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[d20 Modern / 4CtF] Windy City Mutants: Genesis [PG-17]


First Post

Monday, 6:17pm
Lincoln High gymnasium, Oak Grove

"Well, is there anything you can do? I don't want to see them get in trouble." she asks worriedly of her boyfriend and Eric. "If they're friends why are they fighting?" She was watching the court with rapt attention, her eyes wide. It was like a train wreck, you wanted to look away, but you just couldn't seem to tear your eyes away.

She pulled Chri's arm around her as tight against her as it could go. I really hope that those two are going to be alright and don't hurt each other. Fighting, hurting is just wrong, but I don't want them hurt either. Ooh I don't know what I want. she thinks as she starts to get flustered.

"Can we leave now?" she asks in an upset whisper, "I don't want to see the rest of this. They are making the school look, well, not good." she said trying to come up with a nice way of saying what she was thinking.

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First Post
Monday, 10:13pm
Museum of Natural History, downtown

"Hey!" someone above shouted, hidden behind a now blinding light that turned to focus on Linh. The voice sounded like thunder in her ears. "I've got a live one here!"

Other shouts and all kinds of activity answered, while the same voice kept talking to Linh. "Just stay still, Miss! Can you tell me your name, and is your friend conscious?"


It was another half an hour before they had Linh and Bo dug out and pulled up out of their dusty tomb. The scene above was not pretty. A third of the museum had crumbled into rocky debris, with firemen and other emergency workers crawling about the stony viscera in an attempt to rescue survivors. A small clutch of body bags cordoned off on the front lawn gave evidence to the fact that some of their efforts had been in vain.

Police cars and other vehicles were scattered around the outskirts, including an armored van that belonged to the bomb squad, and a couple of news vans and a small throng of reporters were just beyond a fence of yellow tape. Linh and Bo were taken off to one side behind a pair of ambulances. Their markings indicated they came from South Side, and Linh didn't recognize the personnel.

They were quite amazed that neither of them seemed worse off than fatigue and a few bruises, though they'd have to go to the hospital for x-rays anyway. Some water and oxygen seemed to bring Linh much relief (to the note of 3 points of regained STR).

While she was recovering and waiting to leave for the hospital, a man wearing a puffy parka with a badge hanging around his neck came over. "Miss? I'm Detective Richmond. They say you're okay to answer a few questions, if that's alright with you?" he asked with obvious concern. A chill, brisk wind ruffled the sandy blond hair that matched his thick mustache.


First Post
Monday, 6:04pm
On the streets, South Side

Macario encounters a problem in opening the door - there's a rusted padlock securing a metal loop on the door to slotted hinge-plate that fits over the top of it. All of the metal hardware there is similarly deteriorated. Other than that, there is a bolt just above the doorknob that can easily be turned to the open position. There aren't any keys apparent - the top of the desk is covered with papers, cups, and other junk, and it has two drawers below on one side. The tops of the shelves are also out of view. And that's if a key is even in here...

Otherwise it looks perfectly reasonable that Macario could hide behind some of the boxes, though it'll be a very tight fit in what is an already cramped room. Through the door to the front of the store, he can hear a slam, and then the sound of something crashing into the floor. Then a curse, and a voice. "Put that damn phone down!"


First Post
Monday, 6:17pm
Lincoln High gymnasium, Oak Grove

"Yeah, if you want," Chris agreed, starting to get up slowly.

Eric, who was still watching, held up a hand toward them though. "Hold on - I think it's over," he advised, pointing to the court.

One player had stopped just as he looked to be about to leap on the one who'd fallen, and now blinked in confusion. Then he extended a hand down to the player on the floor. "Sorry man," they could barely hear. "That was stupid - are you okay?"

"Yeah." The other player accepted the hand he was offered and got pulled up to his feet. "Weird," he added, shaking his head. The rest of the players seemed to have calmed down as well, and both teams met in the center to shake hands and then talk with the very confused referee about getting the game back on track.

"What?!" Eric exclaimed with a laugh at the absurdity.


First Post
Monday, 6:17pm
Lincoln High 'Dungeon' hallway, Oak Grove

"Not without you, Lana," Kate argued as she approached the other girl quickly, giving her an imploring look with reddened eyes. She reached Lana shortly after Lana had retrieved her skateboard.

