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College of Metahumans [Closed]

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I aim to misbehave
Rybaer said:
I was just reading over some of the character concepts...which are all pretty cool, by the way.

A minor rules question pertaining to one of Proton's powers came to mind. His Energy Control: Magnetic power has the extra: Flight and the flaw: Full Power Only. Does that mean he can only fly at full speed, or does the flaw only apply to the core power? With the maneuverability rules in place, that could be a rather dicey proposition in a lot of settings.

Just curious.

That's a tough one to interpret. Frankly, I was looking at the Telekinesis power and the energy blast as being full power only. He isn't really comfortable at moving things magnetically, or using that force to blast with. The Flight I could do with full power but it would be difficult to adjudicate.

I may just drop the whole thing and go with Flight linked to Density control with a couple of manueverability extra's tossed on.



First Post
A little late seeing this, but I'd like to submit a character. Hopefully, I'll have one completed sometime this afternoon or evening :)

Woops, gonna take a bit longer than that, but I do have a nice solid character idea that shouldn't step on anyone elses toes. Should actually be ready tomorrow night, complete with a good background.
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Dark Nemesis

First Post
Looking forward to reading it, Calinon!

Just a note to everyone, I am going to stop accepting characters on Thursday. I should have the final decision regarding who is playing before the weekend.


First Post
Cosmic Power

Name: Mai Hoshiko
Size: Medium
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 98 pounds
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Occupation: Student

STR 11 0
DEX 18 +4
CON 12 +1
INT 14 +2
WIS 12 +1
CHA 12 +1

DMG +3/+6
REF +6

SPEED 30/60/120
FLIGHT 35/70/17920

DEF 19


Acrobatics* [10/6]
Balance [10/6]
Bluff [1]
Concentration [1]
Craft [2]
Diplomacy [3/2]
Disguise [1]
Escape Artist [4]
Forgery [2]
Gather Info [1]
Hide [5/1]
Intimidate [1]
Jump [2/2]
Knowledge: [2]
Listen [1]
Medicine* [5/4]
Move Silent [5/1]
Perform [1]
Science (untrained) [2]
Search [5/3]
Sense Motive [3/2]
Spot [3/2]
Survival [1]
Taunt [1]

The first seven immunities come from my powers
Immunity (Super) (suffocation, pressure, heat, cold)
Immunity (Super) (electricity, radiation, starvation)
Immunity (Super) (critical hits) Linked to force field only
Identity Change (Super) (can switch to hero form)
Darkvision (Super) (can see in total darkness)
Evasion (use ref save instead of dmg save)
Dodge (+1 def, or +2 def to one opponent)
Instant Stand (standing up is a free action)
Greater Fortitude (+2 fort save)
Iron Will (+2 will saves)
Lightning Reflexes (+2 ref saves)
Toughness (+2 to damage saves)

Power is based off of Cosmic Power, with the excluded flaw taken
or things that didn't fit the concept.
Black Star Magic [+7]
.base: energy blasts (stun) [+7]
..stunt: dazzle [+7]
...extra: dazzle burst [+7]
..stunt: snare [+7]
.base: force field [+7]
.base: flight [+7]
..stunt: super flight [+7]
..stunt: space flight [+7]
..extra: maneuverability (3) [+7]
.base: immunities [+7]
.flaw: transmute not available
.flaw: cosmic sense not available
.stunt: energy field [+7]
.stunt: healing [+7]


abilities [19]
base att [9]
base def [8]
skills [13]
feats [19]
powers [82]
weakness [0]
total [150]
unspent [0]

Mai Hoshiko is a young woman heralding from Japan. Her family lived in one of the many fishing villages along the coast, where her father worked as a fisherman and her mother as a seamstress in a local factory. Hoshiko is their only child, born during a clear night under a star filled sky while the family vacationed.

