D&D General DALL·E 3 does amazing D&D art

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B/X Known World
What style prompt are you using for these? The painterly approach does a good job covering up for the AI's tendency toward intricate detail that is weird when you zoom into it.
I think it was something like "rough digital painting" or "rough digital concept art." Sorry. I didn't save the prompt.

I dropped that into the program and it spit out similar images, so that's in the neighborhood at least.



B/X Known World
It really struggles with Female Dwarf, so I flipped to Male and of course it comes out easily.
The programs are finicky. Sometimes abstract wording works, sometimes no. Sometimes precise wording works, sometimes no.

Instead of using "female dwarf" I used "short, stocky, broad shouldered woman" and it got close-ish...about half the time. Otherwise the prompt was identical to what produced the images in the previous post.



Always In School Gamer
@Scribe I tried out your Frazzetta prompt, with a few mods, and this was the end result:

The first version of this had some crazy hands with no thumbs, but some trial and error with the ChatGPT4 generative edit function I was able to fix that while keeping the exact initial version.

Here is the first one generated:


Always In School Gamer
Here is an outtake from the image above that I accidently created when I had it redo the entire image instead of just the hands...


I love how it took my description of a hand having 4 fingers and a thumb and added an extra finger to the right hand.


B/X Known World
Here is an outtake from the image above that I accidently created when I had it redo the entire image instead of just the hands...

View attachment 358509
I love how it took my description of a hand having 4 fingers and a thumb and added an extra finger to the right hand.
Yep. I’ve tried to do a cartoony style with three-fingered hands and it had the figure hold out their hand, fingers splayed, showing off all five fingers…plus the thumb.

Voidrunner's Codex

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