Lady Ozma of the 8 Deities
"The Lady of Conquest, The Goddess of War, Lady of Desire, Goddess of Winter"
A beautiful, muscular, voluptuous and statuesque woman stands before you, she stands over 7 feet tall. Her dark eyes burn into your soul, you meet her gaze and something happens, you can't seem to look away though a strange fear grips you but only for a moment.
Her hair is long and platinum blonde, softly glowing, her skin a golden silvery color almost metallic. She smiles at you with her perfect lips revealing sharp canine teeth much like a vampire but not as pronounced. She wears revealing gold and leather armor accentuating her figure and showing an ample amount of skin, but also protecting the most vital areas, Her muscles look corded and built, but lithe, like the muscles of a gymnast, or a warrior who relies on speed. Her gaze stares through you into your soul. Something about her makes you want to do anything for her, you can't imagine not.
She's perfection.
She sees this in you, her eyes narrow as she smirks slightly and with a voice like a well composed general she says to you "Greetings mortal, I am Ozma of the 8 Deities, do you know why I've brought you here?" Her voice stern but with a slight sweetness.
You stammer, unable to easily reply, she approaches and kneels down, she touches your arm and takes your hand.
"I want you to be my champion. I need you. Will you do this for me?"
A sophomoric feeling of trying to impress a person you like goes through you. You can't imagine not doing as she asks.
Medium Outsider (Living Construct, Paragon Half Leshay-Half Succubus Infernal)
Divine Rank 18 (Greater Deity)
Hit Dice: 90d20 (50 Leshay (Fey 25, Houndsman 25) 10 Tome Shadow Dancer, 10 Commando, 20 Houndsman, <10 Gestalt Assassin>) 1800 +1800 Epic Toughness, +1080 Paragon, +630 boons of the 7 springs, +6300 Con (11,610 hp, 23,220 in divine realm or Vajra )
Armor Class: 1150 (+40 Armor, +8 Shield, +350 Dex, +175 Circumstance, +35 natural, +468 Deflection, +18 Divine, +42 Insight, +12 Luck) Touch 800, Flat Footed 1075
Initiative: Always First 214 (175 dex, 39 Div bonus and feats)
Speed: 1,890, fly 2,700 perfect (x3 Vajra form)
Base Attack/Grapple (CMB/CMD): 72/ 804 (804/989)
+60 Keen Brilliant Energy Soulblades (Poisoned): +947 Melee: 40d10 +270d8 Love, +135d4 Force, 135d6 Ice, +45d8 Force/Ice, +175 Dex, +60 Ench, +20 Luck, +18 Divine, +Godbane Venom, + Uuvudaum Essence (4,588 avg) 10-20/x4 Crit (18,352)
Bite: +917 Melee 15d10 +270d8 Love, +135d4 Force, 135d6 Ice, +45d8 Force/Ice, +175 Dex, +20 Luck, +18 Divine + Spell Suck (4,278 avg) 18-20/x4 Crit (17,112 avg)
+34 Keen Brilliant Energy Triple Shot Soul Arrows (Poisoned) +30 Arrows: +977 Melee: 10d10 +45d8 Love, +22d4 Force, 22d6 Ice, +45d8 Force/Ice, +64 Ench, +20 Luck, +18 Divine, +45 Favored Foe, +Godbane Venom, + Uuvudaum Essence (1,362 avg) 12-20/x7 Crit, Range Line of Sight (9,534 Crit)
Full Attack: 13 attacks Soulblades + Bite, 15 attacks Soul Arrows
Special Attacks: Icy Aura, Love Aura, Force Aura, Charm Gaze, Leshay Weapons, Spell Suck, Spell Like Abilities (DC 875), Grab, Summon Fiend, Learned Spell Immunity,
Wish 16xday, Energy Drain, Profane Gift
Special Qualities: Damage Reduction 100/+8 (15/-), SR 133, Divine Immunities, Immunity to: Acid, Fire, Electricity, Fear, Polymorphing and Mind Influencing Effects, Starflight, Divine Aura (230,400 ft, Shadow Strike can be used as part of aura), Boon of the 8 Deities
Saves: Fort +768, Ref +873, Will +756
Abilities: Str 132(+61), Dex 366(+175), Con 150(+70), Int 136(+63), Wis 126(+58), Cha 428(+209) (Vajra all stats doubled)
Skills: All skills are at 121+ relevant ability modifier.
