I actually needed this information lol I was genuinely going "Huh?".Click the image to go to the blog.
Some sites get the link translated or morphed badly so I just embed them.I actually needed this information lol I was genuinely going "Huh?".
IMO it's really key to what we saw with the OGL debacle, it continues to be an issue. And hopefully it is the one area the executives will really chose to spend their time on. This industry was created by gamers for gamers. It doesn't mean you have to be a gamer to be an executive of a game company, but you sure as heck better understand the issues.Improvement Area – Executive Knowledge Gap: During the sessions, and particularly the heated ones, there was often a gap between what executives understood and what other staff understood. That’s not unusual for corporations, and since there was no agenda communication, these executives were not prepared for hard discussions. But, also, it shows that the executives don’t grasp the root of many of the community issues, including longstanding historic ones. They really should grasp the fundamentals of these issues. I will discuss this further in another article.
Yeah, I think it would be very healthy if WotC continues to followup on this event and doesn't retreat: time will tell.I think this is perhaps the key take-away (emphasis mine):
IMO it's really key to what we saw with the OGL debacle, it continues to be an issue. And hopefully it is the one area the executives will really chose to spend their time on. This industry was created by gamers for gamers. It doesn't mean you have to be a gamer to be an executive of a game company, but you sure has heck better understand the issues.
I read the replys of that thread and my eyes hurt.
This industry was created by gamers for gamers. It doesn't mean you have to be a gamer to be an executive of a game company, but you sure has heck better understand the issues.
I read the replys of that thread and my eyes hurt.
I don't like how they handled the new half-elf version.
But the kind of outrage is interesting. Now they are calling Jwremy Crawford racist, because he was told (probably by sensitive readers) that halfX is problematic. Now that they adress it, he is racist for doing away with that.
Instead of just writing, that the new version does not hit the mark, statements are taken out of context and used to attavk instead of trying to make it better...
Twitter is no healthy place. And throwing a summit moght also be a bad idea... :/
Really? The history of RPGs is fairly well documented. If you are serious you can go look into it. Otherwise this feels like you are trying to trap me in some internet debate. The issues in the RPG sphere, historically and current, are also pretty well documented for those who are interested.Which gamers, and who's issues though?