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Devil May Cry d20 (Dante, Son of Sparda added)

yet another conversion i'm workin on. again if you have any new ideas PLEASE post them!!!

first up are the devil arms.
This is my first thread.I'm new at this but do go easy on me!
CRITICIZE to your heart's content......

Now with no further ado I present to you the........
DEVIL ARMS!!!!!!!!
The lightning sword. Alastor is a powerful greatsword infused with lightning.When used against evil outsiders this weapon is devastating!But that is not the extent of its power! If the wielder is of infernal blood and is able to tap into this hidden power they'll become the great executioner, Alastor. While in this form the wielder's speed is increased and they are given the ability to fly and rain down lightning upon their foes!

Alastor is a + 3 evil outsider bane,shock,speed intelligent greatsword
damage:2d6 +1d6 electric damage
critical 19-20/x3
*treat as +5 greatsword against evil outsiders.
Telepathy,speech,120 ft darkvision,blindsense,hearing
Greater powers
slay evil outsiders
air hike,air raid,helm breaker, high time, lightning bolt, million stab, vortex
Int 15 Wis 20 Cha 22

The flaming gauntlets of hell. These gauntlets use hellfire to incinerate their foes.This weapon is just like Alastor....A BANE TO ALL EVIL OUTSIDERS! Once the hidden power is discovered the wielder becomes Ifrit, the fire demon. Using hand to hand techniques, Ifrit destroys his opponents with his devastsating attack power!

Ifrit is a pair of+ 4 defending,evil outsider bane,hellfire spiked intelligent guantlets
damage : 1d4 + 1d8 hellfire damage (ignores immunity)
critical x 2
*treat as + 6 spiked gauntlets against evil outsiders.
Telepathy,speech,120 ft darkvision,blindsense,hearing
slay evil outsiders
inferno,kick13,magma drive, meteor,rolling blaze
Int 12 Wis 20 Cha 20

FORCE EDGE (The one used by Dante not Vergil!)
Nothing special, just your average longsword that was once wielded by the great Sparda. But how could Sparda destroy the legions of hell with such a weak sword? Maybe this sword has a hidden power as well.....

Force Edge is a +1 masterwork longsword
damage: 1d8
critical 19-20/x2

A great katana used by Sparda.This weapon is considerably stronger than Sparda's other weapon.The blade of this weapon is extemely sharp and is able to cut foes in half without applying much strength.Its light weight enables the wielder to perform fast attacks.

Yamato is a+5 *extreme speed,keen,mighty cleaving,vorpal great katana
critical 15-20/x3
*extreme speed gives the wielder 2 extra attacks!

Not much is known about this sword except that it has fast attacks and no hidden power!

Merciless is a+ 3 extreme speed,keen longsword
critical 17-20/x2

Not much is known about this ingonda except it has high attack power and no hidden power!

Vendetta is a+ 5 keen, mighty cleaving *ingonda
damage: 2d8
critical 15-20/x2
*ingonda are pendulum shaped swords

The great scimitars of fire and wind.Agni & Rudra are two demonic headless demons that guard the doorway to hell.When the hidden power is tapped the wielder's speed and attack power is increased!Foes don't stand a chance against the combined elemental powers of Agni & Rudra!

Agni is a+3 extreme speed,evil outsider bane,flaming,keen, intelligent scimitar
damage: 1d6 + 1d6 fire damage
critical 16-20/x2
*treat as a +5 scimitar against evil outsiders.

Rudra is a+3 extreme speed,evil outsider bane,keen, razorwind intelligent scimitar
damage: 1d6+1d6 slashing wind damage
critical 16-20/x2
*treat as a +5 scimitar against evil outsiders.

Agni&Rudra(combined)is a +5 extreme speed, evil outsider bane, flaming, keen, razorwind intelligent double scimitar
damaged: 2d6 + 2d6 fire & wind damage
critical 16-20/x3/x2
*treat as a + double scimitar against evil outsiders.
Telepathy,speech,120 ft darkvision,blindsense,hearing
slay evil outsiders
aerial cross, air hike, crawler, crossed sword, jet stream, tempest, twister, whirlwind
Int 15 Wis 20 Cha 20

The holy gauntlets. Beowulf attack power is by far the greatest. Its attack power exceeds Agni & Rudra and even Ifrit! Once the wielder taps into Beowulf's hidden power their speed is lowered but their attack power increases even more!

Beowulf is a pair of +5 *evil outsider , defending, holy, **stunning intelligent spiked guantlets
damage: 1d4 + 2d6 holy damage to evil creatures
critical x2
* treat as + 7 spiked gauntlets against evil outsiders.
**stunning: DC 10 + Str mod + 1/3 HD or foe will be stunned for 1 round.
Telepathy,speech,120 ft darkvision,blindsense,hearing
slay evil outsiders
beast uppercut, the hammer, killer bee, real impact, straight, real impact, volcano, zodiac
Int 14 Wis 20 Cha 20

The sanchaku of icy death. Cerberus is fast but weak physically. But with the frost ability, it remains a force to be reckoned with! Once hidden power is tapped the wielder becomes faster than ever before! With speed on your side who needs power?

