• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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Moderator Emeritus
Great! Limitless healing!

Now all we need are for a few more feats along these lines in order to remove all need to think ahead or deal with adversity! :p

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...if it is, indeed, "limitless" healing. There could be a "max HP healed" or something.

Or it could just be that wotc has gone nuts and knows that every group will buy the book just for this feat, because it's so good that they NEED it. "Complete Mage syndrome" and all that jazz.


Moderator Emeritus
Wik said:
...if it is, indeed, "limitless" healing. There could be a "max HP healed" or something.

That's true - we haven't seen how it actually works yet. . I should not jump to conclusions.


Voadam said:
Infinite full heals between combats for a feat and a cure light wounds spell.

Go full out all day without having to stop for the healers to get back their spells. Now you can adventure through a dungeon without one of the big reasons to stop and camp.
Oh man, is this ever gonna bug the resource management fans. There'll be a whole lot of campains that do not allow this one.


Possibly not suitable for all styles of game. Probably suitable for some of my own games, though! I already use a "hit point reserve" system that allows the PCs to participate in more combats at full HP strength.

Doug McCrae

GreatLemur said:
Oh man, is this ever gonna bug the resource management fans. There'll be a whole lot of campains that do not allow this one.
There are still many resources to conserve - spells, expendable items, uses per day items and uses per day abilities such as rage. It favours non-casters as now they can keep going all day long. Anything that favours non-casters is a good thing imo, as they get the shaft at the moment.

That said parties might well still rest when out of spells, changing little.


Mercule said:
And the paladin gets lay-on-hands why, again?

2 big reasons remain

Combat healing big amounts in one shot.

Combat punching undead with positive energy. (The paladin in our party killed a vampire in the Banewarrens this way).


I doubt the feat is "limitless healing". I'm sure you could only heal a character a certain amount of hp per day or you can only heal a creature with it once per day or some other such limitation.

Also, if you're reading this WotC, can you PLEASE stop making prestige classes that're rooted in something campaign specific!?

How the heck am I supposed to alter the Mythic Exemplar prestige class to fit in the Forgotten Realms? Is there a Realms-adaptation for it or something? Please make prestige classes more generic in flavor and less campaign-specific. Maybe I don't want to introduce the Disciples of Legend in my Realms game, there's a hell of a lot of organizations established in the Realms as it is.


I don't think it will affect resource management *at all*

Lets assume a typical party of four 5th level iconic PCs. They go against a low level challenge (8 orcs). The orcs might get some blows in, but ultimately the group takes only minor damage.

Under the current system, the cleric either uses his CLW spells OR a wand, scroll or potion to patch up, or the PCs sit with 80-90% of their hp (and I will eat my hat if you know a PC who goes into the next room with less than 80% hp if healing is available). Now, the PCs get a couple touches and boom, they are 100% healed.

Now, they face a terrible foe, like a giant. Something that can deal horrible damage. Our fighter (who has 40 hp) takes 22 from a giant's swing. He's down to 18 hp. The cleric now has a choice: Touch for 9 hp (total 27), or use the reserve spell for 3d8+5 hp (ave 18, or 36 hp). The choice is even HARDER if that was a crit and the fighter is at 8 hp (17 or 26?).

I don't know if anyone else does it this way, but when the cleric is nearly out of healing, we STOP. We camp in the woods and heal up. It costs us two days rations and a couple checks on the wandering monster table, but its better than going against that giant with only 80% of our hp and/or 50% of our spells. It will increase the speed of play, lead to less time spent camping (aka wasting time) and allow for more interesting storytelling. Thats OK by me.

Again, I'll wait for the full text (C'mon WotC, let that text slip) but I like the idea of being able to heal some between battles without draining the cleric of his big heals.

Voidrunner's Codex

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