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D&D 5E [D&D 5e] Planescape - In Through the Out Door


Queen of Everything
OOC: So, Lili definitely believes in something. She heard it! However, she's never seen anything like what that sounds was. I can work with that.

But I'm wondering, would each person sees the same object in a different way? That could be interesting!


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"Oh, I think everyone heard it," Shard said, following the pixie's eyes to try to see what she was seeing. "And I did hear some kind of restless spirit before. An unusual talent for the passed...it must not be long gone."

[section]Picayune frowned at Shard. He grit his teeth. Sweet Mary, mother of Jesus. I's right HERE. RIGHT HERE!" Picayune groused, then fluttered down and whirled his incorporeal self around and around Shard, settling in to whisper in her right ear after his third spin around her body.[/section]
[sblock=Shard]Casting message at Shard. "I ain't dead. Ya'll jokers jess cain't be seein' me. At dis moment." Picayune switched from Shard's right to her left ear and whispered some more. "But I ain't dead, no sir. Ya'll jess blind mofos." He stroked the back of her neck as he whispered.[/sblock]


First Post
Well, he's certainly got the offensive 'humility' of the higher-end mages, that's for sure...
Especially not in front of any company. Remember, the worse you make me come off, the more damage you do to your own standing. Because which is worse, the buffoon or the idiot who shackled himself TO the buffoon?

Shaking his head, he went back to daubing the last bits of his book in order to clear up any hideous extraplanar dire germs that might be found on it; he'd go ahead and give one last wipe-down with a clean cloth after that. He'll also continue the conversation telepathically even if addressed by voice; it's a good chance to get used to telepathy in general and to further hone his abilities of 'say one thing while doing another.'

I really should demand a 'sir' at minimum- but I'm prepared to dispense with that to begin with, while keeping it open as a later option if necessary. As for names, my family calls me Graydon- and the barkeep outside calls me 'Sergei'; I trust an 'archmage' understands the value of controlling information about oneself, yes? I shall expect you to back up whatever guise I find expedient, especially given the issues of disguising a flying pet book.

Because yeah, animals are easy to explain- but having every different persona tailed by a flying book? That's a good bit more tricky. He might have to try refining the familiar bond, see if he can get them to share the same spells or something- but that's a problem for later, and besides his new companion just said something HILARIOUS.

...'Shandrizar the All-Seeing?' That's really what you're going with? The mental conversation dissolved into a mass of snickers, even as Graydon finished wiping and was obviously fighting a grin. The last time I remember something so pretentious was 'Marimmar the Magnificent, Mage Most Mighty'- back when I saw him perform at a six-year-old's BIRTHDAY PARTY!

He almost cracked up out loud at that last part, but managed to keep silent- if not straight-faced.


Queen of Everything
Lili searches around the area to find the source of the beautiful sound. She knows she heard something. "Well, whatever it is, I called it a ghost I think and it... she...he... was very cross. It said its name was Pic-ay-une." Suddenly she catches a glimpse of something shimmery in the air. A gleam of metal? She concentrates harder and a moving shape starts to take some form. It looks to her like a long, golden unicorn horn. "Oh, I hope that was given to you!! I've heard sometimes a dying unicorn might give away its horn and it is known for magical properties!"

[section]The effigy howled. He zoomed over to the pixie and poked a finger at her. A cold pall filled the space near Liliana.[/section]
[sblock=Liliana]Casting message at Liliana. "Lil' bit, yous whack'd. Unicorn horn?! Dis here's BESSIE. An' she ain't no fairy creat'r. Cain't you see dis here's a trom-BONE? Ain'chya ne'er seen one afore? Unicorn horn! Hunh."[/sblock]
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Beginning to get the hang of this floating thing, Shandrizar is still wobbly, but at least he's no longer wheeling about the stall crashing into bat guano knows what. At least the young Mage has good sense to clean him off and thoroughly. There was a tingle somewhere back in Shandrizar's skull, or whatever passed for his skull; was he actually pleased at being cleaned? No, that was silly! "Yes, I understand. Only, perhaps we can leaving off the archmage part for the time being..." He hummed, realizing that if his former peers knew of his current predicament he would certainly be the laughing stock of the planes. Not to mention a few rivals who would be all to eager to test the defenses of his Veratis Obscura, a scrying chamber and personal library greatly coveted by other mages.