Cerberus is a+3 extreme speed,frost,icy burst intelligent *sanchaku
damage:1d8 + 1d6 cold damage
critical x 3
*sanchaku are tri-chucks!They are nunchaku with 1 extra chuck and longer range!
Telepathy,speech,120 ft darkvision,blindsense,hearing
slay evil outsiders
revolver, swing, windmill, satelite, flicker, crystal, million carats, ice age
Int 12 Wis 20 Cha 20

The true "electric guitar". This unique weapon is a combination of a greataxe and a scythe!It has RANGED electric powers. The hidden power is somewhat the same as Alastor except weaker.

Nevan is a+3 shock, shocking burst intelligent greataxe/scythe
damage:*1d10 + 1d6 electric damage
critical x3
piercing or slashing
*I took half of the greataxe max damage(1d12) 6 and half the scythe max damage(2d4) 4 and added theme together to get 1d10.
Telepathy,speech,120 ft darkvision,blindsense,hearing
slay evil outsiders
tune up, jam session, air play, reverb shock, bat rift, air raid, thunder bolt, vortex, volume up
Int 13 Wis 20 Cha 22

This sword a memento of Dante's father. It is well balanced combining speed and power. Once hidden power is tapped the Rebellion changes into its "awakened state". In this state the wielder's attack power is increased!

Rebellion is a+3 evil outsider,keen,speed intelligent greatsword
critical 17-20/x2
*treat as + 5 greatsword against evil outsiders.

Awakened Rebellion is a+5 evil outsider,keen,speed intelligent greatsword
critical 17-20
*treat as +7 greatsword against evil outsiders.
Telepathy,speech,120 ft darkvision,blindsense,hearing
slay evil outsiders
prop shredder, aerial rave, sword pierce, dance macabre, helm breaker, high time, million stab, drive, stinger, air hike
Int 14 Wis 20 Cha 20

This is the enchanted sword that Sparda used to defeat Mundus, and that Dante used to defeat Mundus a second time. It is the true form of the Force Edge. He obtained its full power by combining Force Edge with the two halves of Eva's amulet.This sword is powerful, fast and has been known to mow down infernal armies with ease!Once hidden power is tapped the wielder becomes the Legendary Dark Knight, SPARDA! While in this form attack power, speed, and defense is greatly increased!

Sparda is a+7 defending, evil outsider dread, keen, mighty cleaving, speed, *uber intelligent **zweihander
damage: 2d10 + 3(uber bonus)
critical 16-20/x3
*uber: the weapon is stronger than other weapons of its type so add 1/2 enhancement bonus to attack!
Telepathy,speech,120 ft darkvision,blindsense,hearing
slay evil outsiders
aerial rave, dance macabre, helm breaker, high time, million stab, drive, stinger
Int 20 Wis 25 Cha 20
EGO: 41

well that's it for now......just kiddin' :)

I will post the stats for the following characters and i need help!
this is what i need:
special templates
feat suggestions
skill suggestions
SQ suggestions
class suggestions


around lvls 40-65...........

about the classes:

SPARDA:*infernal knight/fighter
NELO ANGELO:dark knight/monk
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Newly added. 7/24/07

The Fallen (large outsider, neutral, evil)
HD: 19d8 + 133 (285)
Initiative: +13
Speed: fly speed 90 ft(perfect)
AC: 22 (-1 size + 9 dex + 4natural) touch 18 flat-footed 13
BAB/ Grapple: +19/+26
Attack: +5 brilliant energy, keen, returning, seeking, speed, great sword +30 melee (2d10+10/17-20/x3)
Full attack: +5 brilliant energy, keen, returning, seeking, speed, great sword +30/+25/+20/+15/+10 melee (2d10+10/17-20/x3)
Space/reach: 10ft/10ft
Special attacks: piercing sword, blink
Special qualities: DR 25/+4, fire, acid, cold resistance 20, darkvision 60ft, regeneration15, diamond wings
Saves: fort+22, ref+27, will+20
Abilities: str27 dex28 con24 int14 wis16 cha15
Skills: bluff+19, concentration+22, escape artist+18, heal+23, hide+24, intimidate+17, search+20, spot+24,
Feats: combat expertise, improved feint, combat reflexes, improved initiative, martial weapon proficiency(greatsword), power attack, weapon focus(greatsword), weapon specialization(greatsword)
Environment: Netherworld
Organization: solitary or group( 3-5 fallen)
CR: 15
Treasure: + 5 keen, speed greatsword
Alignment: neutral evil
Advancement: 20 – 45(large)
Level adjustment:

You approach the Gateway to Hell when suddenly, white, radiant feathers fall from the sky. You look up to see a bright light. The light fades and you see an angelic being with six wings wrapped around its body. It floats closer to you and unfurls its wings, revealing something truly horrific. In the middle of its torso is a hideous demonic face with great fangs. The creature’s eye shine white light, but bleed eternally. It then proceeds to extend out its right arm. Just then, a glowing blue blade forms in its hands. It points the sword at you, ready to battle. This is the unholy Fallen.

