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Hi, Do you ever plan to make the rest of the Raagen's stats?
Generally I have not, but they're easy to make if you're curious for the basic ones. Basically Rraagens are a template added onto an elemental's stats, they gain a pure element form, a breath weapon, several, I think 6, claw attacks, the larger ones can sometimes have 2 heads or 2 tails, and thusly 2 bite and 2 tail whip attacks and the general attack pattern of a dragon, 6 claws+bite+2 tail whips+crush, spell like abilities based on their hit dice, 1 spell like ability per 2 levels and 1 spell tier level per 2 hd, but it's based on their element. So only fire based spells for a fire rraagen, etc. The Oriental Adventures guide is what I generally use because of the Shugenja and Wujen classes and their many elemental spells. Additionally, they gain Sorcerer spells as a caster of 1/2 level.

I can make some if you want, the higher ones like Delirium or Time rraagens, will be end game super monsters inhabiting Akasha and Kuvatchim. I've been wanting to make them for years, it's just difficult making creatures from scratch and making them "balanced" for beings to eventually get to and defeat or at least interact with on any non lopsided level. But, nonetheless I can still make them if you like?

I got some of the basics wrong, but you can see what I mean, they also gain the discorporate ability that allows them 1/round to reactively turn into their basic element and teleport 60 ft away as an immediate action.


Lord Siddha of the 8 Deities

"The Lord of blue Melancholy, The God of Duty, the Ascetic prince”


You walk into the great pagoda of the dutiful lord Siddha, a monk like Ascetic who supposedly is the among the greatest among the 8. You find an extremely fit man tall and powerful, with long blackish blue hair pulled into a ponytail, his skin the color of burnished bronze, a denim blue gi like outfit on, so old and tattered it appears like burlap, entirely worn out, and gloves and foot wraps made of some sort of well worn leathery flexible material and reinforced with old world brass, he’s handsome, and his soulful gray blue eyes lack the distinct darkness associated with most Shinkokku gods, on the ground next to him is a strange brass mask, bird like with only slits for eyes, it appears non magical."

Medium Outsider (Living Construct)

Hit Dice:
80d20 (Kensai, Monk, Paladin gestalt 80) +1,600 Epic Toughness, +1,600 Prime, +480 boons of the 7 springs, +80 toughness, +17,840 con, +755d20+4,900[ 20,000] Accumulating HP (40,164 hp, 80,328 in divine realm or Vajra form )
Initiative: always first/ 178 (140 dex, 38 Div bonus and feats)
Speed: 29,700, fly 29,700 perfect or 32,400 Greater Haste (x3 Vajra form)
Armor Class: 1,564 (313 base, +25 Armor, +2 Shield, +140 Dex, +140 Dodge, +25 natural, 57 Insight, +804 Deflection, +58 Divine/ Luck) Touch 1,512, Flat Footed 1,284
Base Attack/Grapple (CMB/CMD): 80/ 1,013 (1,013/1,163)
-+40 Fists and Feet:
+902 Melee Touch: 80d20+26+151+66+40+2d6 shocking, +160d6 Sonic,+160d4 Force,+160d6 Wind (4,455 avg, 14-20/x4 crit 17,820 avg)

-+Smite Evil: +947 Melee Touch: 80d20+26+151+45+66+40+2d6 shocking, +160d6 Sonic,+160d4 Force,+160d6 Wind (4,500 avg, 14-20/x4 crit 18,000 avg)
-+40 Ki Blades: +891 Ranged Touch: 40d20+26+151+66+40+2d6 shocking, +80d6 Sonic,+80d4 Force,+80d6 Wind (2,337 avg, 14-20/x4 crit 9,348 avg)

Full Attack: 19 attacks+ 1 Ray, 19 Ki Blades (ranged) +1 Ray

Special Attacks: Stunning Fist, Quivering Palm, Smite Evil 26x/day, Perfected Strike, Enchanted Fists, Crucible of Endless Pain, Kensai Whirlwind, Wish 16xday, Aura of Faith, Aura of Courage, Aura of Righteousness, Aura of Justice, Aura of Resolve,

Special Qualities: Improved Evasion, Unarmed Strike, Ki Pool, Damage Reduction 170/ Cursed and Epic/ (40/-), SR 151, Divine Immunities, Immunity to: Acid, Electricity, Fear, Starflight, Divine Aura (921,600 ft Paladin Auras can be used), Boon of the 8 Deities, Boon of the Aspect of Light, Aura of Good (Overwhelming), Detect Evil, Holy Champion, Divine Bond (+26 enchantment bonus to fists + Brilliant Energy, Speed, Shocking Burst, Keen, Merciful (Or Shocking), Defending)

Saves: Fort +949, Ref +939, Will +844
Abilities: Str 314 (+152), Dex 290 (+140), Con 310 (+150), Int 100 (+45), Wis 100 (+45), Cha 100 (+45) (Vajra all stats doubled)

Skills: All skills are at 146+ relevant ability modifier.