Feats/ Epic Feats: Perfect Two Weapon Fighting, Sticky Strike, Infinite Reflection, Legendary Archer, Greater Crit Multiplier, Greater Critical, Enhanced Archery, Perfect Three Weapon Fighting, Improved Combat Expertise (+175 to Dodge AC if needed), Epic Toughness, Medium Fortification, Light Eradication, Improved Finesse, Mobility, Etc, Impaling Shot (DC 875 vs Arrow stuck/ auto damage), Killer Instinct: Assassination attempt as standard action, Subtle Body, Tenacious Body, Skywalker, Underwalke etc, etc the basics for a Rogue type (most used for extra divine abilities)
Divine Abilities: Heavenly Mind/Spirit/Soul, Agile Mind/Spirit/Soul, Beautiful Mind/Spirit/Soul, *Legendary, *Celerity, Nescient, Precognition, Seventh Sense, Uncanny Dodge, X-Ray Vision, *Superior Sneak Attack, *Perfect Sneak Attack, Cozen (18), Extend Aura x6, *Living Construct, Perfect Initiative
Cosmic Abilities: *Spirit Stealer, Inner Eye, Nullification, Legendary Dexterity, Legendary Charisma, Cosmic Consciousness, Abrogate, Elusion, Extra Portfolio War, Extra Portfolio Winter
Portfolios: Lust x2, Winter, War
Environment: Shinkokku, Outer Planes
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: (official CR 160)
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Effective Class Level: 208
Combat: Lady Ozma is the second in command of the 8 Deities, a powerful Half Leshay Half Succubus Paragon Infernal, she's as rare a breed as they come. She is the top lieutenant of Lord Diaz and a powerful combatant. Before Lord Diaz rose to power 10 million years ago Ozma was one of the middling deities. With his rise to power, her loyalty to Diaz has been rewarded with recognition and though she may disagree with some of Diaz's ideals and goals, her loyalty to him and his cause trumps all other loyalties, even to Shinkokku or the Emperor himself.
Ozma is a terrifying foe to face in battle. She relies on her incredible speed and agility to dodge the abilities of enemies and uses her tactical step, elusion and improved evasion powers to avoid any attack she otherwise may be hit by. She will start combat by using precognition to gauge a foe and use her superior aura reach to get within reach and abrogate their most powerful ability while also nullifying their feats. Once so weakened, she will close with an enemy and slice them to pieces with her powerful +60 Soulblade. Having perfect three weapon fighting, she will unleash a barrage of lightning fast slashes and cuts upon disabled enemies and will whirlwind attack foes around her, though she is less able to face multiple attackers than a single foe at a time.
She uses her gaze attack to sow chaos among the ranks of enemies and she also has a very powerful bite attack which she makes full use of in combat and also uses her Power Word spell like abilities to further disable, stun, blind, and even kill foes she's in melee with. She also steals any spells enemies may have with her spell suck power and alters the enchantments on her blades as the situation calls for it.
Depending on the situation she may call upon polar storms, beams of fire from the sky and a multitude of other abilities to soften up foes and obliterate enemies.
If faced with a powerful foe who can circumvent her defenses, she will use hit and run tactics, testing enemies for any intellectual weaknesses or exploitable overreliances. She'll use any weaknesses she finds to wreak havoc relying on assassination attempts and sneak attacks to win the day cozening any pesky Divine Abilities the enemy may still be exploiting.
She is also a powerful natural magic user due to her Infernal Succubi and Leshay heritages, this gives her a massive arsenal of spell like abilities giving her more spellcasting options than most sorcerers and most of those abilities usable at will.
