D&D 5E D&D Live: Kate Welch returns with Jack Black, Reggie Watts and others!

During WotC's 'D&D Live' events in mid-July this year, there will be a live game called The Lost Odyssey: Last Light, featuring a dragons, krakens, and giant sea queens. WotC's Kate Welch will be the DM and celebrity guests Jack Black, Reggie Watts, Lauren Lapkus, Kevin Smith, and Jason Mewes will be the players -- plus one other guest they have not yet announced.

During WotC's 'D&D Live' events in mid-July this year, there will be a live game called The Lost Odyssey: Last Light, featuring a dragons, krakens, and giant sea queens. WotC's Kate Welch will be the DM and celebrity guests Jack Black, Reggie Watts, Lauren Lapkus, Kevin Smith, and Jason Mewes will be the players -- plus one other guest they have not yet announced.


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Morkus from Orkus
A buddy and former DM of mine was in the 2019 Lost Odyssey live event. I looked up pricing on it, because I wanted to go in support, but the prices rivaled the tickets my wife and I bought for Hamilton at the Pantages Theater. I wasn't going to pay that much to go watch D&D. The day of the event he messaged me that he had some comp tickets and I ended up going anyway. It was tons of fun. What really blew my mind was that the two women in line in front of me were talking about how they just arrived from Denver to see the show. I had no idea that these live events were so popular.

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Well when he's not playing "Silent Bob" Kevin Smith is about a loquacious and sound-of-own-voice-loving as people come. But, "Jay" is going to be there, so he might, in fact, be playing some sort of Sir Bobert the Silent character. In other words we'll either hear a ton from Kevin Smith or almost nothing.
I gotta bow out for a spell because Im actually playing D&D now.

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