D&D General Classic Adventure Themed Dice Sets From Beadle & Grimm's


Beadle & Grimm's, known for it's luxury version of official Dungeons & Dragons adventures, is set to release a selection of dice sets themed around various classic modules, including The Temple of Elemental Evil, Ravenloft, and White Plume Mountain. Each set comes in a box designed to look like th original adventure module, along with collectible coins and art.

The sets include Ravenloft, Tomb of Horrors, Vecna Lives!, White Plume Mountain, Temple of Elemental Evil, and Expedition to the Barrier Peaks.

Each has a felt-lined box, a standard dice set along with an oversized d20, two collectible coins, and four cards featuring artwork and information from the adventure.

The full set of 6 dice sets will set you back $178--but you will be able to buy them separately at a later date. The site says that the $178 bundle includes a $45 saving, so presumably the full price of $223 means that the individual sets will sell for around $37 each.


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I was just looking on Amazon how much it might cost to make something like this that had, say the 1E Revised PHB/DMG/MM cover on it. Turns out that the fake book box these dice come in aren't as cheap as I thought (about $8-$10 apiece). Add in the coin, and it explains the price a bit more. Still, wouldn't be my go-to for a dice set and I really think it would have sweetened the pot if they contained POD miniature reproductions of the modules rather than a couple dubious art cards.

Yes, this is pricey for what amounts to a VERY basic set of tumbled dice... but at the end of the day as customers we are all free to purchase/not purchase what the hell we want. If you don't like it, don't buy it!

As a business, BaG's will make a decision as to how successful the product is/was as a result of SALES. If they don't sell many, they know its a dud, and feedback may highlight the price.

Don't forget you are getting:
  1. A full set of 'unique' dice
  2. An oversized d20
  3. A felt-lined box
  4. Two special collector's coins (which can be used as markers or just kept for fun)
  5. Some cards
  6. Unique box artwork etc (which probably will acquire some trademark payments to Wizards.)
Collected together, even with mass production, that's still pricey and they have to make profit.

B&G has always been about prestige "high end collector" products. These are indeed aimed at whales, and sometimes I do wish I could get my hands on some of what they make but common sense kicks in and reminds me I have bills to pay and that money can buy a lot of other more useful stuff. But I can see where the market is for this, and I know of at least one cohort of mine who I am sure will buy at least one of these dice sets for his collection. I can't say, if I walked in to the game store and saw the Tomb of Horrors (and I prefer the 80's cover myself fyi) sitting on the shelf that I wouldn't cave and buy it. In fact, I probably would. Which is why I am happy B&G tends to be a prestige thing that never shows up in the stores in my neck of the woods =)

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