Despite her humble beginnings, Hoshiko showed great promise, both as an athelete, where she excelled as a gymnast in her teen years, and later as a student, where she wants to continue on to practice medicine. Her skill in both have earned her many scholarships and grants to continue her education, most of that being had in the big city, away from her family. But while this sounds normal enough, her life took a drastic change when she was young.

While attending a hot spring on vacation, Hoshiko wandered off alone, finding a secluded spring to bathe in. It was here that an old woman found her, and told her of a legend of old, of a girl who received great magical powers from the cosmos. The girl had borne witness to the black star, a thing of cosmic beauty that only a rare few could witness. Looking up at the night sky, the woman asked if Hoshiko could see it, and looking up and following the woman’s gaze, she found a star, pitch black against the dark purple-black sky. The entire pool became hazed in shadow, the sky seemed to vanish until all she could see was that star. And when the darkness lifted, she was again alone.

Her powers manifested themselves soon after.

She found her physical abilities raised to a new level. Her body seemed changed; faster, stronger, more healthy. Even her mind became stronger. She could see in perfect darkness, did not seem to need to breath or eat, and seldom felt any pressure changes where her ears would normally pop under water or climbing a mountain during vacation. And then things started to get weird.

Sometimes, her body completely changed, taking on an obsidian hue filled with tiny motes of light, like winking stars. In this form, she could perform amazing feats! She could fly like a bird, use dark energies to protect herself in a swirling sphere that protected and could harm, and even project beams of darkness from her eyes to harm, entrap, or blind other creatures. And most joyous to her, her very touch could heal. But how to conceal the strange power and the strange look she undertook upon it manifesting.

Just thinking those thoughts cause the powers to recede, still at her beck and call, but hidden away. She began to experiment with her powers, and fueled by comics and television heroes she began a dual life; one as a gymnast and student, and another as a night-time vigilante, hidden behind her other persona. Now, just turned 18, she has received an invitation to a private school, one that promises to greatly advance her education in many ways, including her secret powers as a metahuman, something she thought very few new about. This is an exciting thought for her, since she knows virtually nothing of the power that inhabits her.

Appearance and Personality
Hoshiko is a very thin japanese girl with straight, waist-length, black hair and rich brown eyes. She has a very athletic build and tends to dress in conservative fashion. She has a very positive outlook on life, enjoys helping others and wants very badly to become a doctor.

In the form of Black Star, Hoshiko’s skin and clothes meld to her, and she takes on the form of a taller, more statuesque woman composed of darkness and starlight. Her clothing melds to her and she appears jet black with motes of light winking on and off within her. Her lips are purple, as hare her eyes, with black stars for pupils. Her hair takes on the same appearance as her body, black with winking starlight within.

All of her powers manifest themselves with similar affects. Her energy blasts and dazzle effects come from her eyes, black jets of power laced with white sparkles. Her snare power emits from her hands, liquidic jets of blackness that bind opponents. Her area affect dazzle is a summoned, crackling ball of energy that she hurls at opponents. Her force field is a clear field of stars that surrounds her in a globe, very obvious, though she can allow objects to pass throug it at will so that it does not hamper her at all. She can bring an energy field up around her body which crackles lick black electricity. When she heals, her power mainfests in a black glow around the subject. Her flight powers leave a trail of darkness behind her for five seconds.

Family and Friends
Mai Hani – Her mother, who is supportive of her daughters scholastic achievments, but very much not supportive of her extra-curricular, meta-human activities.

Mai Tanaka – Her father, who wishes Hoshiko was a boy. He dotes instead on her younger brother, also named Tanaka.

Mai Tanaka Jr. – Her younger brother and brat who loves tormenting Hoshiko. Despite this, he is the only member of her family to revel in her secret super-powers, and encourages her to use them.

Hoshimora Kenji – Her best friend in Japan. She is a brilliant student, studying medicine as well, but at a much higher level than Hoshiko. She’s two years older, and the two became fast friends when Hoshiko rescued her from an assault in Tokyo and discovered Hoshiko’s secret identity.