If truly faced with a foe she can't beat, she will teleport as far away as possible and use her Cosmic Consciousness and Soul Arrow abilities to rain damage down upon foes from lightyears away hoping to kill them by sniping them from a place they cant reach. She uses her quickened teleport ability to keep this up for a few more rounds if the enemy attempts to follow.
She will also summon her cadre of 4 advanced (90 HD/ Spiritual Growth) Cold subtype Pit Fiends, Kolyar, Nezebubuus, Folcar, and Goruum, who she will empower with both her Portfolio based summons powers and Profane Gift powers increasing their strength by 24 points, their charisma by 32 points, their HD by 50% (145 HD) and their Attack Bonus by 16 points. She'll futher empower one of them with her Companion Bond Power increasing one of their hit point totals by 66d8, increasing their attack bonus by 50 points, granting them an additional 30 Str and Dex, Improved Evasion and Multiattack abilities, she'll then send these 4 to slow down her foe and whittle them down while she regroups and makes another attempt to defeat the enemy in some way, even calling upon her massive starship to unleash an orbital bombardment upon the enemy,
She cannot actively retreat from combat but can make tactical retreats and can postpone a fight as long as she remains constantly focused on defeating the foe in the long run. So any battle she is forced to retreat from, she will always come back to later on even years later.
Energy Drain (Su): Ozma drains energy from beings, usually mortals, she lures into acts of passion, such as a kiss, at her discretion. An unwilling victim must be grappled before the Ozma can use this ability. At her will, Ozma's kiss bestows one negative level. The kiss also causes madness; this works as the Insanity spell except instead of the normal confusion effect, the victim irrationally believes the Ozmas is their one true love. How this belief causes the victim to act depends on the victim and varies wildly from complete infatuation, to worship, to irrational jealousy, even to attempts to kidnap and/or force oneself on Ozma, which ends in her annihilating the transgressor. Attempts at what the victim believes is a stable, healthy relationship are not unheard of and generally are rather hilarious to Ozma. Though she will sometimes humor the poor soul for a while. The victim must succeed on a DC 875 Will save to negate the Insanity. The DC is 875 for the Fortitude save against the level drain effect.
Profane Gift (Su): As a full-round action, Ozma may grant a profane gift to a willing creature by touching them for 1 full round. The target gains a profane bonus to an ability score of their choice. A single creature may have no more than one profane gift from Ozma at a time. As long as the profane gift persists, Ozma can communicate telepathically with the target across any distance (and may use her charm monster spell-like ability through it). A profane gift is removed by dispel evil or dispel chaos. Ozma can remove it as well as a free action (causing 2d6 Charisma drain to the victim, no save at her choice).
Ozma bestow up to six +4 bonuses per day to a single creature ( or a single +24 profane bonus to one stat) but not both. She can do this to up to 18 creatures per day.
Gaze (Su): All creatures who meet the gaze of Ozma become affected as if by Charm Monster. A Will save (DC 875) negates the effect. Each opponent within range of a gaze attack must attempt a saving throw each round at the beginning of his or her turn in the initiative order.
Learned Spell Immunity (Su): If Ozma is affected by a spell cast by a particular spellcaster, Ozma thereafter becomes immune to that spell when cast by that spellcaster.
Superior Two Weapon Fighting: Ozma can fight with both hands with equal efficiency. She is entirely ambidextrous and suffers no minuses Ozma does not take an attack or damage penalty for attacking with two weapons.
Cosmic Might (Ex): Deal a maximum of 90d20 base damage with virtual size categories for any unarmed or weapon strike unless otherwise stated.
Boon of the 8 Deities (Su): Any 'Soul, Mind, Body, Spirit' ability also has it's respective ability modifier added as an additional layer of deflection AC
Lust x2, War, Winter Portfolio: Ozma is the Goddess of Conquest, Sex, War and Winter. She gains the following abilities:
-Fire Vulnerability: Ozma takes 50% more damage from Fire based attacks
-Prey Hound: Ozma must roll a Will save DC 10 + Level +Divine Rank x2 (DC 122) to not actively exploit any being in peril or in a state of perceived vulnerability.
