D&D 5E DARK SOULS' New 5E Mechanics

Steamforged Games released their first look at the 5E mechanics which will be powering their upcoming Dark Souls tabletop RPG, based on the video game. The game will be available for preorder next week with a release date in March.


Steamforge say they "cut 5E to ribbons before reanimating it", which implies some fairly extensive changes to the system. Here's what they highlighted:
  • Position. Position combines 'health' and 'stamina' (two things in the video game). It measure health, but it's also a resource you can spend to boost die rolls or use special abilities. Presumably, this means that hit points have gone by the wayside.
  • Bloodied. A mechanic from D&D 4E, a creature is bloodied when it hits half Position. This can trigger bonuses and new abilities.
  • Magic. Vancian magic is gone entirely. Instead is a flexible system drawn from the video game. You have attunement slots, and spells take up a number of slots. Some require Position to cast or boost.
  • Death. At 0 Position you die. No saves. However you then respawn. But each time you die you lose part of yourself; it's not specified what that means exactly.

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I haven't played the video game, but these changes seem interesting. I wonder how portable things like the magic system are to standard D&D games. Could I have a vancian wizard and "flexible system" spellcaster in the same party?

Hmmm, Bloodied seems like something that could be brought over. Unless you count Mythic Actions seen in a few 5E monster stat blocks(or as DaveDM lists it as for some of his "lesser foes": Elite Actions) as being the 5E equivalent to that. Or you can be that evil smile DM who has bloodied trigger after the first Mythic Change or near the end of the monster "Position" once it's low enough.

Position seems to be the most intriguing idea. Calling your "HP" that makes it sound like that the usual "dodging, moving out of the way, etc" in the Soulsborne series is abstracted greatly(ala HP for DND.) If your Position is drained/reduced down to zero, it means your character botched that final attempt to move out of the way as the Boss swiped at ya and kills your character.( The Dodge Action is pretty much the Dodge Roll in that mindset too.)

Those two seem like things you could cherry pick/port over to standard 5E. Or at least try to reverse engineer enough of it over after seeing it proper in this book.

The Magic system though, I honestly have no idea. It would be hella interesting if you could port it over without too much issues.
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I haven't played the video game, but these changes seem interesting. I wonder how portable things like the magic system are to standard D&D games. Could I have a vancian wizard and "flexible system" spellcaster in the same party?
I played the original Demon Souls briefly, but it was too brutal for me. That said, I have watched full Youtube walkthroughs of the whole series, and it is really absolutely amazing. I prefer to live and die vicariously through the frustration and talent of far more experienced gamers.

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