Feats: Toughness, Deflect Arrows, etc, etc the basics for a fighter/ Monk type (most used for extra divine abilities), Beastial Charge, Gorgon’s Strike, Scorpion Style, Medusa’s Wrath, Snap Kick

Epic Feats: Legendary Archer, Exceptional Deflection, Reflect Arrows, Infinite Deflection, Epic Toughness, Vorpal Strike, Dire Charge, Quickened Strikes, Perfect two Weapon Fighting, Perfect Three Weapon Fighting

Divine Abilities: Third Eye, Nescience, (Strong, Amaranthine, Agile, Heavenly, Cunning, Intellectual, Beautiful, Unknowing, Sacred) Mind/Soul/Spirit, Legendary, Enlarge Aura x6, Uncanny Dodge, Uncanny Wind Mastery, Uncanny Iatric Mastery, Uncanny Force Mastery, Uncanny Sonic Mastery, Living Construct, Seventh Sense (16 rounds), Celerity

Cosmic Abilities: Abrogate, *Spirit Stealer, Cosmic Serpent, Heavy Eradication, Unearthly Reach, Unearthly Effect, Inner Eye, Oblique Strike, Legendary Constitution, Legendary Dexterity, Legendary Strength, Elusion, Dominance

Environment: Shinkokku, Outer Planes
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: (official CR 176)
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Lawful Good
Effective Class Level: 200

Combat: Lord Siddha is a fast, efficient fighter who uses his innate superiority and dedication to his goals to crush his foes. His unreal speed can rarely be matched allowing him to move at nearly hypersonic speeds. He stacks ‘mind, body, spirit, soul’ divine abilities, allowing him to on a basic level surpass even cosmic beings. He focuses on quick, powerful attacks and his Vorpal Strike epic feat and his Paladin Divine Bond ability allow his fists, strikes and hands to cut off the heads of foes on a crit and only require a touch attack to hit. His real power however comes from his ability to change the alignment of enemies, ending their desire to fight him and making them see his pov mid fight.

He uses his Dire Charge feat in conjunction with Perfect Initiative to close with foes instantly and unleashes a barrage of blows upon them. He need only be within range of his aura to strike any foe with a melee attack. His Scorpion Style ability cripples foes leaving them unable to move more that 5 ft per round, and his Gorgon’s Fist staggers them leaving them unable to attack more than 1/ round and his Medusa’s Wrath feat grants him 2 extra attacks against staggered foes. With a flurry of blows and two and three weapon fighting, he can make 18 attacks, his snap kick gives him a single follow up unarmed strike at his highest bab, giving him 19 attacks, haste and greater haste up this to 21 and Medusa’s Wrath grants him a whopping 23 attacks per round assuming all his attacks work. He strikes enough times to almost guarantee a critical hit against his opponent and immediately beheads them, usually killing them. Each and every strike he lands is a quivering palm additionally.

He is a Prime, a powerful and extremely rare ‘paragon of paragons’ granting him incredible abilities. This powerful baseline caught the eye of Lord Diaz the undisputed leader of the 8 Deities, and Diaz has trained him for the last 12,000,000 years, a seemingly long time, but literally only a few years equivalently to a demigod such as himself.

Cosmic Might (Ex): Deal a maximum of 80d20 base damage with virtual size categories for any unarmed or weapon strike unless otherwise stated.

Boon of the 8 Deities (Su): Any 'Soul, Mind, Body, Spirit' ability also has it's respective ability modifier added as an additional layer of deflection AC

Boon of the Aspect of Light (Su): +25% to all Touch and Immolation Effect Power damage or Healing

Abrogate: Disable your opponent's greatest ability, Lord Siddha can choose one opponent within his Divine Aura range he may change this opponent or ability once per round as a free action.

Sonic Effect (Su): Siddha’s Aura and attacks vibrate with ultrasonic vibrations of unperceivable sonic energy, this allows his hits to strike harder, and shatter crystalline structures. Unearthly Effect allows all effects to reach to the edges of Siddha’s Divine Aura, 921,600 ft, numbers presented are presented for purposes of abrogation or nullification. DC 866 if applicable

Beam (Ray) 80d6 3,600 ft range

Blast 40d6 3,600 ft range/ 225ft. Standard action DC 866/half

Blood 20d6 Melee Free action when struck DC 866/half

Breath 40d6 225ft. cone, 900ft line, Standard action DC 866/half

Hand 160d6 Melee Touch or Unarmed Strike

Immolation 160d6 921,600 ft radius blast, DC 866/half

Storm 20d6 921,600 ft radius, DC DC 866/half Free -

Strike 20d6 Melee (bonus) Free -

Wrath (Gaze) 40d6 225ft cone DC 866 Will/none

Force Effect (Su): Blasts foes with pure magical force, this takes the form of blades of blue ki energy, Unearthly Effect allows all effects to reach to the edges of Siddha’s Divine Aura, 921,600 ft, numbers presented are presented for purposes of abrogation or nullification. DC 866 if applicable

Beam (Ray) 80d4 3,600 ft range

Blast 40d4 3,600 ft range/ 225ft. Standard action DC 866/half

Blood 20d4 Melee Free action when struck DC 866/half

Breath 40d4 225ft. cone, 900ft line, Standard action DC 866/half

Hand 160d4 Melee Touch or Unarmed Strike

Immolation 160d4 921,600 ft radius blast, DC 866/half

Storm 20d4 921,600 ft radius, DC DC 866/half Free -

Strike 20d4 Melee (bonus) Free -

Wrath (Gaze) 40d4 225ft cone DC 866 Will/none

Wind Effect (Su): Blasts foes 10 feet per dice of damage taken, Unearthly Effect allows all effects to reach to the edges of Siddha’s Divine Aura, 921,600 ft, numbers presented are presented for purposes of abrogation or nullification. Deals bludgeoning damage or if struck against a surface they take an additional amount of crushing (falling) damage equal to the dice dealt. DC 866 if applicable

