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Dark*Matter, Discovery: Pushing for Impeachment


The man groaned, and slowly rolled over on his back. His chest was a bloody mess, and unless he received some very urgent medical attention, it was obvious that he wasn't long for this world.

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"There really is no rest for the wicked," whispered Larry. "Blade, make sure they stay in the safe room until we're sure that is the last one." He realized Meri had already spoken out a couple of the names out loud, but he would at least try to keep their names secret. Truth be told, they weren't much of a cover in a world with facial recognition software, but he really liked having a cool sounding name.

He limped towards the others. If they were going to get anything out of them, it was going to take some fancy talking. As he saw the results of the explosion, he grimaced. "So Joker, subtlety is a lost art form I guess."

[sblock]So, we go for the Intimidate or try something trickier like making him believe I'm one of his men by bandaging my face and faking an escape.[/sblock]


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In the safe room Meri nods and says to the Senator and surviving bodyguard, "Okay. We're going to sit tight in here. The odds are that the guy behind this is going to get desperate and stupid in about two or three minutes, and I'm not even sure God knows what will happen then...so stay alert. Walls, floor, ceiling...don't make any assumptions about where an attack will come from."

She quickly looks around the room, checking to see if there's any mirrors or blind corners or places something nasty could lurk behind. In particular she checks to see if there's any battery powered lamps, just in case the lights go off.


"Subtlety went out the window the moment the hit team arrived," shouts Cade as he heads out to check on the fallen hit team. "You okay?" Cade asks his wounded friend, before he adds, "Just keep an eye on the hall, Face. I'll be right back. Put a call in to the higher ups, let them know our status and how we're holding tight."

Cade quickly makes a circuit of the outside, his sidearm aimed at the downed men, as he checks them for signs of life, and quickly gets to their leader, to see what, if anything, he can do.


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Larry contacted HQ and made a sit rep. "..We're not set up for a proper interrogation here, but unless you guys come pick him up soon, I'm afraid he's not going to make it. We're covering the Senator, but I can only stall her sop long before she starts asking too many questions. And I'd hate having to conker her over the head after all the trouble we went to by saving her."


The senator and the agent sat quietly. The explosion and the mercenaries had startled them into silence, the senator from shock, and the agent just going into full on bodyguard mode. He stayed right next to her, had his gun out at all times, and kept a distrustful eye on Merideth, though he seemed willing to accept, for now, that she was there for their protection.

"With hired thugs in play, thing just got a little more complicated," Stanfield said, once Larry managed to raise him on the radio. "This damn blizzard's dying down, so now that you've neutralized the demonic threat, I should be able to get a team of regular security guys out there. I'll send a request up the ladder to see what we can do about getting some more secret service and regular, government types out there. I'll send a telepath too, but see if you can get anything out of that guy, because it'll be a little while before they can get there."


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"Wilco, boss."

Larry moves up to Cade, and asks him for the hitman's radio. "Time to run a con, Joker. Can you track the incoming signal? I'll keep him on the line as long as possible. I'm tired of reacting to this bastard's plans."


With a shy look toward the smoldering van, Cade lets out a slight chuckle as he looks down at his PDA.

"I'll see what I can do," states Cade simply enough. "Depending on what kind of transceiver that we're working with, as well as what Gen their commo is, it could be easy or it could be impossible."

"If Z can back me up, it might be easier," adds the young man.


OOC: Gah! My subscription, for some reason, didn't work, and I didn't get the emails that there were new posts :(

"Sure, no problem,"
Z said, moving to join Cade, shaking her head as she looked at the wreckage. "It'd be easier if I had my gear, though. Man, you guys... Ryker's going to have a fit when he finds out you totaled another car. What's this, the third one you've gotten wrecked?"

"I'll see what we can do with our PDAs, let's get to work, shall we?"

It took the two electronic geniuses a few minutes, and required that they disassemble both their PDAs, and two of the spare radios for parts, but they managed to McGyver together a suitable tracker. If they triangulated, the next time someone tried to communicate with the former French hitmen, they'd be able to get their location.

Voidrunner's Codex

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