Shandrizar arches his paper brow at Graydon's request for discretion and guile. What is he hiding? "I see. Graydon. No patronymic? No title? You have the dissimulation characteristic of a diviner." A long time ago, in his humbler days, Shandrizar had learned to keep details about himself hidden behind several layers of untruth and magical defenses. In his later years, such precautions were thrown to the wayside as the power of his name carried weight. Now, he might actually take a page from this young Mage.

Groaning at Graydon's teasing, his Spellbook lets out a sigh that sounds like rustling pages. Oh, fantastic, he now had to put up with telepathic snickering. 

 "And here I thought hideous laughter was a spell. If you're done, perhaps you'd like to tell me about your arcane studies? How did you letter in divination? I presume you didn't learn everything you know from party clowns..."


Queen of Everything
[section]The effigy howled. He zoomed over to the pixie and poked a finger at her. A cold pall filled the space near Liliana.[/section]
[sblock=Liliana]Casting message at Liliana. "Lil' bit, yous whack'd. Unicorn horn?! Dis here's BESSIE. An' she ain't no fairy creat'r. Cain't you see dis here's a trom-BONE? Ain'chya ne'er seen one afore? Unicorn horn! Hunh."[/sblock]

Lili shivers as that cold covers her little body and her eyes pop wide. "Bone? It's made of bone? What's a Trom and where did you get its bone??" Her eyes are darting around looking for Oz and the relative comfort he gives her.


First Post
Graydon let go the book, pleased to see it could fly on its own without bumping into things; really, despite the frankly ludicrous naming, it was clear his new familiar did have some wits about it. I should hope so; glad you're coming to your senses about that little fiction. Shall I leave off the 'All-Seeing' part as well? It might have worked better if you had been bound into a spyglass, shall we say. Wordless amusement passed through the bond, but at least there wasn't any chortling this time.

Given how an 'All-Seeing' mage must have specialized, I'll take that as a compliment. Surnames are for people I can trust, and my schoolmates and I decided titles were more than a little absurd; not only do the self-bestowed ones sound absurdly grandiose, proudly trumpeting your skills- and by inference, where you can be found LACKING- just seemed the height of idiocy to us. When you're unknown, your name won't mean anything no matter how many curlicues you add; when you rise far enough, your name alone should say it all. So why ornament it? ...Unless you're one of those jackass evokers, of course. UGH, damned blasty-mages. There's so much more to wizardry than just throwing fireballs around!

As to my studies, I did fairly well in divination, but the main bent of my studies has long been toward illusion. Admittedly, they're often seen as opposing schools- but I like to think that truth and lies fit together like hand and glove. He shot Shandrizar a sly grin. Besides, what's a bigger falsehood than an incomplete truth?

Still, we've been in here long enough; let's head back out toward cleaner air and the people who seemed to congregate around me. I'd especially like to find out what that wonderful music was about...

Graydon opened up the locked stall and went through- but held the door open behind him, so that Shandrizar wouldn't have to start experimenting with altitude.
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First Post
Shard glanced around, increasingly annoyed at the spirit's antics.

"Stop that AT ONCE!" she bellowed in the direction of the noise Picayune was making. She stepped closer to the shivering pixie and put an arm out to give her some cover with her shield. "We have done nothing but try to help you, so if you wish to remain in our presence then be quiet and LISTEN for a moment."

"You are invisible. You have no solid form. Tell me...is this what you knew in life? Face facts, spirit. You will be forever bound until you do. Soon they will come to take you away. Until then..."

She sighed and gestured to a table. "Until then, come sit with us. Tell us of your life, so you may be remembered, whatever judgement is your fate."

Voidrunner's Codex

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