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First Post
sorry to say it but I won't submit a character. I know I will regret it in the end but I stretched myself too far at the moment and can't handle another character.


First Post
Stats for character:

Character Name: Jason Franks
Code Name:
Power Level: 10
Sex: Male
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 190 lbs
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue-green
Occupation: wannabe college student, current employee for local Circle K (work nights).

Abilities [pp: 14]
Strength: 14 +2
Dexterity: 14 +2/+10 (normal/alternate form - does not modify ranged attacks)
Constitution: 14 +2
Intelligence: 10 +0
Wisdom: 14 +2
Charisma: 8 -1

Fortitude: +2
Damage: +2
Reflex: +2
Will: +2
In Alternate Form, he also has Protection 8.

Weaknesses [+20 pp]
Transformation - whenever Jason suffers extreme mental stress he can undergo an uncontrollable transformation into his Alternate Form by failing a Will save vs. DC 15.
Disturbing - whenever Jason's body undergoes it's change into it's spider form he is disturbing to look at, causing a -5 penalty to Bluff and Diplomacy checks, can't pass in normal society, and may also cause fear in those who wouldn't understand who he is.

Base Foot Speed: 30 ft/60 ft/120 ft
Clinging: 30 ft
Leaping: 40 ft standing jump/??? ft running jump
Swinging: 40 ft/80 ft/160 ft (sacrifice Dex bonus if going full distance)

Combat [pp: 22]
Initiative: +2/+14 (normal/alternate form)
Base Attack: +6
--melee: +8
--ranged: +8
--mental: +8
Base Defense: +2
--Defense: 14/23/24 (14 is not in Alternate Form, 23 is in Alternate Form, 24 if using full dodge vs. one opponent)
--Flat-footed: 12
--Mental: 14

Claw/Fang: +8 to hit, 10L.
--Drain Strength: rank 8 Strength Drain linked with claw/fang (used by choice)
Punch: +8 to hit, 2S (normal form)

Feats [pp: 32]
Either form -
Immunity Disease, Poison, Critical Hits [6 pp]

Alternate form -
Dodge, Evasion, All-Around Sight, Darkvision, Blindsight, Surprise Strike, Rapid Strike, Power Attack, Takedown Attack, Penetrating Attack x2 (claw/fang), Improved Initiative, All-out Attack. [26 pp]

Powers [pp: 96]
Base Power - Alternate Form: Swarm of Spiders rank 8 [40pp]
--Protection (8)
--Elasticity (8)
--Natural Weapons (Claws/Fangs) (8)
--Leaping (8) [8pp]
--Swinging (8) [8pp]
--Super-Senses (8) [8pp]
--Super-Dexterity (8) [24pp]
power stunts:
--Drain - Strength (linked to claws/fangs) (8) [2pp]
--Clinging (8) [2pp]
--Microscopic Vision (8) [2pp]
--Combat Sense (8) [2pp]

Skills [6pp] (normal/alternate form)
Move Silently: 2 + 2/10 = +4/+12
Spot: 2 + 2/+10 = +4/+12
Listen: 2 + 2/+10 = +4/+12
Acrobatics: 2 +2/+10 = +4/+12
Climb: 2 + 2/+10 = +4/+12
Knowledge-chess: 2 + 0 = +2

Total Costs
Abilities: 14
Base Attack: 18
Base Defense: 4
Skills: 6
Powers: 96
Feats: 32
Weaknesses: -20
unspent: 0
Total spent: 150

Note: For the Alternate Form, the spiders look like a cross between a black widow and a tarantula.

Jason Franks has always been a troubled person. From as early as he can remember he has had horrible nightmares, and they were always spider related. Nothing his mother did, or the institutions she took him to, helped him with them.

He was raised as a single kid by a single mother. She never told him about his father, or who he was, except that he died in a car crash shortly after she got pregnant. (Real fact: his mother was raped by a man and she didn't want to tell anybody about that, and she never knew that the man who raped her was a werespider). She never got pregnant again, and she did her best to love him and raise him.

