Current campaign setting

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Ok now I am bewildered AND fascinated. This creatures are non Immortal, they can fight a Sidereals. I fear what could happen when the girl inflate the Quintessence to a level of Old One (i think that they can fight 1vs1 with a Demiurge Stage I or II). But there is one thing that doesn't come back to me: how Deimos can win against Thychen? I see the sheet of Thychen and the sheet of Siddha (that you said Siddhe and Deimos are about the same in powers) and as powerful as it is it's nothing a First One can't crush without too much trouble let alone a Supernal like Thychen. Even if you can overcome the Thychen trait "He is immune to all things including being destroyed by any being in creation except for The Omega" because Deimos is the Omega the difference is too high between the two. A Words of Chaos / Expression of Infinite Power / Will of God combined with Superior Dominance and Deimos greets us for the Bonk country. Apart from that I find them really beautiful (and the new divine abilities as well) but there is one thing I don't understand in Vajra Form: "HP is not increased for the increase to Con in this form" why?
This is taken from the intro to my campaign setting

"The fighting resumed with ferocity and at this time, Thychen (God) who had been staying neutral the whole time, realized the Demigods power came from The Goddess Tyr and decided to take her.

He popped in, stole her and disappeared back to Akasha the Primordial first realm, entirely safe.

The other Akashic Aspects had no trouble basically tearing up the Demigods now with their main source of power gone. With only Diaz, not fallen yet, to protect them. They ganged up on him but he valiantly held his ground and fought them all.

Only Ko (Stars) Kassen (Gravity) and Solarius (Divinity) stayed neutral with Gamma (the Creator of All) being absentee of course.

Diaz's Horse, Maximus had been granted a temporary status as the interim Aspect of Light, stayed neutral.

The Demigods main thing is they take the prayers of mortals and only use a small amount for their own growth and bottle up the rest of it for later use, this allows them to temporarily reach very high powers but comparatively they're no where near the level of the Aspects at all, but against the armies of the Anyothens they're quite effective.

Deimos however and his daughter Tyr are glitch Aspects unbeknownst to all parties.

Tyr being the glitch Aspect of Potential and Deimos being the Omega himself.

Deimos, through no understanding of his own or anyone else including Thychen's, began to pierce the veil to the various realms, his anger rose higher and higher and he began to rip through dimensions trying to get to his daughter, Thychen had stuck her in the realm of Etea the Aspect of Impossibility, his own daughter, a bubble realm tangential to the rest of creation from which Thychen kept his daughter ignorant of the rest of creation until his own power waned and he would teach her how to rule creation.

Deimos however, tore out of the Universe into the Pleroma, the Multiverse itself, then shattered the heart of the Pleroma, the diamond realm of infinities, Kuvatchim, and finally into Aravoth, the hyperreality that houses Akasha the storehouse of all knowledge and experiences from all realms.

He smashed through the Raagens of Delirium and Dreams the Inertia Golems and their infinite power and the overdeities and Void Lord's who rule over that realm.

He fought through the Raagens of Time, the guardians of Thychen, then the Lipika one by one the old Supreme Beings and advisors of Thychen before getting to Thychen Himself and after a titanic struggle, impossibly, beat Thychen nearly to death and broke his arms at the elbow and tore his arms off before Thychen disappeared from reality never to be seen again.

The Universe was supposed to end, but... nothing seemed to happen and he took both Etea and his Daughter and left the shattered heavens and returned back to Shinkokku. That was 10 million years ago."

