Converting original D&D and Mystara monsters


You must have some of that lying around. ;)

Slithering out from beneath the settee, the languid flavour flicked its tongue in the air in quest for the scent of its prey. This fearsome aberration is much feared throughout the Forums of Enworld for its habit of devouring RPG thread posters too lazy to suggest any background text of their own...:devil:

...looks like you should have been more cautious about what monstrous flavour text I might have lying around. :p

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Those of you who survived the encounter with the Languid Flavour, how about this text for the Xytar:


A xytar is a reptilian carnivore that could be mistaken for a wingless, six-legged dragon. They are well adapted for life in hot deserts, and can survive without water for weeks. Aggressive and persistent predators, Xytar eat any living creature they can kill. Particularly strong packs of xytar may attack small settlements on the fringes of the desert. There are usually no survivors from xytar attacks, they typically use their impressive tracking skills and stamina to pursue any prey who tries to escape.

The sis'thik lizardfolk, and a few other races, use xytars as mounts. A trained xytar is particularly effective in battle, but training xytars is a difficult and dangerous endeavor.

A typical xytar is 8 feet long and weighs 2,000 pounds.


A xytar normally unleashes its breath weapon at the start of combat and then closes to use its bite attack. They are highly aggressive, and usually pursue any opponents who flee from them.

The camarilla is a slightly larger cousin of the xytar, weighing around 3,000 pounds. Its tough yellow ochre hide is usually mottled on back and flanks with brown and orange. Camarilla are completely immune to fire. These creatures are the preferred mounts of the four-armed sand folk.


I not only survived...I LEVELED! :cool:

That looks very flavorful. Savory and sweet. Updated.

Hold on, the Xytar's hit points don't include the +10 from its Con bonus.

Its Hit Dice should be 5d12+10 (42 hp), not (32).

Also, should we cut the Lizard from its "Lizard, Xytar" name since it's now a lizard-like primitive dragon?

Apart from that I think we're good to go.


Monster Junkie
Did we have any other creatures tangentially related to Mystaran lizardfolk before moving on to something new?

Voidrunner's Codex

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