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[d20 Modern / 4CtF] Windy City Mutants: Genesis [PG-17]


First Post
Monday, 6:17pm
Lincoln High 'Dungeon' hallway, Oak Grove

When Lana feels Luke's hands on her back, she tried to push herself even faster in panic but ended up sending her board far down the hallway without her. Arms waving slightly, she half spun with her balancing act only to come face to face with her tormentor.

Dark emerald eyes meet his for that brief moment as Lana considered her alternatives. Stay and fight? Or run? What was she thinking?! He was a football player. Of course run the hell away!

Lana will spin around and take off again down the hallway but will try not to take off in the direction where Kate is. She doesn't want to drag her friend into this and she's pretty confident (erroneous as it may be) that she can handle this somehow. If there are side hallways, she'll take those.

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First Post
Monday, ?:??pm
Museum of Natural History, downtown

"Hello!" Linh called back. "Thank goodness you've found us! I have a patient here who needs to be transported to the ER right away. I think he's stable, but he wasn't doing so well a while ago."


I aim to misbehave
Monday, 6:17pm
Lincoln High 'Dungeon' hallway, Oak Grove

Great, Zo, just great . . so you were right. There was trouble. Now what are you going to do about it? Lorenzo thought as he hustled past Luke’s friends and saw the confrontation before him. There was someone that needed help and he was going to do his best now that he was in it . . . but Lorenzo understood that he was a better talker than a fighter. It had already mostly worked with Luke’s three friends, distracting them with his comments as he got past them. Now the tough part . . .

“Luke, how’s being expelled gonna look on your permanent record for college, man.” Lorenzo called out as he rushed to get between Luke and Lana. “Think about it, man, is this worth your future?”

OCC: Lorenzo intends to get between Luke and Lana with his movement and block Luke if necessary if he attempts to get past. Fast Talk with Bluff and/or Diplomacy on the trying to get Luke to back down.
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First Post
Monday, 6:17pm
Lincoln High 'Dungeon' hallway, Oak Grove

Keia said:
“Luke, how’s being expelled gonna look on your permanent record for college, man.” Lorenzo called out as he rushed to get between Luke and Lana. “Think about it, man, is this worth your future?”

Lana was about to run away (as she has lower initiative) until Lorenzo suddenly appeared out of nowhere which shocked her and then just as she was in the start of her sprint, she heard him say those words.

Is this worth your future?!

Her mouth dropped open slightly, not knowing whether to be humiliated, insulted, or grateful he was trying to help.

"Who's side are you on?!" she blurted out at him.

Being a teenager, she just went with completely humiliated and started running down the hallway again wanting to just die right then...right there...right now.

OOC: sorry was too good to let pass by :p
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Monday, 6:17pm
Lincoln High 'Dungeon' hallway, Oak Grove

Jon is about to run out and kick luke's ass when the door opens behidn him. Turning for a sec, he looks at Kate. "Don't worry, Everything'll be ok." He then turns and starts running towards the group.
"HEY, don't start the party without me!" He says, scooping up Lanas skateboard as he comes running up.

OOC: Full run, 30X4= 120 feet, so I should end up 10' away from Luke + Lana.


First Post
Monday, 6:17pm
Lincoln High 'Dungeon' hallway, Oak Grove

Round Two
20 - Lorenzo
18 - Luke
16 - Lana
08 - Jonathon
02 - The Gang

Lorenzo took a step forward (diplomacy is a full round action, so only a 5' step here) and made his pitch (letting fast talk apply since this argument is something that Luke finds unbelievable ;)).

Luke menaced towards Lana, and then turned halfway at Lorenzo's words. "What are you doing here? Just stay out of it - you're off to college. The new leadership is in office now." Waving Lorenzo off, he turned back towards Lana.

Lana was about to run, but got distracted by Lorenzo and turned as well. Once she got over her shock and said her bit, she managed to edge fifteen feet away from Luke. Towards Kate is really the only way she could go.

Jonathon ran out towards the group as fast as he could (picking something up is a move-equivalent action, so you can only move 30' if you do that - I'm assuming you'd rather run the full 120').

Kate, appearing even more worried, rushed to the doorway to the hall. "Lana!" she cried worriedly, seeing her friend there menaced by Luke and several other big guys.

The Gang moved up behind Lorenzo to support Luke.


Glass doors
35 feet of space
Last two 'gang' guys
Todd and Lorenzo
35 feet of space
10 feet of space
5 feet of space
115 feet of space
Kate and doors to Dungeon

The situation seems momentarily eased, though so tense that it might cut right into action again any moment. Initiatives will resume if anyone tries anything provocative.


First Post
Monday, 6:17pm
Lincoln High gymnasium, Oak Grove

It seemed like the referee was bringing things under control, as well as the coaches who rushed out to help. All of the players had been untangled and pulled up except for two. Both were from Lincoln High, and as they were getting up one of them suddenly shoved the other.

"What side are you on?!"

"Shut up! Stay out of it!"

"Geez..." Chris uttered in a low voice. "What's got them all pissed off?"

"I don't know," Eric added. "I thought those guys were friends."


First Post
Monday, 6:17pm
Lincoln High 'Dungeon' hallway, Oak Grove

Lana blinks as Jonathon rushes right by her. "What are you doing?" she hisses at him, half spinning back and now confused as to where to go. She couldn't leave Jon alone against Luke and the gang...Lorenzo seemed to be able to get them to listen to him...but there's no way Jon could handle Luke diplomatically or that he would even want to given what his reputation said about him.

Moving cautiously, she goes to retrieve her skateboard but still keeping an eye on the obviously testosterone induced boys in case they decided to get all macho.

"Kate," she called over her shoulder. "Go get a teacher."
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I aim to misbehave
Monday, 6:17pm
Lincoln High 'Dungeon' hallway, Oak Grove

Lorenzo looked to take command of the situation, having briefly forgotten that Luke was only a junior. I usually don't screw things up like that - I've gotta keep a clear head if I'm going to work these things out, Lorenzo thought.

With a look toward Luke's friends, Lorenzo walked toward Luke, a brief look of concern toward Lana then he was all smiles again. As he closed with Luke, Lorenzo spoke calmer and quieter, trying to make this a private conversation - or at least as much as he could given the situation.

"Luke, man, you're right, I'm off to college in a few short months. But, I'm here now, and I'm not ready to give up the last four months of my time to you. You make this play, you'll have made the worst decision of you life. I guarantee it. Let's head back to the gym, catch the end of the game, and put this situation behind us. Behind all of us." Lorenzo implored, giving all of his attention to Luke and trying to keep Luke's attention on him.


First Post
Monday, 6:04pm
On the streets, South Side

Thinking quickly, Macario pushed open the other door and then darted behind the stack of beers, hopefully out of sight. Hunching down in this dirty room, the sound of his heartbeat thundering in his ears, he placed his spread hands against the crates he was using as cover. Hands that still smarted at the points where they had been torn away. He prayed to God above that the sounds of his deep, ragged breathing were only so loud and obvious to him alone.

His hope is that he's hidden enough that his pursuer will think he ran out the door. Failing that and he's discovered, he'll push the crates with all his might on the man and then make a break for the door.

Voidrunner's Codex

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