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D&D and the rising pandemic

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Morkus from Orkus
And now that vaccines are widely available in the US, the dumb anti-vaxxers are at increased risk of becoming even dumber.
Honestly, if it wasn't for the risk of the virus mutating in one of them and becoming a threat to me and mine, I wouldn't care if they Darwin themselves or make themselves dumber. Their stupidity poses a significant and unacceptable risk to the rest of us, though, so something has to change.


Morkus from Orkus
Which seems nearly impossible to me. How can it get dumber than "vaccines shed and make women near then infertile!!!"? (I'm going to regret asking this in the future, aren't I?)
Hah! When I got my vaccine I had a friend who jokingly told me that he was worried about the microchips and asked me if I got 5G yet. I laughed and told him no, but I had been kidnapped by aliens 3 times.


Hah! When I got my vaccine I had a friend who jokingly told me that he was worried about the microchips and asked me if I got 5G yet. I laughed and told him no, but I had been kidnapped by aliens 3 times.

I want those vaccines with the microchips. Government's paying for them get enough free iPhone right?

Then I can let everyone online know I have an iphone.


5e Freelancer
Hah! When I got my vaccine I had a friend who jokingly told me that he was worried about the microchips and asked me if I got 5G yet. I laughed and told him no, but I had been kidnapped by aliens 3 times.
In a world where aliens did exist and did regularly kidnap people (and then release them for some reason), that would actually be semi-believable. One guy was struck by lightning 7 times in his life in the space of 15 years (before eventually committing suicide), so if you had his luck (or lack thereof) in this theoretical world, that could actually be a conceivable possibility.


Morkus from Orkus
While we're on the subject of me and vaccine humor, when my wife was pregnant we went to the OBGYN for a routine visit. While there we were told that we have to get some sort of vaccine against something infants are susceptible to(can't remember the name) and should talk to the receptionist on the way out. Dutifully we went to the receptionist when the appointment ended and the receptionist asked us if we wanted to get the vaccine. Mustering as serious a face as I could manage I said, "But.....................I don't want to catch autism." The poor woman's mouth worked itself for a few seconds before she blurted out, "It.........it doesn't work that way!" That was as long as I could keep a straight face and I laughed as I said, "I know."


Staff member
Remember the discussion of quacks profiting from disinformaion? Well, the #1 spreader of C19 lies is a Florida osteopath who has made over $100m by casting doubt on mainstream medic and supplying the market with his own remedies.



Remember the discussion of quacks profiting from disinformaion? Well, the #1 spreader of C19 lies is a Florida osteopath who has made over $100m by casting doubt on mainstream medic and supplying the market with his own remedies.

You could put that in the duck thread.


Lord of the Hidden Layer
How can it get dumber than "vaccines shed and make women near then infertile!!!"? (I'm going to regret asking this in the future, aren't I?)
In about 9 months, expect a rash of lawsuits involving birth defects - most of which have straightforward explanations involving long-understood causes, a few of which are more complicated, and a sensationalized handful which have medical researchers stumped.

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