D&D General DALL·E 3 does amazing D&D art

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Nost Works
While Playing around with some ranger Satyrs, I came across an interesting hybrid with lemur like features because I prompted it with a lemur friend and there was some bleed:
Satyr Ranger.jpg

I really liked this aesthetic so I tried to recreate this character into a prompt that would create him on a regular basis. As I kept prompting it seemed to go further and further away from the original concept: (does any one do multiple attempts with the same prompt and just hope for the best?)

Ohskar the Ranger.jpg

Koippon the Ranger 2.jpg

Garret The Ranger.jpg

Garret the Ranger 2.jpg

Ohskar The Ranger (fail2).jpg

Until I decided to just go straight lemur anthro, and I must say I am pleasantly surprised with the outcome:

Clive the Defender of the Fey Woods.jpg

Clive the Defender of the Fey Woods 4.jpg


i make stuff on perchance so here's a little variety :)

Here's a little variety. All are freely useable and also you could make your own there :)
This first one is very 'does stuff for you' like sticks artist names and words in the prompt to make beautiful pictures.

This second one is SUPERCOMPLEX AND POWERFUL and does a ton with tokens. The maker of it clearly knows their stuff about tokens and I am wowed every time I look at it.

And here's one that you could most easily duplicate and create your own ai art generator with your own styles without your brain exploding yet is just as powerful and fullfeatured and makes it's own different type of images that come out totally different from the two above.



I've been loving making things on Perchance. There are ads shown to nonlogged in people and signing up is free. Made these with the first one


Here's a little variety. All are freely useable and also you could make your own there :)
This first one is very 'does stuff for you' like sticks artist names and words in the prompt to make beautiful pictures.

This second one is SUPERCOMPLEX AND POWERFUL and does a ton with tokens. The maker of it clearly knows their stuff about tokens and I am wowed every time I look at it.

And here's one that you could most easily duplicate and create your own ai art generator with your own styles without your brain exploding yet is just as powerful and fullfeatured and makes it's own different type of images that come out totally different from the two above.



Dragon Lover
Another redo of a deity I have already done, I wanted to get some better pictures for her since she is growing more important in the campaign I'm running (Well, her corrupted form is anyways).

Mephilia, also known as The Platinum Valkyrie and the Lustrous Warrior, is the Celestial Paragon Goddess of battle, bravery, loyalty, vigilance, and is the patron deity of metallic dragons. She is often depicted as a massive and regal dragon with brilliant platinum scales, piercing blue eyes, a mane of soft and white feather-like frills, a long and dexterous tail, and sharp metallic spines, horns, and plating that makes the Lustrous Warrior appear to be wearing metal armor at all times. These metallic parts are said to be able to grow and fully cover Mephilia's entire form like a suit of full plate, protecting her from the greatest of physical threats.

The Platinum Valkyrie is the leader of the Celestial Paragon's divine army which act as protectors of the innocent and the warriors of light and ideals. She doesn't expect all of her mortal followers to be warriors, but she does instill in all of them the virtues of courage, loyalty, and bravery through her teachings, and to always be vigilant of the evils that creep at the fringes of the world waiting to cause destruction and harm. So great is The Lustrous Warrior's desire to protect Salvera and her mortal inhabitants and to hunt down those who wish to bring the plane to ruin, that she commands her forces from the front lines, actively fighting against even the most malignant of demonic forces and the most maddening of aberrant incursions.

When not in direct conflict, she is honing her skills and acting as a guide and advisor to those that seek her counsel. She maintains good relations with Zath'taron, the Arch-Devil God of leadership, war, and conquest, and the two have been known to fight side by side on occasion. She is also good friends with Rhyenari, the Shadow Lord Goddess of competition, strength, and glory, and the two have been known to spar with each other to keep their battle instincts sharp. Unlike her father Bahamut and is enmity to Tiamat and her chromatic ilk, Mephilia has a good relationship with her chromatic cousin Zarkator, and will accept any chromatic dragon that wishes to follow her teachings into her fold and respect any of her metallic children that choose to follow another deity's dominion so long as they show the same fervor and loyalty to them as she expect her followers to show to her and her cause.

One of the most striking features of the Platinum Valkyrie isn't so much the goddess herself, but the platoon of magical flying swords that she commands. In battle, these swords swing around, striking at foes and parrying attacks meant for the goddess or her soldiers in the vicinity of the sword's swarming range. Each sword in her arsenal is wholly unique to the others, and it is not fully known if these swords are controlled by Mephilia herself, or have a true consciousness of their own and follow her orders either through silent commands or through a hive mind like system. Due to the mysteries surrounding the swords, various myths and legends about them have been spread by the various sects of Mephilia's followers. Some believe that when the most devout and recognized of her champions perish and join her in her heavenly realm, they are transformed into one of these swords to serve as her closest personal guards and troops. Others believe that these swords were gifts crafted from the most fervor of mortal smiths who spend much of their later life creating a weapon worthy of their goddess, poring so much of themselves into the sword's creation that it gains a magical sort of sentience. When these smith's passed on, she not only would take their souls to her realm, but take their greatest creation to join her hoard of guardian swords. Still others believe that the swords actually act as the first stage in The Lustrous Warrior's celestial hierarchy. New souls that join Mephilia's realm would start out as one of the swords in her personal platoon, where she tests their will and hearts through battle and the supposed mental link to better figure out their ideal roles within her ever expanding realm. Regardless of the truth, the sight of the Platinum Valkyrie swooping into battle with her swarm of magical swords is both inspiring and terrifying to behold.



Nost Works
Another redo of a deity I have already done, I wanted to get some better pictures for her since she is growing more important in the campaign I'm running (Well, her corrupted form is anyways).

This God reminds me of Gilgamesh from Fate/Zero and Fate/stay night. I love how you have created an afterlife worth attaining and something that gives a tangible goal to the followers of Mephilia. I absolutely love this concept!

(I hit reply and realized I should probably have just quoted? Sorry I'm still getting used to the etiquette here. Is there any way to discard a reply and start again?)


I would have liked to have had access to an image generator for this since I couldn't find anything quite like it online. A corrupted undead unicorn that was chasing my players around some fey woods, they could kill it, but they couldn't keep it dead which allowed for it to attack them a couple of times before they destroyed its heart to keep it down for good.


Voidrunner's Codex

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