I'd be happy to add the robe of eyes and cube of force.
I can wait.
I'd totally forgotten about this one.
I think we might as well update the equipment and then move on. Treasure=equipment?
Hmm, I wouldn't be surprised if hawks sometimes eat ducks...
Advancement and LA both nill since she's unique?
In human form, the hawk lord is a beautiful, independent-looking woman with charismatic features. She carries herself with confidence and a noble demeanor. In animal form, she is a large hawk with distinctive whi markings and a tremendous wingspan.
Combat: Of the four animal lords detailed here, the hawk lord fights most weakly in human form. Her THAC0 increases to 20 when human, and she has no proficiency in any weapon. She can cast charm person, as per the wizard spell, seven times per day.
In animal form, the hawk lord can use her claws (ld6 points of damage) and beak (ld4 points of damage). However, she prefers a plummeting dive from 100 feet or higher. She may not attack with her beak when diving, but her claw attacks gain +2 to hit and do 2d6 points of damage apiece.
Yes, I was going to make them both "—".
I think you still need to update with "equipment" on the treasure line.
It's been so long since we've worked on her that I don't have a good feel for things like tactics and stuff. Let's see, it says
Maybe she mostly prefers charming folks (and using social skills) in human form and melee in hybrid when required. But when forced to fight, she prefers to use diving attacks, as a dire hawk against tough but slow opponents and a regular hawk against more agile opponents. Think that's a good base?