Beam (Ray) 80d6 3,600 ft range

Blast 40d6 3,600 ft range/ 225ft. Standard action DC 866/half

Blood 20d6 Melee Free action when struck DC 866/half

Breath 40d6 225ft. cone, 900ft line, Standard action DC 866/half

Hand 120d6 Melee Touch or Unarmed Strike

Immolation 120d6 921,600 ft radius blast, DC 866/half

Storm 20d6 921,600 ft radius, DC DC 866/half Free -

Strike 20d6 Melee (bonus) Free -

Wrath (Gaze) 40d6 225ft cone DC 866 Will/none

Iatric Effect (Su): Heals 10 hp per dice, Unearthly Effect allows all effects to reach to the edges of Siddha’s Divine Aura, 921,600 ft, numbers presented are presented for purposes of abrogation or nullification, deals d4s to Undead. DC 866 if applicable

Beam (Ray) 800 3,600 ft range

Blast 400 3,600 ft range/ 225ft. Standard action DC 866/half

Blood 200 Melee Free action when struck DC 866/half

Breath 400 225ft. cone, 900ft line, Standard action DC 866/half

Hand 1600 Melee Touch or Unarmed Strike

Immolation 1600 921,600 ft radius blast, DC 866/half

Storm 200 921,600 ft radius, DC DC 866/half Free -

Strike 200 Melee (bonus) Free -

Wrath (Gaze) 400 225ft cone DC 866 Will/none

Third Eye (Su): Gain an extra gaze or ray attack 1/round

Nessience (Ex): Ignore all parameters for any feat

Heavy Eradication (Ex): 100% to crit creatures immune to critical hits.

Starflight(Sp): Can reach any place in the multiverse in 3d20 days.

Vajra Form: The 8 Deities can increase their overall combat effectiveness by pulling upon the power of the Mantra, This doubles all stats (str, dex, con etc) triples movement speed, and doubles their HP as if they were in their Divine Realm. HP is not increased for the increase to Con in this form, nor will it double their HP in their divine realm.

Divine Immunity(Ex): Immune to all environmental effects, Immune to all natural effects

Legendary Constitution: Con is doubled

Legendary Strength: Str is doubled

Legendary Dexterity: Dex is Doubled

Agile Soul, Spirit, Mind: Add Dex Modifier to Saves, Attack Rolls and DCs

Strong Soul, Spirit, Mind: Add Str Modifier to Saves, Attack Rolls and DCs

Amaranthine Soul, Spirit, Mind: Add Con Modifier to Saves, Attack Rolls and DCs

Heavenly Soul, Spirit, Mind: Add Cha Modifier to Saves, Attack Rolls and DCs

Beautiful Soul, Spirit, Mind: Add Cha Modifier to Saves, Attack Rolls and DCs

Unknowing and Sacred Soul, Spirit, Mind: Add Wis Modifier to Saves, Attack Rolls and DCs x2

Cunning Soul, Spirit, Mind: Add Int Modifier to Saves, Attack Rolls and DCs

Intellectual Soul, Spirit, Mind: Add Int Modifier to Saves, Attack Rolls and DCs

Legendary: Gain the Monster of Legend template,

Template - Monster Of Legend

He has taken the following abilities:
-Immunities: Acid, Electricity
-Regrow Limbs

-Greater Haste (works like haste but stacks with haste adding +30 base speed and granting 1 additional attack)

Inner Eye: Always rolling maximum on all dice rolls

Regeneration: 40 can only be undermined by fire or acid, will return him from death

Perfect Quivering Palm: Every attack is considered a Quivering Palm attempt DC 776 Fort save vs death, hits can be delayed until Siddha decides to enact the save.

Elusion (Ex): Ref save to avoid any damage

Seventh Sense (Su): Can Redo 16 rounds/ day

Oblique Strike (Ex): If a foe can elude his blows, he can strike a different object to deal hit point damage to that foe. Other effects such as his vorpal attacks or quivering palm cannot be used through this attack.

Unearthly Reach (Ex): Your reach is equal to the range of your divine aura,

Unearthly Effect (Ex): All Effect powers ranges are increased to the range of your divine aura. Lines and ray effect powers have a range equal to line of sight.

-Spell Like Abilities:
At Will: Commune, Dream, Etherialness, Gias/Quest, Greater Dispel Magic, Greater Teleport, Magic Jar, Sending, Tongues, True Sight
3/day: See Invisibility, Haste, Banishment

-Wish: 16/day, Caster Level equal to HD+ Divine Bonus

-Class Features: Pathfinder Monk and Paladin, adapted 2nd Edition Kensai called the Kenseijin
Paladin Auras: can use any Paladin Aura within his Divine Aura range.

Kensai: 2nd edition Kensai or Kenseijin, gains a modified base ac, cannot use most equipment for battle, gains extra hp based on level and several other class features, outlined in other thread.

Monk: Gain extra Wisdom ac to Insight bonus, increased attacks per round via flurry of blows, stunning fist, quivering palm, and increased base melee damage

New Material:

-Old World Brass:

Old World Brass is an ultra strong alloy of adamantine, titanium, star metal, gold, and several meta materials with an absolutely miniscule amount of orichalcum. The resulting material is slightly heavier than steel but lighter than adamantine and is nearly impervious to wear, corrosion and damage. It appears in it's pure state as a brass like metal though with a slight matte patina, and in alloy state like a whitish gold with the luster of aluminum, it weighs as much as steel for in game purposes but has a hardness of 50, is corrosion resistant, and mends itself when damaged. It can be used as a conductor of magnetic, electrical and magical energy, and can be further alloyed to make much stronger materials without losing it's unique properties.

