D&D 5E DC Comics Publishing Dungeons & Dragons Sourcebook

Christian Hoffer at ComicBook.com reports that DC Comics will be publishing a Dungeons & Dragons compatible sourcebook set in the world of its new fantasy series The Last God.

Christian Hoffer at ComicBook.com reports that DC Comics will be publishing a Dungeons & Dragons compatible sourcebook set in the world of its new fantasy series The Last God.

“The Last God: Tales from The Book of Ages is a 40-page sourcebook that will be published in April and will detail the "the rich history of the people, locations, schools of magic and creatures found throughout Cain Anuun," the setting of The Last God. Written by Phillip Kennedy Johnson with art by series artist Riccardo Federici and cover artist Kai Carpenter, the book will also contain Dungeons & Dragons 5E compatible playable races, subclasses, magic items, monsters and more designed by Nerd Poker DM Dan Telfer, and maps by cartographer Jared Blando.”

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Publishing an RPG in Comic Book format is something I thought was a good idea for a couple of years now. I think it would be pretty easy to publish a basic system in 3 books (PHB,DMG,MM), 40 pages each, costing $5 each. At that price point it is affordable by nearly everyone, and even if they are not terribly resistant to wear and tear, replacement cost is low.

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Totally Awesome Pirate Brain
Having read the comics this is based on it's a natural fit. The back story is the last group of heroes save the world from not-Cthulu and his vine zombies. But they really don't and not-Cthulu will come back from by turning the main hero (the current king) into his vine zomebie avatar/not-Cthulu when he sees his own son.

The current time line opens up with a gladiator winning his 60th match, and by law his freedom, unless the Queen decide he hasn't won. Guess who the gladiator's hither to unknown parents are.

* Had I forgotten to say there was an official comic gamebook of Deadpool?

* The acquisition or fusion of companies in the enternaiment industry is an interesting thread for me.

* Comics are cheaper because publishers can allow themself when they sell more numbers. Magazines or books arent' sold so well, and lots of bills have to be paid as soon as possible.

And today internet is changing the industry, not only game-live podcasts, (free) webcomics or old titles being sold as PDFs, but also the piracy downloads, or the kickstarter projects, for example.

* DC has got the epic fantasy world of Skartaris, and Marvel has got the Weirdworld. Both have got enough lore/background until fed up, but for gameplay effects the balance of power by the different characters is totally broken, and I don't talk only about TTRPGs but also the videogames, an industry what moves even more money. And you should forget the idea of a D&D sourcebook about superheroes because the d20 system isn't ready yet for a superhero version enough compatible with D&D. Mutants & Mastermind is d20 but its leveling up is different and hard to be adapted to D&D. You only can use (nerfed) ersatz characters. And the rest of TTRPGs about superheroes have got system withouth the same leveling up.

The only other DC property that might fit with D&D is Amethyst and Gem World. It's coming back as part of that Young Justice line that Brian Michael Bendis is overseeing. Black Label which Last Gods is part of is the mature line that basically has taken the place of Vertigo Comics, as it has the Sandman line, John Constantine: Hellblazer, and various retellings of Harley Quinn's backstory.

But Amethyst and the Gem-World is closer to the subgenre of maho-shojo or magical girl....and....how to say it? It is not a good place for rude and cynical antiheroes from the steel comic-books age. Today fandom would rather action girls as Alice Abernathy (Resident Evil movies), Xena or Lara Croft.

* Do you remember the comic Champions Vol 2 25-27 where the group become fantasy heroes?

* I guess if comic publishers create their own RPGs will be to be adapted to videogames more than for tabletops. And they will have to change some things or the fights will be like musou games where one-man-army PC can face complete squads.


Totally Awesome Pirate Brain
But Amethyst and the Gem-World is closer to the subgenre of maho-shojo or magical girl....and....how to say it? It is not a good place for rude and cynical antiheroes from the steel comic-books age. Today fandom would rather action girls as Alice Abernathy (Resident Evil movies), Xena or Lara Croft.

Eh? Have you not been reading DC Commics recently? Naomi and Wonder Twins are probably two of the best books DC has right now, and neither of them are cynical anti-heroes. That was something that was the mid-80s to mid-90s and both Marvel and DC have largely moved away from that take on their characters.


The Rolled and Told magazines have been a fun creation. Fun read, adventures in a comic page sized magazine.

edit-13 issues so far and hopefully picks back up in 2020. When they merged with Oni, this was waylaid for a bit it seems.
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Comics have gotten way out of hand. I stopped reading them awhile ago. Too expensive and so hard to keep track of with each character having so many books. It was close to $50 a week to read Spider-Man and Batman about 2012. I thought about picking up the Amazing Spider-Man recently but Im not even sure where to start anymore.
I’ve been where you are after crashing out shortly into the New 52. Recently got the urge and restarted where I left off. DC’s online resources are great and affordable and reading on an IPad is not that bad.


I’ve been where you are after crashing out shortly into the New 52. Recently got the urge and restarted where I left off. DC’s online resources are great and affordable and reading on an IPad is not that bad.

Think physical subscriptions are pretty cheap, at least last I looked. They're not worth collecting anymore so they just sit around like luggage after I read them. Maybe I'll look on line to see what digital subscriptions run.

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