Hmm. OK. That wasn't something I ever saw in play.It does if you Telekenitic pull them into it.
No, they don't! They just require it to be a different weapon. They have removed the "other hand" wording. That's why this is a potential issue. I don't expect we'll get actual errata for it, but I would like some sage advice from Jeremy to see what his intent was at the very least.Dropping a weapon was free in 2014. It isn't now so that only works if the free object interaction can be used to draw or drop a weapon or swap hands. I think the two weapon fighting rules require you to have a second light weapon in your other hand and the nick property tags on from that. So I'm not 100% sure that the absence of mentioning the other hand on the nick specialty makes much difference overall. You have to start off with two weapons, drop one as part of the first attack, swap as an object interaction for your free nick attack. Only fighter types would then be able to draw a third weapon as part of extra attack.