New Feats:

-Snap Kick:

Perform a powerful follow up kick after your primary attacks
Prerequisites: BAB +11, ability to perform Iterative attacks, Improved Unarmed Strike
On a full round attack, you may make a single unarmed attack at your full base attack bonus.

New Epic Feats:

-Quickened Strikes:
Your blows are quick and debilitating.
Prerequisites: Stunning Fist, Scorpion Style, Gorgon’s Fist, Medusa’s Wrath, Monk Level 21
You may perform Stunning Fists and other unarmed strike based abilities as part of a full attack instead of as a standard action

New Divine Abilities:

-Agile Mind/ Body/ Soul/ Spirit:

You’re so agile it permeates every facet of your life
Prerequisites: Dexterity 100
Benefit: Dex to respective stats, Circumstance Bonus, Divine Bonus to AC.

-Amaranthine Mind/ Body/ Soul/ Spirit:
Your ridiculous toughness stretches to every aspect of your being enabling you to shrug off even unconventional attacks and strike in ways most would consider dangerous to themselves without fear of injury.
Prerequisites: Constitution 100
Benefit: Con to respective stats, Circumstance Bonus, Divine Bonus to AC.

-Living Construct:
You gain the Living Construct subtype, this ability can be used in place of the Ersatz ability for all "Body" type abilities associated with that ability.
Prerequisites: none
Benefit: Gain the Living Construct subtype

Living Construct Subtype - Eberron Unlimited

You are a being that legends are told about
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: Gain the Monster of Legend template

Template - Monster Of Legend



Siddha uses nearly no equipment and has all divine artifacts liquidated for x5 divine abilities, Boon of the 7 Springs is a stacking 'Toughness' feat for various holy hot springs visited in my world, Epic toughness in my campaigns grants +20 hp per level, Boon of the 8 Deities is a power granted by the Emperor of Shinkokku and the Grand Magister to make sure the 8 deities remain virtually invincible, it Is magical in nature and can be removed via a dead magic zone. His mask he wears allows him to schism his own alignment allowing him to work with LE tendencies while wearing it and to act nearly without emotion due to the hideous nature of how Shinkokku gains it's power, and to keep himself focused on ‘The Cause’, which is the destruction of Vlitra through any means necessary, it is a psychological crutch and is non magic in nature.
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For the "Prime" template I simply use Dante and Mr. Satan's "Paragon" (found here Paragon Revision Discussion Thread ) with a few minor alterations. #1 it's abilities overlap with the basic 3.5 Epic Handbook Paragon, it gains a +20 bonus to hp per hit dice, it's stats are rounded up to the nearest factor of 10 so from 37 to 40 and the base Paragon statistics have been applied where relevant. Either way, Thank you Mr. Satan and Dante for making the basics for this template.

Prime (Perfect One/ Greater Paragon)

Among the population of every kind of creature are some specimens that are its weakest, worst representatives. Likewise, every population has it's paragons: the strongest, smartest, luckiest, and most powerful of the species. Paragons may represent the mythical First Creature, created in it's perfect form by some creator deity, or perhaps the evolutionary endpoint of a race after thousands of years of steady improvement. Sometimes, paragons just spring up accidentally, when all the factors are right.

Primes however are a step beyond even this, Paragons among Paragons. Primes represent the creme de la creme, the top of the top, the highest pinnacle of an evolutionary tree. In any given race, perhaps 1 Prime will be born in the entire evolutionary history of the species. Primes are only born of the unlikely union of 2 Paragons of the same species and even then there is as little chance of a Prime being born as there is a chance for a Paragon to be born to non-paragon parents.

Their power makes them far outclass even their Paragon ancestors. In most cases there is little to challenge their might. They are the stuff of legends, those people who make legends reality and shake the very foundations of the pantheons above them. They are heralds of new ages, new philosophies, new worlds, prosperous or perilous, for better or for worse.

Never is a Prime born quietly, and never does one live quietly. In nearly every instance that a Prime is born, paradigm shifts occur, civilizations fall or rise, and massive changes happen on a global if not further reaching scale.

(The Lord of Individuality Transcendent Ability grants this template until that being defeats or becomes the Amidah as only 1 can exist from a given universe at a time)

Creating a Prime

“Prime” is a template that can be added to any creature (referred to hereafter as the base creature).

The Prime template overlaps, does not stack when applicable, with the Epic Handbook Paragon template.

The Prime uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here.

Size and Type: Animals or vermin with this template become magical beasts, but otherwise the creature type is unchanged. Size is unchanged.

Hit Dice: A Prime uses d20's for Hit Dice and always has maximum hit points per die. They also gain an additional 20 hp per hit dice.

Speed: All movement speeds are x10.

Armor Class: A Prime retains the armor bonuses of the base creature and acquires the following.

- Deflection Bonus (Ex): A Prime gains a deflection bonus equal to it's Charisma modifier.

- Luck Bonus (Ex): A Prime gains a +30 luck bonus to it's armor class (see Fortuity) and a +12 Luck Bonus to it's armor which stacks with Fortuity

Special Attacks: A Prime retains all the special attacks of the base creature and gains those described below. Save DCs are 10 + 1/2 the Prime's Hit Dice/Level + the Prime's Charisma modifier + 30 (see Fortuity), unless noted otherwise.

- Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): At will - limited wish. 3/day Greater Haste (works like haste but stacks with normal haste), Greater Dispelling, See Invisibility Caster Level equals Hit Dice/Level +15, +30 (see Fortuity).

Special Qualities: A Prime retains all the special qualities of the base creature and also those described below.

- Damage Reduction (Ex): A Prime gains damage reduction 75/cursed and epic.

