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D&D and the rising pandemic

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Mod Squad
Staff member
Yeh the meaning is really all over the place. Here I get the impression without symptoms testing is almost never done. (although before surgery is an exception)

There are times when it makes sense, like when you are trying to monitor a population. For example, here in Massachusetts, at the various higher-education campuses, they've done frequent testing of students and staff, to try to get on top of any outbreaks that might occur. They have done so many as to skew results if you just dump that data in with the rest of the testing in the state.


Arcadian Knight
There are times when it makes sense, like when you are trying to monitor a population. For example, here in Massachusetts, at the various higher-education campuses, they've done frequent testing of students and staff, to try to get on top of any outbreaks that might occur. They have done so many as to skew results if you just dump that data in with the rest of the testing in the state.
Oh it definitely makes sense to densely test, in order to track and stop spread but test ANYBODY who may have contacted someone with the disease makes sense. And yes the different testing params of contributing groups of data also confuse matters as well. This is not simple stuff


He / Him
Today was the first day since March 2020 that no new patients with COVID were admitted to hospitals in San Francisco!

California also announced a complete reopening on June 15, although of course it will vary county to county. There seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel!


Found official government data. I stoped paying attention to numbers a few months ago.


Total Stats

Virtually no deaths from quarantine even with the Covid positives most if not all were community deaths.

A few countries still essentially blocked.

Residents of NZ from other countries can still come along with a trickle of those who can get visas.


Are the hospitals filling up with people?
No, fortunately. It is pretty frightening though that it's almost certain that Japan is downplaying things as hard as possible in order to keep the Olympics afloat. But, then again, I say, "almost certain" without any real evidence. But, again, since the government controls here over the media are so strong, and the flow of information is so top down and accepted as being okay that it's top down without really any questioning of those in positions of authority, that it's so hard to have any faith at all in the system.

I mean, good grief, the local news here has been dominated by a couple of Vietnamese workers that stole a couple of pigs and had a barbecue. O.O This was a half hour expose on my local station. You can see what I'm talking about when it's really hard to believe anything that's coming down the pipeline.


Staff member
The loss of your sense of smell due to COVID is a relatively minor symptom, but it’s ripples can drastically change one’s quality of life, and may be linked to depression. And for some of those who get their sense back, it is disordered.



Staff member

Basically, a researcher has claimed to figure out why some of the C19 vaccines are causing clots, AND he believes he knows what needs to be done to reformulate the ven to avoid this problem. Apparently, J&J has contacted him for a consultation.


Staff member
Choose your international travel locations carefully. Things are still ugly out there:

They note that non-pharmaceutical measures seem to be less effective with this one because of its virulence and increased rate of reproduction. Translation: it is easier to catch, and needs a lower viral load to successfully infect someone,

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