-Lemming's Wisdom: -32 to Wisdom
-Hostile Environment: Fire: Ozma suffers a -16 to all rolls when in an actively burning environment
-Love is Blind: -32 against Enchantment Effects
Cold Immunity
-Charisma Ward: Immunity to Charisma Drain or Damage, Extends to allies in Div Aura
-Battle Ready: Ozma g
ains no penalties for using any armor of shield
-Scion of Lust: Ozma gains a +32 Bonus on his Charisma
-Scion of War: +16 to attack rolls
-Scion of Winter: +16 to all rolls in cold, snowy, or icy environments
-Improved Summoning (Cold): Any cold based being summoned by Ozma have +50% HD
-Beautiful Brethren: +32 Charisma to any summoned creature
-Divine Cold: 50% of Cold Damage dealt is pure divine damage
-Sons of Battle: All allies summoned gain +16 to attack rolls
-Chink in the Armor: Ignore all Armor and Shield Bonus to AC (but not enchantment bonus)
-Embodiment of Lust: Immunities to Enchantments ineffective
-Uncanny Force Effect: See Below
-Uncanny Ice Effect: See Below
-Uncanny Love Effect x2: See Below
-Warrior's Soul:+16 Regeneration while actively in combat
-Icy Soul: +16 Regeneration in Cold, Icy or Snowy Environments
-Gorgeous Soul: Cha score to Regeneration
Force Effect (Su): Assaults foes with pure magic force.
Beam (Ray) 90d4 4,000 ft range
Blast 45d4 4,000 ft range/ 250ft. Standard action Ref DC 875/half
Blood 22d4 Melee Free action when struck Ref DC 875/half
Breath 45d4 250ft. cone, 1000ft line, Standard action Ref DC 875/half
Hand 135d4 Melee Touch or Unarmed Strike
Immolation 135d4 230,400ft radius blast, DC Ref DC 875/half
Storm 22d4 230,400ft radius, Ref DC 875/half or None, constant effect
Strike 22d4 Melee (bonus) Free -
Wrath (Gaze) 45d4 250ft cone DC 875 Will/none
Icy Effect (Su): Assaults foes with elemental cold damage. This ice is considered 50% Divine Damage bypassing defenses.
Beam (Ray) 90d6 4,000 ft range
Blast 45d6 4,000 ft range/ 250ft. Standard action Ref DC 875/half
Blood 22d6 Melee Free action when struck Ref DC 875/half
Breath 45d6 250ft. cone, 1000ft line, Standard action Ref DC 875/half
Hand 135d6 Melee Touch or Unarmed Strike
Immolation 135d6 230,400ft radius blast, DC Ref DC 875/half
Storm 22d6 230,400ft radius, Ref DC 875/half or None, constant effect
Strike 22d6 Melee (bonus) Free -
Wrath (Gaze) 45d6 250ft cone DC 875 Will/none
Love Effect (Su): Assaults foes with emotional damage. This deals 1d8 damage per hd (x2 double portfolio) of the user and causes a foes eyes to produce tears uncontrollably. This damage can be made subdual if the user so chooses too. If subdued in such a way the foe falls into a deep and catatonic depression, wracked with tortured guilt of past misdeeds and misconnections. This damage is entirely ineffective against foes without emotion or mindless enemies (Vermin, Constructs, certain Undead, Oozes Etc) though immunity to mind influencing effects is ineffective against it.
Beam (Ray) 180d8 4,000 ft range
Blast 90d8 4,000 ft range/ 250ft. Standard action Ref DC 875/half
Blood 45d8 Melee Free action when struck Ref DC 875/half
Breath 90d8 250ft. cone, 1000ft line, Standard action Ref DC 875/half
Hand 270d8 Melee Touch or Unarmed Strike
Immolation 270d8 230,400ft radius blast, DC Ref DC 875/half
Storm 45d8 230,400ft radius, Ref DC 875/half or None, constant effect
Strike 45d8 Melee (bonus) Free -
Wrath (Gaze) 90d6 250ft cone DC 875 Will/none
Nullification: Nullify all feats of all foes within your Divine Aura
Starflight(Sp): Can reach any place in the multiverse in 3d20 days.