- Fast Healing (Ex): A Prime gains fast healing 50.

- Fortuity (Ex): A Prime adds a +30 luck bonus to: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, turning checks); damage rolls; difficulty class (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; saving throws; spell resistance; and turn resistance (if applicable).

-Luck (Ex): A Prime gains a +25 Luck bonus to Attack Rolls, +20 to Damage Rolls, and a +12 Luck to Armor Class which stacks with Fortuity.

-Insight (Ex): a +13 to any special ability roll or DC, +12 Insight bonus to AC, +10 Insight to all Saving Throws

- Inner Eye (Ex): A Prime can bend fate to it's will. A Prime always gains the best dice rolls in any given situation. However, a natural '20' is not an automatic success when using this ability.

-Spell/ Psionic Savant (Ex): A Prime gains +15 Caster Levels to all Spells, Spell Like Abilities, Psionic Manifestations, or Psionic Abilities

- Resistances (Ex): A Prime gains resistance to cold 50 and fire 50.

- Spell Resistance (Su): A Prime gains spell resistance equal to 10 + Hit Dice/Level + 30 (see Fortuity).

Saves: A Prime gains a +30 luck bonus on all its saving throws (see Fortuity).

Abilities: A Prime gains a +40 bonus to all ability scores.

Skills: A Prime gains a +30 luck bonus on all it's skill checks (see Fortuity) and a +10 competence bonus to all skills.

- Omnicompetent/ Maven (Ex): A Prime easily masters anything they attempt. A Prime gains maximum ranks in all skills, access to all skills including trained only skills, and all skills are considered class skills.

Feats: A Prime gains 6 bonus feats.

Organization: Any, usually same as the base creature.

Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +26.

Treasure: Double standard.

Alignment: Any, usually same as the base creature.

Level Adjustment: Same as the base creature +40.

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Lord Capricus of the 8 Deities

"The Lord of Love and Death, The White Death, Lord of Beauty, Dark Lord of Lust"


A beautiful slender man with cotton candy white-pink hair and ice blue eyes stares at you from a long table, a feast atop it, huge slabs of cooked meat, a huge roast, fountains of wine and various strange fruits of which you've never before encountered create a rainbow of colors and scents, he's eating a huge hock of meat, which he puts down as you approach, a malevolent smile creeps across his face, ear to ear. "Ah you must be the new Demigod I've heard so much about... I've been dying to meet you.." He says as he rises and approaches. You notice the smell of iron, the fountain of wine appears to have blood mixed into it, the roast appears to be a humanoid of some sort, the hock of meat he put down appears to be a roast humanoid limb. He moves with a lithe and unmistakable grace, a strange lavender light seems to be backlighting him. He wears extremely low rise tight fitting pants going to his pubis, fringed on the sides and leading to white furred leg warmers and purple leather boots, he wears two belts cris-crossing in the center, a dagger on his sides, the unsheathed blade is jet black with strange shifting purple runes across it's surface, they appear untranslatable, he wears a fur collared jacket, also fringed across the sleeves, he wears no shirt under his jacket, and seems to have a chest and face made of flesh, however his body arms appear to be made of pure mithril. his hands however turn jet black as if covered in soot and end in sharp and wicked claws.

Medium Outsider (Living Construct, Undead)
Divine Rank 16 (Greater Deity) Proxy of Kiss Me To The Moon (First One)

Hit Dice:
80d20 (80 Commando gestalt, 80 Evil Clown gestalt, 60 Tome Shadow Dancer, 10 Assassin, 10 Pathfinder Assassin) +1600 Epic Toughness, +960 Paragon, +480 boons of the 7 springs, +12,040 Cha (17,040 hp, 34,080 in divine realm or Vajra )

Armor Class: 887(+20 Armor, +8 Shield, +157 Dex, +46 natural, +622 Deflection, +24 Divine/Insight/Luck) Touch 821, Flat Footed 710
Initiative: Always First 178 (157 dex, 21 Div bonus and feats)
Speed: 2,340, fly 4,680 perfect (x3 Vajra form)

Base Attack/Grapple (CMB/CMD): 80/ 466 (466/633)

+20 Mirrorshard Claws of the Wicked King:
+513 Melee: 20d10 +240d6 Bleeding, +240d30 Heartbreak, +45 Str, +20 Ench, +20 Luck, +16 Divine, +90d12 Sneak Attack, +40d6 Ambush, +1d8 Cold, + Blinding, +Death (2,641 avg) 18-20/x2 Crit

+36 Stiehl: +528 Melee: 30d10 +240d6 Bleeding, +240d30 Heartbreak, +36 Ench, +20 Luck, +16 Divine, +90d12 Sneak Attack, +40d6 Ambush, +10d4 Wisdom, +Soul Drain, +Blinding, +Death (2,757 avg) 16-20/x2 Crit
Range 50 ft (thrown) (1496 avg)

Kick: +493 Melee: 4d10 +240d6 Bleeding, +240d30 Heartbreak, +45 Str, +20 Luck, +16 Divine, +90d12 Sneak Attack, +40d6 Ambush (2,161 avg) 19-20/x2 Crit

Full Attack: 9 attacks Claws of the Wicked King + Kick, 8 attacks Stiehl + Kick

Special Attacks: Bloody Aura, Heartbreak Aura. Wish 16xday
Special Qualities: Damage Reduction 75/+6 (15/-), SR 121, Divine Immunities, Immunity to: Acid, Fire, Fear, and Mind Influencing Effects, Starflight, Divine Aura (28,600 ft Shadow Strike can be used as part of aura), Boon of the 8 Deities

Saves: Fort +558, Ref +562, Will +430
Abilities: Str 100(+45), Dex 324(+157), Con 100(+45), Int 88(+39), Wis 88(+39), Cha 320(+155) (Vajra all stats doubled)

Skills: All skills are at 106+ relevant ability modifier.