He was homeschooled most of his life, never fitting into the public school system. He tried a few times, but he was either picked on by bullies, fell asleep in class and had nightmares at school, or lashed out against the teachers when they tried punishing him. This behavior continued until he turned 18.

At 18, a special mental institution had created a secret testing drug that was supposed to get rid of nightmares, and desperate for her son, Jason's mother put Jason in the program. Amazingly enough, it seemed to have worked, and Jason had a real full night's sleep. Unfortunately, it had unpreditable side-effects.

Jason, nor his mom, nor anybody else at the institution, knew that Jason had variant genetics in his body. So far, the only thing he had experienced was nightmares, but this drug intensified his genetics. The nightmares did go away, but his body started to change. He didn't become aware of the changes until one fateful day he got news by his doctors that his mother had been in an accident and was in the hospital. Enraged and stressed, Jason lost control of his body. He fully changed into a hoarde of spiders, lashed out at his doctors and killed them. It wasn't until after he broke out of the institution and waking up from falling unconsciout because of the change that he realized what he had done.

He went to go visit his mother, who was alive long enough for her to say the words, "I love you Jason, you are a special boy with a special gift. Do me proud." Then she died. Jason cried. The police still don't know who exactly committed the murders, but on file they have what looks like a massive swarm of spiders swarming over everything.

Six months later, Jason was working the first job of his life at the local Circle K, when a stranger walked in and handed him an envelope. Inside was a letter, asking him to attend a special school. With nothing else pressing, and the chance to maybe meet a girl someday at a school, Jason will at least go check out what this school is all about.


First Post
Destroyah G-1 (Maxwell Helmdig)

PL 10

Gender: Male
Height: 6’
Weight: 220 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Skin: White

Attributes: [Cost 28 pts.]
STR: 14+2
DEX: 18+4
CON: 18 +4
INT: 14+2
WIS: 12+1
CHA: 12+1

Defense: 18 [10+4 Base,+4 Dex]; flatfooted 14 [4 Base]; mental 15 [4 Base, 1 Wis]
Initiative: +8 [+4 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative]
BAB: +7 [Cost 21 pts.]
BDB: +4 [Cost 8 pts.]
Melee: +9 [+7 BAB,+2Str}
Ranged: +11 [+7 BAB, +4 Dex]
Speed: 30' [30 Base]

Damage: +4 [+4 Con]
Fort: +4 [+4 Con]
Reflex: +6 [+4 Dex, +2 Lightning Relexes]
Will: +1 [+1 Wis]

Hero Points: 5

Superpowers: [Cost 80 pts.]
Disintegration +10 (Power Stunts: None; Flaws: None; Source; Mutation; Cost: 3 pp/rank) 30 pp.

Force Field +10 (Power Stunts: None; Extras: Affect Others, Deflection, Immunity [Critical Hits, Electricity, Fire, Ice, Kinetic, Light, Magnetic, Radiation, Sonic, Pressure; Flaws: None; Source: Mutation; Cost: 4 pp/rank) 40 pp.

Amazing Save (Damage) +10 (Power Stunts: None; Extras: None; Flaws: None; Source: Mutation; Cost: 1 pp/rank) 10 pp.

Feats: [Cost 8 pts.]
Lightning Reflexes
Rapid Healing
Improved Initiative
Surprise Strike

Skills: [Cost 5 pts.]
Knowledge (Engineering) +10

Abilities [28]
BAB [21]
BDB [8]
Skills [5]
Feats [8]
Powers [80]
Total [150]


Currently under review by Dark Nemesis. I will post a detailed background once I hear back. The short version is that Max thinks there is no greater task than saving and protecting lives. While he wouldn't say it is his "Calling" he would always choose the option that is the safest for innocent bystandards. He is willing to take great personal risk for himself if it could in any way result in increased lives saved or greater safety for society as a whole.

Voidrunner's Codex

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