Contest Deadlines


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Each year, Bards and Sages sponsors a charity writing contest. This year, 100% of the reading fees for the contest will be donated to the Children’s Literacy Initiative. Thanks to our wonderful co-sponsors, this year will be the biggest yet, with not only $600 in prizes, but free gifts and drawings just for entering. On April 30th, we will be holding a drawing to give away $25 in digital products from Dog Soul Publishing as part of our 2008 writing contest. All entries received by April 29th will be included in the April 30th drawing. If you don’t win, your entry will roll over to the following drawing on August 30th.

If you are still polishing your entry and don’t think it will be ready to submit by the 29th, you can still enter now by paying the reading fee, and send your submission when it is ready. Visit the contest page for complete information.

The 2008 writing contest is co-sponsored by Creative Mountain Games, Dog Soul Publishing, Ikthalion Press, and Gryphonwood Press.

Also, World Book Day is April 23rd, but there is still time to win a chance to send a bouquet of roses to your favorite librarian! Plus find out how you can win a $10 gift certificate to RPGNOW. Learn more at our gather page.

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