Feats: Toughness, Deflect Arrows, etc, etc the basics for a Rogue type (most used for extra divine abilities)

Epic Feats: Legendary Archer, Exceptional Deflection, Reflect Arrows, Infinite Deflection, Epic Toughness

Divine Abilities: Heavenly Mind/Spirit/Soul, Agile Mind/Spirit/Soul, Legendary, Living Construct, Mithril Body, Superior Sneak Attack, Perfect Sneak Attack, Divine Sneak Attack, Goetic Blood, Lord of Blood, Extend Aura x2, Perfect Initiative

Cosmic Abilities: Spirit Stealer, Inner Eye, Legendary Dexterity (Esoteric) , Legendary Charisma (Esoteric), Abrogate, Nullification

Transcendent Abilities: Divine Nullification

Portfolios: Love, Death (Blood)

Proxy Salient Abilities: Heartbreak Effect, Legendary Charisma, Legendary Dexterity, Triple Gestalt, Improved Portfolios

Environment: Shinkokku, Outer Planes
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: (official CR 160)
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Effective Class Level: 160

Combat: Lord Capricus is considered by many to be one of the strongest of the 8 Deities, not due to his outward physical power, but due to his sheer skill and the connection he has made with the Overdeity Kiss Me To The Moon, a Sidereal residing on the outer rim of his Galaxy with a love for human emotion. She has granted Capricus many boons in order that he may give her a constant stream of new and exciting emotional experiences to experience herself.

Wholly evil and full of corruption, Capricus is for lack of a better term a monster. He eats humans, particularly children, partakes in wanton murder and rape, absorbs souls for the sheer thrill of it and thinks nothing of slaughtering thousands, even millions for little reason.

The 8 keep Capricus around as they know that without the help of those of unscrupulous mindsets, Vlitra can never be defeated, thusly it's better to have an evil god who's power is being added to the whole of the group whom evil humans and mortals worship vice demons gaining that same worship and it only serving to work against their cause.

Capricus also is known to be the one the 8 tend to go to for the issues and situations they can't deal with themselves, but need to be done a certain way, generally the way someone truly evil and despotic would handle it. He happily encourages this from his peers and handles the situations with the utmost care. He is something of a black ops and wetworks type and thoroughly enjoys his work.

In combat, Capricus uses his ability to nullify all foes divine abilities and feats to render his foes nearly helpless, then abrogates whatever powers they have left and then relies on sheer damage and repeatedly attacks in melee full force attempting to snuff the target out as quickly and efficiently as possible with assassination attempts, ambushes, and blinding foes with his Mirrorshard Blade ability. Once blinded, he will unleash multiple sneak attacks upon a foe dealing divine damage avoiding immunity.

If a foe relies upon multiple cosmic level powers, he uses his Tome Shadowdancer abilities to close the gap and strike fast and hard, allowing his heartbreak and bleeding effect to obliterate his enemies and heal whatever damage he may suffer and will allow his bleed damage to destroy his foe over time. He will always attempt hit and run style attacks against any serious threat, and if facing an overwhelmingly superior foe, will always flee, though if cornered will fight to the death.

If against a considerably weaker foe, he takes his time (if the situation permits) and enjoys himself with them. Playing with them, letting them think their winning just to steal their hope away. He enjoys stealing the souls and memories of his foes, savoring them as one might a good wine and saving bits of their essence for later snacking. He's fond of taking such foes corpses and having his chefs prepare them as one might a deer or pig and he feasts upon them later holding banquets for his profane entourage.

Capricus racially is a Paragon by birth, and was later transformed into a Charisma devouring vampiric entity known as a Bloodless, when he full embraced this dark path later on in his unlife becoming a god of death, he further embraced this path using his divine power to become a Daywalker vampire.

The bloodless template can be found in the Sword and Sorcery Creature Collection 2 in the back of the book where they have several templates listed, it can be downloaded here: Creature Collection II Dark Menagerie - Free Download PDF

Cosmic Might (Ex): Deal a maximum of 80d20 base damage with virtual size categories for any unarmed or weapon strike unless otherwise stated.

Boon of the 8 Deities (Su): Any 'Soul, Mind, Body, Spirit' ability also has it's respective ability modifier added as an additional layer of deflection AC

Love/Death (Blood) Portfolio: Capricus is the god of Death and Love, his Death Domain is heavily influenced by vampiric abilities which alter the baseline powers to some degree. He gains the following abilities:

-Positive Energy Vulnerability: Capricus takes double damage from Positive Energy attacks

-Sterility: Capricus can never sire children, excluding vampire spawn and bloodless

-Undeath (Daywalker): Capricus is treated as Undead for all abilities and effects, he uses his Charisma Modifier for calculating HP and Fort saves instead of but keeps his Constitution score for certain effects

-Target of Rage:
Capricus takes x2 Damage from rage effects and abilities and those raging against him gain a +16 circumstance modifier on attack rolls against him

-Love is Blind: -32 against Enchantment Effects

-Cold Resistance: 80

-Charisma Ward: Immunity to Charisma Drain or Damage, Extends to allies in Div Aura

