Updating the Hawk Lord Working Draft.
Looks like we're done.
Shall we move on the the next Animal Lord?
Updating the Hawk Lord Working Draft.
Yes, I guess so. The cat lord has a 3.X conversion already in the ELH
so how about the lizard?
We've also got a "Cat Lord" in the Creature Catalogue's Animal Lord template (based on the Leopard, so it should really be a "Leopard Lord").
Flavor-wise, each Animal Lord represents all animals of its "kind", so there's no Leopard Lord or Lion Lord, just a single Cat Lord.
That said, the Planescape Cat Lord is a separate character from the Greyhawk Cat Lord ("Rexfelis"), whom she supposedly replaced in Planescape's lore.
Ahh, that girdle.
How about we get on with the lizard?
Lizard Lord
Climate/Terrain: Beastlands
Frequency: Unique
Organization: Solitary
Activity Cycle: Any
Diet: Carnivore
Treasure: Nil
Alignment: Neutral
No. Appearing: 1
Armor Class: 3
Movement: 15
Hit Dice: 15 (122 hp)
THAC0: 5
No. of Attacks: See below
Damage/Attack: See below
Special Attacks: Hypnotism
Special Defenses: Danger sense, weapon immunity
Magic Resistance: 50%
Size: See below
Morale: Champion (15-16)
XP Value: 18,000
Lizard Lord
The lizard lord is one of the most easily recognized animal lords. He sometimes appears as an imperious human male with the jeweled, beaded skin of a gila monster. In animal form, he appears as a huge gila monster or komodo dragon.
Combat: In human form the lizard lord rarely uses weapons, preferring instead to depend on his strong hypnotism ability. Creatures meeting the lizard lord’s gaze must save vs. spell at a -3 penalty or become susceptible to the lord’s suggestions.
In animal form, the lizard lord may bite for 2d6 points of damage. Any creature bitten on an attack roll of natural 20 takes double damage and is trapped in the animal lord’s jaws, thereafter taking normal damage each round until the victim escapes or dies. The lizard lord is also immune to attacks by blunt weapons in this form.
Habitat/Society: The lizard lord is one of the most aloof animal lords. He rarely takes human form, and even less rarely involves himself in the affairs of nonreptile kind. Usually sedentary, he only infrequently rouses himself out of his torpor, and that only at some great calamity to his people. Once active, however, he is implacable in his anger and desire for vengeance.
First off, let's recap the original stats:
I guess I would say all 4 forms you suggest are good. The hypnotism sounds like suggestion as an SLA, but I honestly think dominate would work better. It's a gaze attack, so we could just crib from the vampire.
Anyway, first things first. The original HD is the same as the hawk lord, so 37HD to keep them the same?