Monster Junkie
No, since they can also fly the magic item about and manipulate it as if by "unseen hands".
So, a blending of the two?
No, since they can also fly the magic item about and manipulate it as if by "unseen hands".
So, a blending of the two?
I think the idea was that the tarsardar could "wield itself" when occupying a magic item, so if it occupied a weapon it could attack with its "body".
That means it would need a Strength score or the equivalent, perhaps Str = Cha?
Uggh, never liked incorporeals with Str, but I guess it makes sense in this case.
Glad you didn't go with a template; the "former lives" bit seemed like a throwaway that didn't fit with the rest of the monster.
Anyway: for this ability, we need flying, attacking, using any magical ability of the item. Right?
Not necessarily. It could simply function as something like a spiritual weapon (or just state within the ability that it attacks as if it had Str x).
So not really a Str score, just an effective one for the animated item? That works for me.
The same flight as the tarsardar itself also works. Want to put that all together?