Ok now I am bewildered AND fascinated. This creatures are non Immortal, they can fight a Sidereals. I fear what could happen when the girl inflate the Quintessence to a level of Old One (i think that they can fight 1vs1 with a Demiurge Stage I or II). But there is one thing that doesn't come back to me: how Deimos can win against Thychen? I see the sheet of Thychen and the sheet of Siddha (that you said Siddhe and Deimos are about the same in powers) and as powerful as it is it's nothing a First One can't crush without too much trouble let alone a Supernal like Thychen. Even if you can overcome the Thychen trait "He is immune to all things including being destroyed by any being in creation except for The Omega" because Deimos is the Omega the difference is too high between the two. A Words of Chaos / Expression of Infinite Power / Will of God combined with Superior Dominance and Deimos greets us for the Bonk country. Apart from that I find them really beautiful (and the new divine abilities as well) but there is one thing I don't understand in Vajra Form: "HP is not increased for the increase to Con in this form" why?
Essentially, Deimos' love for his daughter and his daughter's innate ability created a perfect storm of sorts. Generally Tyr can only boost a beings power by 2 stages, she can make Demigods fight as lesser deities, lesser deities fight as greater deities and greater deities fight as Old Ones, but, occasionally, her power rises to such levels that she can empower Demigods with enough power to tangle with demiurges and Greater Deities as powerful as Highlords. She can't tap into this at will but the Demigods with their Mantra Reactors, the storehouses of power that allow them to boost themselves and reach new forms of power (bottled up prayers and souls, pure Quintessence batteries releasing QP in the form of Resonance) she is able to piggyback onto these storehouses and inflate the power once the resonant power has been imbued into a deity. So generally speaking, the Demigods are able to imbue themselves with 2-3 stages of power, more if there is no other options, and she's able to imbue them with another 2, 3 if she's determined and with that she's able to allow basic Demigods to reach into and past the realms of the astral gods, the Sidereals and into Demiurge realms.


Essentially, Deimos' love for his daughter and his daughter's innate ability created a perfect storm of sorts. Generally Tyr can only boost a beings power by 2 stages, she can make Demigods fight as lesser deities, lesser deities fight as greater deities and greater deities fight as Old Ones, but, occasionally, her power rises to such levels that she can empower Demigods with enough power to tangle with demiurges and Greater Deities as powerful as Highlords. She can't tap into this at will but the Demigods with their Mantra Reactors, the storehouses of power that allow them to boost themselves and reach new forms of power (bottled up prayers and souls, pure Quintessence batteries releasing QP in the form of Resonance) she is able to piggyback onto these storehouses and inflate the power once the resonant power has been imbued into a deity. So generally speaking, the Demigods are able to imbue themselves with 2-3 stages of power, more if there is no other options, and she's able to imbue them with another 2, 3 if she's determined and with that she's able to allow basic Demigods to reach into and past the realms of the astral gods, the Sidereals and into Demiurge realms.
Ok, thx for the explanation. For the Vajra Form: "HP is not increased for the increase to Con in this form", why this decision?

Ok, thx for the explanation. For the Vajra Form: "HP is not increased for the increase to Con in this form", why this decision?
Because I didn't want a feedback loop as I was already giving them a Multiplier onto their health as they're hp is treated as if they were in their Divine realm. So if a character has 3000hp and they'd get 6000hp in their realm I didn't want, as it doubles their ability stats, them to get a double double so to speak. So if they had 100 Con they now have 200 con and their hp goes from 3000 to 11000 which was just too strong imo

Why are all of the god's ACs, attack bonuses, and saving throws so high? Am I missing something?
Yep, they have 2 things, 1, they have a multitude of "Soul, Mind, Body. Spirit" abilities which stack, and 2, they have what's called the Boon of the 8 Deities a power granted to them by their Emperor, Brahm Alto which allows any Soul, Mind, Body, Spirit ability to add an additional layer of deflection AC, though only 1 time for each version of the power, that is to say, not 4 times for having Intellectual Mind, Spirit, Soul and Body, just once for the set and all the pieces needed besides Body though I didn't list it.

Does this then mean that the average greater deity wouldn't stand a chance against them?
It's just a boon and a supernatural ability meaning it can be negated by dead magic, maybe by antimagic, it certainly gives them a buff, but any PC in any of my campaigns without at least 1-2 layers of Spirit Soul Mind, is pretty screwed tbh it gets pretty competitive so by my campaign standards no, by most other campaign standards, they are juggernauts

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