Ok, why would you even go that far?
China, which, frankly, lags MASSIVELY behind the US in health care, and is far more densely populated, is already seeing its numbers start to slow down.
Why would you think that the US would utterly fail to deal with this? Since when has the US ever totally failed to deal with things? When have you ever seen a complete breakdown in the US? Again, you're just fear mongering.
Yup, 80000 cases in the US. That's bad. But, we're look at a country of 350 million people. Perspective is very much needed here folks. No, this is not the apocalypse. We will get through this, just like we got through everything else that's been thrown at us. You're saying that in a few weeks we're going to see 60 000 deaths? in the US? dude, you really, really need to lay off of whatever it is that you're smoking.
Or, do you honestly believe that China was twenty times more effective than the largest economy in the world at dealing with a crisis?
I used Italy as a base line, USA is 5 times bigger and had dealt with it even worse than Italy.
China's numbers may be suspect but they at least did something USA hasn't even done that.
Italy also has a better health system in terms of capacity and had help from the EU.
So yeah not looking good. I don't mind if I get proved wrong.
The dying has barely started in New York. Boris Johnson has it.
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