Meanwhile Luke shook his head at Lorenzo and waved him off. "Whatever," he brushed away, annoyed but subdued. Taking a step around Lorenzo, he headed back the way he'd come. "Let's go." Luke's friends seemed either wary or a bit awed by 'Zo, but they turned to follow their leader anyway.


First Post
Monday, 6:17pm
Lincoln High gymnasium, Oak Grove

Why do they have to be like this? Stacy wondered sadly, it just wasn't right, people shouldn't hurt other people. She just couldn't understand so many people fighting each other. She could almost feel the pain they were inflicting on each other in her stomach, her empathy and innate gentleness were making the girl feel sick to her flat stomach. "Please can we just go?" she asks imploringly of Chris, looking pale.

At Eric's gesture she looks away from Chris and back at court. She blinks confusedly at the players gently twirling her pony tail. What was going on here, this wasn't normal people don't act like this. She wonders, cocking her head slightly to one side in utterly confused thought. She just didn't know what was going on.

"If you want we can stay," she said giving Chris a nervous smile as the players shook hands. It seemed like it was over, whatever it was. But she left the decision up to Chris.


I aim to misbehave
Monday, 6:17pm
Lincoln High 'Dungeon' hallway, Oak Grove

Lorenzo watched as Luke’s gang of friends started walking away, still ready for something to happen. When nothing did, Lorenzo relaxed somewhat and let the smile on his face become more real. He took a step to Lana and quietly asked, concern in his voice, “Did he hurt you?”


First Post
Monday, 3:53pm
Ching's Laundry, South Side

Krizzel said:
"Again?! Last week and now again?!" The man tightened up on his bat, looking for a moment as if he was about to step forward and swing. He stared at Joshua for what seemed like minutes, and then finally sighed. "Go and get my box," he instructed quietly to the girl, not taking his eyes from the much bigger man.

"Daddy! No!" she protested, reddened eyes widening. "You said I could get a computer! Why do they have to take our money--"

"Go!" he commanded harshly.

With a fresh round of silent tears and a defiant, angry look at Joshua, the girl disappeared into the back room, creaked up the stairs and then back down a minute later, bringing a beat-up gray shoebox to her father.

Keeping one eye on Joshua, the older man lifted the lid and pulled out a wad of one-dollar bills bound with a rubber band. "Here," he cursed, throwing it at Joshua's chest. "I only have half. You come back friday for the other."

"Well..." Josh says, trying to say something, to say he's sorry, to say that that brave girl probably deserves a computer and that he doesn't want to take it away from her, to say that they shouldn't live in fear that someone, someone like him, could come and take their money. He'd like to say that but he was never good with words, so he only takes the money with a sad and vaguely disgusted expression, only that he's disgusted by himself. When he fights, at least he usually fights against someone that really wants to hurt him, for a lot of different reasons, but that girl, with those eyes, didn't want to hurt him, well, now she does, but she's right.

While he thinks all these things, with that wad of money in his big hand, Joshua stays still in the laundry, but when his eyes meet again the girl's angry stare he know he can't stand there anymore. He mutters something like "Ok. Friday." and runs away tucking the money under his jacket and turning the sign back on 'open'.

He wanders off towards home or the gym, he doesn't know, then when he partially recovers he stops in an ally by a wall, makes sure nobody's watching him and counts the money Freddy gave him.
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First Post
Monday, 6:17pm
Lincoln High 'Dungeon' hallway, Oak Grove

Keia said:

Lorenzo watched as Luke’s gang of friends started walking away, still ready for something to happen. When nothing did, Lorenzo relaxed somewhat and let the smile on his face become more real. He took a step to Lana and quietly asked, concern in his voice, “Did he hurt you?”

After her heart slowed down at Luke's departure, Lana found it pounding again, completely out of control. Oh god...was he...yes he was...interestingly enough, the urge to run away was still very strong but her feet refused to move.

Damn feet.

"Uh...I," she managed to say in a voice certainly more subdued than usual. Her dark emerald eyes remained wide and she looked like a doe caught in the headlights.

Ack! Think of something witty to say...think of something witty. But she couldn't get another word or sound out of her lips.

Speak, you idiot!


Monday, 6:18pm
Lincoln High 'Dungeon' hallway, Oak Grove

Jonathon watched the gang go, fists still clenched as they left, and didn't turn back to Lana, Lorenz, and Kate until Luke and his flunkies were out of sight. Once they were, he turns around and stands watching Lana+Lorenzo. Not sure what to say, he leaned against the wall and just.. watched everyone else... as usual..

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