-Necromantic Immunity: Immune to all Nacromantic effects

-Scion of Love: Capricus gains a +32 Bonus on his Charisma

-Perfect Summoning (undead): Any undead summoned by Capricus have +200% HD

-Brethren of Love: +32 Charisma to any summoned creature

-Embodiment of Death: Immunities to his death effects ineffective

-Embodiment of Love: Immunities to Enchantments ineffective

-Uncanny Bloody Effect:
See Below

-Uncanny Love Effect: See Below

-Absorb Blood: Absorb Bloody Effect damage done, gain temporary HP

-Beautiful Soul: Cha score to Regeneration

Bloody Effect (Su): Drains blood from targets dealing d6's of bleed damage per hd, this damage continues every round unless magically healed at least the base dice dealt or fast healed regenerated at least the base dice done (so 80d6 would need to heal at least 80 damage) each subsequent attack stacks the dice damage dealt (three attacks dealing 80d6 would deal 240d6 bleeding damage the following round) foes without blood simply take d6s of blugeoning damage. DC 546 if applicable

Beam (Ray) 160d6 3,600 ft range

Blast 80d6 3,600 ft range/ 225ft. Standard action Ref DC 546/half

Blood 40d6 Melee Free action when struck Ref DC 546/half

Breath 80d6 225ft. cone, 900ft line, Standard action Ref DC 546/half

Hand 240d6 Melee Touch or Unarmed Strike

Immolation 240d6 57,600ft radius blast, Ref DC 546/half

Storm 40d6 57,600ft radius, Ref DC 546/half /none Free -

Strike 40d6x24 Melee (bonus) Free -

Wrath (Gaze) 80d6 225ft cone 546 Will/none

Heartbreak Effect (Su): Assaults foes with heartrending emotional damage. This deals 2d30 damage per hd of the user and causes a foes eyes to produce tears uncontrollably. This damage can be made subdual if the user so chooses too. If subdued in such a way the foe falls into a deep and catatonic depression, wracked with tortured guilt of past misdeeds and misconnections. This damage is entirely ineffective against foes without emotion or mindless enemies (Vermin, Constructs, certain Undead, Oozes Etc) though immunity to mind influencing effects is ineffective against it.

This is a Cosmic level power granted to Capricus from the First One known as Kiss Me To The Moon, upgrading his "Love Effect" which does much the same thing but deals d8s of damage, it's power is not doubled from having a double domain. DC 398 if applicable

Beam (Ray) 160d30 3,600 ft range

Blast 80d30 3,600 ft range/ 225ft. Standard action Ref DC 546/half

Blood 40d30 Melee Free action when struck Ref DC 546/half

Breath 80d30 225ft. cone, 900ft line, Standard action Ref DC 546/half

Hand 240d30 Melee Touch or Unarmed Strike

Immolation 240d30 57,600ft radius blast, DC Ref DC 546/half

Storm 40d30 57,600ft radius, Ref DC 546/half or None Free -

Strike 40d30 Melee (bonus) Free -

Wrath (Gaze) 80d30 225ft cone 546 Will/none

Lord of Blood (Daywalker) (Ex): Capricus gains the Vampire template Capricus however is a Daywalker, allowing him to move in sunlight unaffected and freely move in water, but he loses the signature energy drain ability, shapechanging and gaseous form abilities of other vampire breeds but does gain a fly speed equal to double his base land speed with good maneuverability. Vampire (CR +2) – d20PFSRD

Mithril Body (Ex): Gain +10 to Strength, +40 to Dex, Add 15/- to DR, gain +15 to Natural AC, Weight reverts back to base creature's weight

Starflight(Sp): Can reach any place in the multiverse in 3d20 days.

Vajra Form: The 8 Deities can increase their overall combat effectiveness by pulling upon the power of the Mantra, This doubles all stats (str, dex, con etc) triples movement speed, and doubles their HP as if they were in their Divine Realm. HP is not increased for the increase to Con in this form, nor will it double their HP in their divine realm.

Divine Immunity(Ex): Immune to all environmental effects, Immune to all natural effects

Legendary Charisma: Charisma is doubled

Legendary Dexterity: Dexterity is doubled

Agile Soul, Spirit, Mind: Add Dexterity Modifier to Saves, Attack Rolls and DCs

Legendary: Gain the Monster of Legend template,
Template - Monster Of Legend
He has taken the following abilities:
-Immunities: Acid, Fear, Fire, and Mind Influencing Effects
-Regrow Limbs

Abrogate: One enemy within Capricus' Divine Aura has their strongest ability (chosen by Capricus) nullified

Inner Eye: Always rolling maximum on all dice rolls

Nullification: Nullify all opponent's Feats within divine aura

Divine Nullification: Nullify all opponent's Divine Abilities within divine aura

Spirit Stealer: absorb all Quintessence that would otherwise be lost when destroying a divine foe

Proxy Salient Abilities: Boons granted to Capricus over the millions of years he's worked with Kiss Me To The Moon. He's been granted 2 additional Classes to gestalt over his basic class levels (The Commando and the Evil Clown), the ability to use powerful Cosmic Heartbreak damage with his Love Effect, both of his Portfolios are considered Double with all the boons and drawbacks of that, and he's been gifted 2 Cosmic Abilities: Legendary Charisma and Legendary Dexterity. Should he ever give up his path, these abilities would cease.

