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Citadel of the Iron Crown - Burglars in Mirkwood

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"Mythia," Aranel repeats softly. "Mythia, excuse me for a moment."

She stands up and goes to confer.

"She's opening up, but I'm getting worried. If there is some dark magic affecting her, it might hurt her, even kill her, if it thinks she's revealing too much. We must think about trying to undo this..."

She pauses at the knock at the door.

"Expecting visitors?" the elf asks as she goes to answer it.


First Post
Gellion, left behind with Mythia and standing closest to the door, has already opened it.

"Oh" his mouth forms a surprised circle. "Hello Thalion."

Welcome to the game Fenris :)
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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Dlsharrock said:
"he's a dwarfses, just like you. Dwarfs is paying us! Wants it for himself, he does. Wants us to pinch it and gives it away. He knows you. Calls you short, fat, hairy, smelly and stupid." This accompanied by a childish snickering which ends abruptly when the hobbit catches sight of Ulfang's expression.
"Knows me *very* well," - Baran looks at the big man and shakes his head minutely, covertly laying his own hand down in the process. Almost, almost fell for it that time - "A sharp-eyed man with honey for a toungue, that one. What *else* have you gathered for him?"

Dlsharrock said:
"The dwarfses told us the Men here is weak as flutterbyes, and stupid as Elves. We knew we can sneaks in under your silly noses and if we were caught we knew we won't be needing more than that to fights you off. Only caught me 'cos I tripped."
"So you believe everything he says, do you? Or did you know he was lying? Laying a trap for you to fall in..."

2. How important is that scroll/Handel&co to Him?

<OOC: Shayuri, is Aranel coming into the bedroom to confer or is she confering only with those presently in the main room? Holding response to that bit till then.

Fenris said:
As dusk slowly envelopes the hut, a firm rapping comes at the door.
Baran frowns at the sound of knocking from the next room, followed by a distinct *lack* of barging in : politeness is never a good sign in a logging camp. It's none of his boys, that's for sure!

<OOC: By the by, it's officially summer and time for vacation approaches. Sadly (depending on the way you look at it :) I've drawn the short straw so I'm taking mine early this year (last two weeks of July). Not a problem as such but we *are* we're going camping for the duration, family and all, meaning a somewhat great distance between myself and the nearest net connection.

Binder Fred, incommunicado futuris.
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"Don't worry Baran, I'll get it. This one still owes you some more information. I'll be back" Ulfang says as he exits the room and goes to answer the door.


First Post
If Shay intended Aranel to head into the bedroom to confer, Baran's last set of questions will come after she comes in and the knock at the door will come pretty much straight after. So we'll put those questions on hold for now, and if you want to alter them later according with what Aranel has found out, or put them to the hobbit while others deal with the knock on the door, let me know. No need to repost them unless you're changing what Baran asks.


OOC: Not sure who finally answered the door, but we'll move on.

As the door is opened a tall elf stands there, dressed in simple clothes of brown and green. He is unarmed and unarmored, but leans on a staff.

Being greeted by Gellion, he too opens his eyes slightly in surprise

"Greetings Gellion, I did not expect to find you here."

Turning to adress the rest of the hut he announces "I am Thalion of Greenwood. I have been directed to his dwelling in seach of a dwarf."


First Post
Gellion answered the door, but Ulfang was coming to do so. Depending on where Shay puts Aranel at this point, Gellion, Ulfang and Aranel should be present to hear Thalion's greeting.


"Er...um," Gellion stammers, just as surprised by the Elf's announcement as by the appearance of the Elf himself. "You must mean... Shall I... er... you'd better come in." Gellion turns, looks at something with horrified realisation (the trussed Stoor Hobbit), turns back, extends a hand as if to calm his overwrought mind, "actually.. ahm..." seeing the large human approaching out of the corner of his eye, Gellion seems to deflate with relief, "Ulfang's here." It's a passing over of responsibilities. The younger Man steps aside, nearly shrinks into the wall in an effort to give Ulfang enough room to take over.


Thalion looks at Ulfang as Gellion cedes the door to him.

"You do not appear to be the dwarf I seek."
adds the elf with a wry smile.


First Post
(hee...it was my intention to include everyone on the 'conferance.' Sorry I didn't make that clearer. We were sort of a free-time kind of thingy, so the exact order of events didn't seem too important when I first posted. :) Aranel would definitely have at least poked her head out to see who's at the door, since she's half-expecting an attack of some kind at this point.)

"Thalion," Aranel says, surprised. "Your arrival is fortuitous. If you can spare the time, when your business with the dwarf is complete, I would ask a favor of you."

Voidrunner's Codex

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