Complete Warrior: Exotic Weapon Master PrC (Approved)


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As you can guess, I want to do a Figther that will have for main weapon, a spiked chain, and take advantage of his many use (reach, bonus to disarm, possible trip, ect...). In that sense, this prestige class would be welcome, giving more depth to his style.

It is a quick 3 level PrC that have high BAB, high Fort, d10 hit dice, 2+Int skill points with very limited skill choices, and an exotic weapon ability at each level.

Because of the confusing description that looks too powerfull, Uncanny Blow would not be avalaible
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Rystil Arden

First Post
Erekose13 said:
Always looked a little weak to me on both flavor and balance, but other than that I would allow it without hesitation.
You're right that it is usually not worth even mentioning, but a few of the tricks when taken in combination with the right feats and the right exotic weapon (often a spiked chain) can create monsters.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Rystil Arden said:
You're right that it is usually not worth even mentioning, but a few of the tricks when taken in combination with the right feats and the right exotic weapon (often a spiked chain) can create monsters.
So, do you suggest a No vote, or specific things to keep it from being a monster? Is it in "monster" form more broken than what we have now?

I have not any experience with them, so that is why I ask.

Rystil Arden

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stonegod said:
So, do you suggest a No vote, or specific things to keep it from being a monster? Is it in "monster" form more broken than what we have now?

I have not any experience with them, so that is why I ask.
Well, it requires a very specific combination of abilities, and I can't even remember them all right now, so it shouldn't be a problem. More than likely, it isn't the EWM part that's broken. The last trick needs clarification though--as worded by RAW it appears to claim that you can get 2 for 1 Power attack wielding a bastard sword one-handed, though if you clarify to say it means that you get 2 for 1 when two-handing it, then it is redundant with the base rules.


First Post
True, the last power, when read, it's look like you must use it two handed for all effect, but give nothing to the Power Attack. I've taken a look to the errata and it doesn't seems like there would be a mistake.

But, just teh bonus of x2 instead of x1.5 seems quite enough, mainly if you put it in the hand of an orc barbarian with his bastard sword, he would be more eficient than having the same barbarian with a two-handed sword.


Yeah uncanny blow as written does nothing with power attack, unless you take it to mean what RA reads into it *(which I can see too). I say just remove it.

Power attack already does *2 dmg bonus with weapons weilded with two hands anyways.


First Post
Would it seems right if it would be:

Uncanny Blow:
- Using a one handed exotic weapon two-handed, you are able to put twice your strenght bonus to damage instead of the usual 1.5.
- Using a one handed exotic wepaon in one hand, you are able to use your Power Attack feat just like if you were using it two-handed.


using any one-handed weapon in two hands grants you the additional *2 damage from power attack. so this would allow you to use a one handed weapon in one hand and gain *2 damage.

Actually now that I think on it, an ability that you take a PrC for, that doesn't sound too bad.

Rystil Arden

First Post
Erekose13 said:
using any one-handed weapon in two hands grants you the additional *2 damage from power attack. so this would allow you to use a one handed weapon in one hand and gain *2 damage.

Actually now that I think on it, an ability that you take a PrC for, that doesn't sound too bad.
One level in a PrC with no major prereqs? That's *huge*. Keep in mind that 2-for-1 power attack is, by the designers' admission, already an overpowered bargain for a 2-handed weapon (it should have been 1.5x, but they thought D&D players were too stupid to calculate 1.5x on the fly for an everchanging number each round).

Voidrunner's Codex

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