D&D General D&D memes thread discussion…

Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
my point was the opposite, that regardless of the narrative it takes the majority of progression in games is usually tied to some form of combat and loot, be that loot be aquired in a dungeon, bought in a store or given as reward.

i don't deny that some players still level via RP and social encounters but i suspect it is a far far smaller fraction in comparison.
it is a mechanical failing of both skill systems and seemingly the total inability of WOTC to write a book meant to train up DMs in how to do every type of adventure more or less.

both could be fixed but pigs will go to space first.

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One day, I hope to actually play DnD.
it is a mechanical failing of both skill systems and seemingly the total inability of WOTC to write a book meant to train up DMs in how to do every type of adventure more or less.

both could be fixed but pigs will go to space first.
it'd be interesting to see what a 'full adventuring day' would look like and consist of when purely constructed out of each of the three pillars of play individually, what is the social or exploration equivilant of eight combat encounters? especially when social seems to be primarily constructed of skill checks.

not because you should do days exclusively by pillar but just for comparisons sake.


Mod Squad
Staff member
Are Ukrainian soldiers evil for killing Russian invaders?

Mod Note:
A current real-world example with political implications is maybe not a good approach. Plus, isn't this thread about memes, not morality?

Wow, your so far past missing the point and into blatant trolling. Go away

Hey there. You're free to not engage. But if you can't be more respectful about it, that's going to be a problem.

Both of you, get back on topic, please and thanks.

Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
it'd be interesting to see what a 'full adventuring day' would look like and consist of when purely constructed out of each of the three pillars of play individually, what is the social or exploration equivilant of eight combat encounters? especially when social seems to be primarily constructed of skill checks.

not because you should do days exclusively by pillar but just for comparisons sake.
it would help if we had a proper skill system but yeah I do want to see how it would work for all three base pillars
I am betting on a proper 6e or 5.5 getting a proper psionic caster happening first.
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Staff member
Mod Note:

Howzabout we don’t use highly-charged current day geopolitical issues to illustrate analogous situations in game play.


@CleverNickName please do. :devilish:


Well Done Ok GIF by funk

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