It's not so much a correction as a quibble, but I've just noticed the CC conversion of Gorgosaurus has "A gorgosaurus is a smaller, leaner relative of the famous tyrannosaurus, also known as the albertosaurus" as the first line of the background information. That could be interpreted as saying Tyrannosaurus has Albertosaurus as a synonym rather than Gorgo.
Would you object to me swapping the final sentence-fragment to the front, making it "Also known as albertosaurus, a gorgosaurus is a smaller, leaner relative of the famous tyrannosaurus"?
Incidentally, the only currently recognized species, Gorgosaurus libratus might actually be an Albertosaurus instead - the two genera are so alike paleontologists are divided on the issue whether to, well, keep them divided or combine them into one genus. Since old Albert's genus has precedence that'd make Gorgo Albertosaurus libratus.
The Gorgosaurus has had quite a few synonyms, since it was first discovered in the 19th century when paleontologists were a lot more enthusiastic about creating new families and genera.
Would you object to me swapping the final sentence-fragment to the front, making it "Also known as albertosaurus, a gorgosaurus is a smaller, leaner relative of the famous tyrannosaurus"?
Incidentally, the only currently recognized species, Gorgosaurus libratus might actually be an Albertosaurus instead - the two genera are so alike paleontologists are divided on the issue whether to, well, keep them divided or combine them into one genus. Since old Albert's genus has precedence that'd make Gorgo Albertosaurus libratus.
The Gorgosaurus has had quite a few synonyms, since it was first discovered in the 19th century when paleontologists were a lot more enthusiastic about creating new families and genera.