Vajra Form: The 8 Deities can increase their overall combat effectiveness by pulling upon the power of the Mantra, This doubles all stats (str, dex, con etc) triples movement speed, and doubles their HP as if they were in their Divine Realm. HP is not increased for the increase to Con in this form, nor will it double their HP in their divine realm.
Divine Immunity(Ex): Immune to all environmental effects, Immune to all natural effects
Cosmic Consciousness: Ozma can see across the cosmos.
X-ray Vision: Ozma can see through up to a foot of matter.
Legendary Charisma: Charisma is doubled
Legendary Dexterity: Dexterity is doubled
Agile Soul, Spirit, Mind: Add Dexterity Modifier to Saves, Attack Rolls and DCs
Heavenly Soul, Spirit, Mind: Add Charisma Modifier to Saves, Attack Rolls and DCs
Beautiful Soul, Spirit, Mind: Add Charisma Modifier to Saves, Attack Rolls and DCs
Uncanny Dodge (Divine Ability): Gain Dex modifier to Dodge AC, Overlaps with existing Dodge AC.
Elusion: Ignore any attack by rolling a Reflex Save equal to the attack roll made against you.
Extend Aura x6: Increase range of Divine Aura to 230,400 feet.
Cozen: Steal up to 18 Divine Abilities of those you successfully Sneak Attack
Legendary: Gain the Monster of Legend template,
Template - Monster Of Legend
He has taken the following abilities:
-Immunities: Acid, Fear, Fire, and Mind Influencing Effects
-Regrow Limbs
Abrogate: One enemy within Ozma's Divine Aura has their strongest ability (chosen by Ozma) nullified
Inner Eye: Always rolling maximum on all dice rolls
Spirit Stealer: absorb all Quintessence that would otherwise be lost when destroying a divine foe
-Spell Like Abilities: Caster Level equal to HD+ Divine Bonus DC 546
Constant: Detect Good, Tongues
At Will: Animate Dead, Blasphemy, Blur, Charm Person, Create Undead, Darkness, Deeper Darkness, Desecrate, Detect Good/Law/Chaos, Detect Magic, Euphoric Tranquility, Fear, Fireball, Greater Invisibility, Hold Person, Major Image, Magic Circle, Mirror Image, Produce Flame, Polymorph Self, Pyrotechnics, Read Magic, Scrying, Suggestion, Symbol (Any), Telekinesis, Unholy Aura, Unholy Blight, Unhallow, Wall of Fire, Alter Self, Detect Thoughts, Displacement, Freedom, Heal, Knock, Speak with Plants, Spell Turning, Commune, Dream, Etherealness, Gias/Quest, Greater Dispel Magic, Greater Teleport, Magic Jar, Sending, Tongues, True Sight, Vampiric Touch, Water Breathing
16/day: Wish
6/day: Quickened Greater Teleport
3/day: See Invisibility, Haste, Banishment
1/day—Fire Storm, Hellball, Implosion, Meteor Swarm
-Portfolio Spell Like Abilities: 2/Round:
Charm Person, Eagle's Splendor, Blindness/ Deafness, Charm Monster, Symbol of Sleep, Symbol of Persuasion, Power Word Blind, Sympathy, Dominate Monster
Portfolio Spell Like Abilities: 1/Round
Magic Weapon, Spiritual Weapon, Magic Vestment, Divine Power, Flame Strike, Blade Barrier, Power Word Blind, Power Word Stun, Power Word Kill
Chill Touch, Chill Metal, Sleet Storm, Wall of Ice, Cone of Cold, Freezing Sphere, Control Weather, Polar Ray, Dire Winter
-Class Features:
Commando: Gains
-Sneak attack 5d6,
-Ambush 10d6,
-Tactical Step 3/ round allowing her to make 3 immediate 5ft step actions in any round,
-Uncanny Stealth granting her +10 on stealth checks while using her environment
Commando can be found here:
Sub-Epic Offerings
-Favored Foe 20,
-Sneak Attack 22d6,
-Smite Foe 15/day,
-Combat Style Feats,
-Companion's Bond,
-Swift Tracker,
-Favored Hunt,
-Improved Evasion,
