D&D 5E Chris Perkins - D&D Next Game Hole Con Panel


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I thought they did so this? Back in early 3E... Maybe my memory is tricking me however. Could have been in Dragon Magazine.
I believe there was an old article in the Duelist about using Magic cards as inspiration for you D&D games. If I remember right, one of the examples they used was Spinal Villain from Legends, which would put it back in the 2nd Edition days.

Sadly, my Google-fu can find no trace of such an article ever existing.


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Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
I hope this is true! I play fourth edition D&D all of the time. The core game is fine with me but this edition is the single worse laid out one ever. If you are trying to look something up without the digital tools you might as well just pick a random page to start reading. The organization is absolutely horrid.

This comment is about as far removed from the reality I experienced with 4e as I can imagine. I dislike the game but thought its clarity and layout was quite usable.


Personally, I never found that a ringing endorsement.
For me it's a cathedral's worth when the last time I saw anything close to that level of facility for DM prep in D&D was 14 years ago. I play Pathfinder lately due to group demand, and the most aggravating feature is the whole "prep a monster for two hours and it gets taken down with a save or die spell" effect. It's not just artisan created monsters either - anything above level 8 or so has spell effects worked into its CR, and when anti magic fields, dispels, and status effects start flying, I worry about math more than story or thrilling combat. A good D&D for me is one that will give the custom monster fans their fun, give me a simpler, raw numbers based alternative that will give any given party level a run for its money, but will be able to keep straight in my head instead of on paper. I've learned tricks over the years to bypass this effect, but any custom crafted tool I and others have found we need to finish a job, I want one standard in the toolkit.


This comment is about as far removed from the reality I experienced with 4e as I can imagine. I dislike the game but thought its clarity and layout was quite usable.

MAYBE for an experienced player, it was passable, but far from a watershed book, IMO.

But, for allowing new players entry? Char-Gen was pretty darn-near impossible. They really needed a 2-page "How to make a character" primer, as some (many) systems do. (Essentials did rectift this issue a bit, but was still somewhat obtuse and counter-intuitive, IMO.)

I like flumphs

I'm a Flumph-lover, too.
(And, that sounded way less dirty in my head...) :lol:
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For me it's a cathedral's worth when the last time I saw anything close to that level of facility for DM prep in D&D was 14 years ago. I play Pathfinder lately due to group demand, and the most aggravating feature is the whole "prep a monster for two hours and it gets taken down with a save or die spell" effect. It's not just artisan created monsters either - anything above level 8 or so has spell effects worked into its CR, and when anti magic fields, dispels, and status effects start flying, I worry about math more than story or thrilling combat. A good D&D for me is one that will give the custom monster fans their fun, give me a simpler, raw numbers based alternative that will give any given party level a run for its money, but will be able to keep straight in my head instead of on paper. I've learned tricks over the years to bypass this effect, but any custom crafted tool I and others have found we need to finish a job, I want one standard in the toolkit.

4e monster design was brilliant. Why spend tons of time creating the creature or NPC when they would not last long anyways? When it comes right down to it I have reskinned creatures and no one was ever the wiser. Why come up with any thing complex?


Absolute word. 4E monsters are a joy to design, easy and fun to run and a breeze to judge in terms of challenge to the PCs. If DDN can manage something on a par with that it will be a major plus for it, IMV.

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