting more and Mike Mearls commenting less. Mearls is a great designer, but much of what he says/writes seems to turn people off of 5E.

Or am I misinterpreting this?

I definitely think Chris or almost anyone else should be commenting.

The "great designer" bit I wouldn't agree with.

It seems to me like they should have Chris Perkins commenting more and Mike Mearls commenting less. Mearls is a great designer, but much of what he says/writes seems to turn people off of 5E.

Or am I misinterpreting this?
What the hell has Perkins said here that's different from what Mearls has said?

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