-Improved Quarry,
-Hide in Plain Sight,
-Master Hunter
The Houndsman is a boss level class created as an enemy only class in my campaign settings. They're based off the Ranger but gain their Favored Enemy Bonus on all enemies and at double the Ranger's bonuses, they also gain this bonus to AC, for Ozma it is a +45 Bonus, and also gain Spells as an Assassin. They also gain their Favored Terrain bonus in every terrain, and gain the ability to Sneak Attack any foe regardless of typing, and can Smite as a Paladin but against any foe. Their Companion's Bond ability allows them to add the stat bonuses of a properly levelled Animal Companion to one ally of their choice. This allows the houndsman (as the name implies) to have multiple animal companions they can simply send out as expendable troops one by one to wear down an enemy without regard to their safety. Once a companion dies the bonus can be transferred to another creature as a free action and can be removed from a creature as a full round action.
-Sneak Attack 5d6,
Pathfinder Assassin:
-Angel of Death,
-Sneak Attack 5d6,
-True Death,
-Quiet Death,
-Hidden Weapons
Tome Shadowdancer:
-See in Darkness,
-Shadow Slide,
-Shadow strike,
-Hide in Plain Sight,
-Sneak Attack 30d6,
-Improved Shadow Slide,
-Shadow Door,
-Shadow Walk,
-Deeper Darkness,
-Shadow Pounce,
-Improved Shadow Strike,
-Shadow Friends,
-Shadow Vanish,
-Mirrorshard Blade,
-Phantasmal Image
Tome Shadowdancer can be found here:
Shadowdancer, Tome (3.5e Prestige Class)
New Divine Abilities:
-Beautiful Mind/ Body/ Soul/ Spirit:
You are so beautiful the world itself bends to accommodate you.
Prerequisites: Charisma 100
Benefit: Charisma to respective stats, Circumstance bonus. Divine Bonus to AC (Circumstance AC).
-Soulblade/ Soul Arrow: +60 Keen Brilliant Energy Blades made of Ozma's own life essense. These are natural abilities of the Leshay which she has further empowered. She normally keeps them as a simple yet effective pair of thin curved blades though they can take any shape she chooses and work more as extensions of her will vice true weapons. As such her "Hand" Effect powers are channeled through any melee attack she makes with them. She may also alter the enchantments of her weapons besides the brilliant energy and keen enchantments as she sees fit. In soul arrow form the enchantment is reduced down to +34, Keen, Triple Shot and Brilliant Energy, she also has an Ad-Hoc modifier on her Soul Arrows granting her no range limit on her ranged attacks.
Non-Artifact Epic Equipment:
+30 Arrows: Ozma keeps many highly enchanted arrows on her which she further imbues her Soul Arrow with.
Shadow Lord Armor: +40 Leather Armor fashioned from the indestructible hide of a Nemean Lion. An Artifact Stolen from the Cat Lord. This armor is weightless, shifts form as she needs, grants her a +35 Bonus to Stealth, is Ghost Touch giving her bonus against incorporeal attacks and allows her to shapeshift into a black cat masking all signs of her divinity at will. The Armor is indestructible and grants her armor as if it were a set of Banded armor though is treated as Leather.
Belt of Physical Perfection +35: +35 to Physical Stats (Str, Con, Dex)
Circlet of Mental Perfection: +35 to all Mental Stats (Int, Wis, Cha)
3 divine artifacts liquidated for x4 divine abilities, Boon of the 7 Springs is a stacking 'Toughness' feat for various holy hot springs visited in my world, Epic toughness in my campaigns grants +20 hp per level