D&D 5E D&D Live: Kate Welch returns with Jack Black, Reggie Watts and others!

During WotC's 'D&D Live' events in mid-July this year, there will be a live game called The Lost Odyssey: Last Light, featuring a dragons, krakens, and giant sea queens. WotC's Kate Welch will be the DM and celebrity guests Jack Black, Reggie Watts, Lauren Lapkus, Kevin Smith, and Jason Mewes will be the players -- plus one other guest they have not yet announced.

During WotC's 'D&D Live' events in mid-July this year, there will be a live game called The Lost Odyssey: Last Light, featuring a dragons, krakens, and giant sea queens. WotC's Kate Welch will be the DM and celebrity guests Jack Black, Reggie Watts, Lauren Lapkus, Kevin Smith, and Jason Mewes will be the players -- plus one other guest they have not yet announced.


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Hey. It's just like that one other popular game where they constantly wanted to show celebrities associated with their game like Mr. T, Ozzy Ozborne, William Shatner, Chuck Norris, etc.

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