-Spell Like Abilities: Caster Level equal to HD+ Divine Bonus DC 546

At Will: Commune, Dream, Etherialness, Gias/Quest, Greater Dispel Magic, Greater Teleport, Magic Jar, Sending, Tongues, True Sight
16/day: Wish
3/day: See Invisibility, Haste, Banishment
Portfolio Spell Like Abilities: 2/Round:
Charm Animal, Eagle's Splendor, Blindness/ Deafness, Charm Monster, Symbol of Sleep, Symbol of Persuasion, Power Word Blind, Sympathy, Dominate Monster
Cause Fear, Death Knell, Animate Dead, Death Ward, Slay Living, Create Undead, Destruction, Create Greater Undead, Wail of the Banshee

-Class Features:

Commando: Gain sneak attack 20d6, Ambush 40d6, Hide in Plain Sight, Tactical Step 20/ round allowing him to make 20 immediate 5ft step actions in any round, uncanny stealth granting him +30 on stealth checks while using his environment, Neck Break

Commando can be found here: Sub-Epic Offerings

Evil Clown: Aura of Evil, Tomfoolery 40d6, Charisma Bonus to AC +20, Claws and Bite, Clown Gags, All in Good Fun, Vanishing, Regen =to Charisma, Aura of Menace, Eater of Children, Clown Car, Eater of the World, Tent of Horrors, 4th Wall, Cotton Candy Contraption, Worst Nightmare, Last Trick

Evil Clown can be found here: Evil Clown (3.5e NPC Class) - D&D Wiki

Assassin: Spells, Sneak Attack 5d6, Assassinate

Pathfinder Assassin: Angel of Death, Sneak Attack 5d6, True Death, Quiet Death, Hidden Weapons

Tome Shadowdancer: See in Darkness, Shadow Slide, Shadow strike, Darkness, Hide in Plain Sight, Sneak Attack 30d6, Improved Shadow Slide, Shadow Door, Shadow Walk, Deeper Darkness, Shadow Pounce, Improved Shadow Strike, Shadow Friends, Shadow Vanish, Mirrorshard Blade, Phantasmal Image

Tome Shadowdancer can be found here: Shadowdancer, Tome (3.5e Prestige Class)

New Divine Abilities:

-Agile Mind/ Body/ Soul/ Spirit:

You are so deft it affects every facet of your existence
Prerequisites: Dexterity 100
Benefit: Dexterity to respective stats, Circumstance bonus. Divine Bonus, Circumstance, to AC.

-Mithril Body (Ex):
Your manifestation is made of ultra light yet strong and beautiful Mithril.
Prerequisites: Dex 70, Ersatz (Or Living Construct)
You gain +10 to Strength, +40 to Dex, Add 15/- to DR, gain +15 to Natural AC, Weight reverts back to base creature's weight

-Love Effect:
You use the power of love as a powerful weapon against those who have emotions.
Prerequisite: Charisma 40, Must have found true love
You can assault your foes with powerful emotional energy dealing d8s of damage per HD and causing the enemy's eyes to uncontrollably tear up. This damage can be made into subdual damage at your choosing. If subdual damage deals enough to knock an enemy unconscious, they become tortured with guilt and lose the will to fight for an amount of hours equal to your divine rank being treated as under a sanctuary effect. Attacking such a foe allows for a new saving throw and the enemy can fight normally, though shaken, for the encounter regardless of success or not. A successful Will saving throw negates the depression effect.

This ability does not effect mindless creatures or beings without emotions. Immunity to mind influencing effects negates the depression but not the damage.

-Living Construct:
You gain the Living Construct subtype, this ability can be used in place of the Ersatz ability for all "Body" type abilities associated with that ability.
Prerequisites: none
Benefit: Gain the Living Construct subtype

Living Construct Subtype - Eberron Unlimited

New Cosmic Abilities:

-Heartbreak Effect:
You fuel your powers with devastating emotional forces that shatter foes psyches causing lasting damage in the minds of attackers
Prerequisites: Charisma 100, Wisdom 70, Uncanny Love Effect, must have experienced great personal tragedy
You can assault your foes with devastating emotional energy making foes relive their most enduring failures and sadnesses, dealing 2d30 points of damage per HD and causing the enemy's eyes to uncontrollably tear up. This damage can be made into subdual damage at your choosing.

If subdual damage deals enough to knock an enemy unconscious, upon recovery they become tortured with absolute emotional agony and lose the will to fight for an amount of days equal to your divine rank being treated as under a sanctuary effect. Attacking such a foe allows for a new saving throw and allows the opponent to be considered staggered and shaken for the encounter regardless of success or not. A successful Will saving throw reduces the depression effect to a shaken and staggered effect for an amount of hours equal to your Divine Bonus instead of days.

This ability does not effect mindless creatures or beings without emotions. Immunity to mind influencing effects negates the depression but not the damage.



-Claws of the Wicked King: +20 enchanted claws, not an artifact as much as a reskin of his Mirrorshard Blade power to work with his Evil Clown Claws power, he does have enchantments on his claws granting him a speed enchantment and +20 bonus on his claws however, and if his hands were to be removed and they were fashioned into weapons, they would impart these enchantments.

-The Steihl: The Steihl is a powerful Keneshin dagger of ancient origin. It has Chaos runes up the length of it's black blade and steals the memories of those it strikes. It is an unbreakable +36 Dagger which deals an additional 10d4 Wisdom Drain from those it strikes. Immunity to Ability Drain is ineffective against this weapon and if killed the Steihl steals the soul of the opponent soul trapping them within the blade to be held indefinitely until released by Capricus himself or whomever wields the blade.

3 divine artifacts liquidated for x4 divine abilities, Boon of the 7 Springs is a stacking 'Toughness' feat for various holy hot springs visited in my world, Epic toughness in my campaigns grants +20 hp per level
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Voidrunner's Codex

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