D&D Movie/TV D&D Movie: Action Packed, Funny as Hell

According to Justice Smith, one of the stars of the upcoming Dungeons and Dragons movie, the film is "action-packed, thrilling, funny as hell". https://www.enworld.org/threads/michelle-rodriguez-justice-smith-join-d-d-movie.678118/ In a conversation with Collider, Smith said: [Goldstein and Daley are] incredible. They’re so funny and they have such clear vision. I loved Game Night. That...

According to Justice Smith, one of the stars of the upcoming Dungeons and Dragons movie, the film is "action-packed, thrilling, funny as hell".


In a conversation with Collider, Smith said:

[Goldstein and Daley are] incredible. They’re so funny and they have such clear vision. I loved Game Night. That movie is so good and so funny. And it’s such a clear, specific story. It doesn’t try and be anything that it’s not. I think they approached this the same way. I can’t spoil too much but it’s action-packed, thrilling, funny as hell… it’s all of the things and yet it has a clear idea. That specificity is key in storytelling and John and Jonathan do that so well, being like, "This is the story we’re telling but they’re making it enjoyable the entire time." This is me not trying to spoil the movie in any regards. I’ve given away no details.

The movie, which also stars Chris Pine, Michelle Rodriguez, Regé-Jean Page, Hugh Grant, and Sophia Lillis, is scheduled for March 3rd, 2023.


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Hopefully they didnt rely too much on the funny part. Humor sprinkled in here and there is good but if this is an action packed comedy that has me a little apprehensive. "Funny as hell" is relative depending on who you ask, so we'll see.
Action-comedy can be extremely successful. As can comedy-action. I think with something potentially risible like the Forgotten Realms going heavier on the humour is probably smart. The Jumanji reboot is probably kind of a good model in some regards, or GotG.

I suspect basically po-faced with the odd joke is the wrong way to go for D&D, especially with the cast they've chosen, which includes a lot of who can be pretty funny.


Deluxe Unhuman
These are not incompatible. Generally, the DM creates a setting and scenario that are serious, and the players goof and wisecrack their way through it, just like Guardians of the Galaxy
This is a very good way to look at it. The stakes in the GOTG movies are very serious, and the characters have serious arcs and backgrounds, but to different degrees the characters get distracted in amusing ways by their own predilections.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
If they're going to do an actually distinctive soundtrack, they should go all out and do the whole thing in Bardcore style. Or else get some musicians who go nuts with traditionally orchestral instruments, like Lindsey Stirling, or the 2Cellos guys.
There are a lot of artists I'd go to before them, but the marketing angle of them working on music for a movie would certainly help sell tickets.

Wardruna and other artists who seek to recreate ancient musical forms would be where I'd go.
And I don't want a grim dark super serious D&D movie because that's not really what playing D&D ends up being. Everybody wants to do a serious intrigue-filled campaign but the next thing you know, someone makes a Monty Python reference and Boblin the Goblin shows up.

What I'm looking for, more than anything, is a movie where the CHARACTERS take the situations seriously.
I also want that, sure. I just also want the script to take the situations seriously. Not be serious in tone, just not having stuff like Boblin the Goblin. I can listen to The Adventure Zone for stuff like that.

From a dnd movie, I want to see more the kind of story told by teams like High Rollers and Critical Role, or at the silliest, Acquisitions Inc. The C Team, which is far less slapstick and silly than the main AI show.
I basically want everyone to be Leslie Nielson where they say stupid jokes with the serious and gravitas of a shakespearean actor. I want it to be to Lord of the Ring what "Airplane!" was to that one airplane crash movie. Or like Batman 66. I think that's the kind of tone that would fit D&D. No goofy sidekick who screams at everything, no wink wink at the audience, no juvenile scatological humour... just some wit and earnest characters.
I think to a lot of us, what you're describing is goofy. Airplane is goofy. Batman 66 is goofy. If this was a DnD show or cartoon for kids, sure, great. If there was already a successful dnd movie franchise and this was an offshoot joint with little to do with the main franchise, absolutely. But what I won't go and spend money on, is a flagship dnd movie that tries to be a goofy spoof of a movie, where I'd have to sit through Chris Pine talking to
Off putting because they want a SERIOUS BUSINESS movie or off putting because they don't get it?
Offputting because they don't like it, more likely than that they don't get it.
I said that the experience of D&D at gaming tables usually start serious but will always end up with humour slipping in with stupid in-jokes and NPCs with dumb improvised names.
That isn't my experience at all. The dumb in-jokes, such as they are, never spill into the IC world. My character is never making a pun that makes no sense for them to make while talking to an NPC named French Fry King of The Sahuagin or whatever.

I guess a lot of people here would prefer a straight forward adventure like those found in the Forgotten Realms novels with lots of lore?
Just not a goofy comedy that plays like Not Another DnD Adventure: The Movie!

Bat-shark-repellant and "we were at sea, C is for Cat, Catwoman!" nonsense, no matter how straight faced the characters play it, is for parody, and parody is not what I want in a DnD movie. At least, not before there's been a good DnD movie that isn't constantly laughing at it's own premises, for the parodies to look to for inspiration.

This is a very good way to look at it. The stakes in the GOTG movies are very serious, and the characters have serious arcs and backgrounds, but to different degrees the characters get distracted in amusing ways by their own predilections.
THis, absolutely. Rocket wants to get people to give him their prosthetics, and has some rage and resentment from being a lab experiment with no home and no people and no family. Drax is...oof. Drax. When just touching him casually makes Manta break down completely in the second one, that's rough stuff. But it's far from a "serious movie", it's just a movie where the script and characters take the world around them seriously, and act as though they actually exist.

I certainly don't want Snyder-verse DC movie style DnD movies. I can't even fully express my disdain for grimdark without someone getting mad at me, around here. I just also don't want Teen Titans Go!.

These are not incompatible. Generally, the DM creates a setting and scenario that are serious, and the players goof and wisecrack their way through it, just like

Or the DM gets frustrated that the players will not calm down and get back into character, so rocks fall, everyone dies, someone else can DM next time. I have never had to deal with players that out of control, or been in a game that sidetracked to death, but I have heard the horror stories. And if they try to do another overly "humorous" movie, I hope it burns in Hell with the first one.

Or the DM gets frustrated that the players will not calm down and get back into character, so rocks fall, everyone dies, someone else can DM next time. I have never had to deal with players that out of control, or been in a game that sidetracked to death, but I have heard the horror stories. And if they try to do another overly "humorous" movie, I hope it burns in Hell with the first one.
The players are their to have fun doing something fundamentally silly. If the DM gets frustrated and kills the party because the players do not treat their fantasy epic with the gravitas it doesn't deserve it's time for a different DM.

The players are their to have fun doing something fundamentally silly. If the DM gets frustrated and kills the party because the players do not treat their fantasy epic with the gravitas it doesn't deserve it's time for a different DM.

More people prefer serious to silly, so it is a lot easier to not invite back the ones who won't stop being a poor excuse for a Monty Python skit. And especially if they are the type to constantly disrupt the game with OOC jokes and comments.

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