The Fallen are a race of fallen angels. They fell from grace eons ago. Now they work for Infernal Lords of the Realms Below. Their purpose is to protect the Gates, which lead into the Realms Below. They do this without question. The Fallen, however, have their own agenda, which remains a mystery to all.

They are 10ft tall and weigh 500 pounds. In their right hands, they carry their prized greatswords, which where once used to slay evil.

combat: Fallen love to fly around the battlefield, never setting foot on the ground. They’ll charge in with their swords to attack. Afterwards, they’ll teleport to a safe location. They use this tactic a lot. However, if their foes are hot on their trails, they’ll stop running and get defensive. They’ll use their wings to protect them from harm, while occasionally lashing out at their foes with a power attack. On the other hand, foes who are elusive or out of range, will meet quick death as the Fallen launch their swords at them, stunning them long enough for the Fallen to get close and finish the job.

Blink (su): A Fallen can blink as the spell( CL 23rd), and can evoke or end the effect as a free action.

Diamond wings (ex):If a Fallen feels it’s in danger, it will wrap itself up with its wings creating an impenetrable shield. The wings can be broken for a short time, after they receive a certain amount of damage. The wings have 200 hp and a hardness of 25. For every 3 HD they possess their wings grow tougher, gaining 10 hp and a +1 bonus to hardness. The maximum is 300hp and 35 hardness. Once the wings have been broken, the Fallen is stunned for one round (no save). Also they can’t grow their wings back until 2d8 rounds have passed. After their wings grow back, they have to wait another 1d4 rounds before using this ability again.
*note- while employing this ability, the Fallen take no damage, except when they make an attack. This attack is always a power attack.

Piercing sword (ex): A fallen may throw its sword at a foe stunning them. Reflex save DC (10 + ½ HD + dex bonus) negates. It deals damage equal to its highest attack damage + HD. If you are hit, you are stunned for 1d6 rounds.

Possessions: all Fallen carry a +5 brilliant energy, keen, returning, seeking, speed, great sword. if they die, their sword is sometimes left alone but it loses power, becoming a +5 keen, returning, seeking, speed, great sword

added 7/31/07

Hell Vanguard (large outsider, chaotic, evil)
HD: 27d8 + 189 (405)
Initiative: +8
Speed: 30ft
AC: 40(10 – 1 size + 8 dex + 13 natural + 10 concealment)
BAB/ Grapple: +27/+45
Attack: + 5 keen, unholy, great scythe + 48 melee (2d8 +32 + 2d6 unholy damage/17-20/x4)
Full attack: + 5 keen, unholy, great scythe + 48/+43/+38/+33 melee (2d8 +32 + 2d6 unholy damage/17-20/x4)
Space/reach: 10ft/10ft
Special attacks: temporal strike
Special qualities: darkvision60ft., DR 30/ good and magic, regeneration 15, acid, cold, and fire resistance 20, shroud, SR31
Saves: fort+30, ref+25, will+33
Abilities: str38 dex26 con25 int12 wis15 cha16
Skills: bluff+ 23, concentration+ 20, escape artist+ 27, gather information+18, hide 25+, intimidate+ 28, listen+ 22, move silently+ 28, search+ 21, sense motive+ 18, spot+19
Feats: dodge, mobility, spring attack, power attack, cleave, great cleave , martial weapon proficiency (great scythe), weapon focus (great scythe), weapon specialization (great scythe)
Environment: Hell or anywhere
Organization: solitary or group( 1 Hell Vanguard and 10 prides )
CR: 20
Treasure: nothing
Alignment: CE
Level adjustment: -

A dark mist forms in front of you. Soon, you see a scythe with a purple blade, twirling in the darkness. Upon closer inspection you see the creature that is wielding the scythe. It appears as a gaunt demonic figure with gray - white skin wrapped tightly against its bones, giving it a skeletal look. This is a Hell Vanguard.

Hell Vanguards are the reapers of Hell. They travel the planes searching for good and evils souls alike. Whichever ones they find are forever damned. They have been known to use these souls to make their scythes stronger. That’s why their blades appear like they are made of screaming faces. If a Hell Vanguard encounters a powerful creature, it will do whatever it takes to steal its soul. For the souls that are not used to power its scythe, they are sent straight to Hell.

Hell Vanguards stand 12ft. tall and can weigh up to 100 pounds.

combat: Hell Vanguards love to sit back and watch their minions attack its foes. However, if its minions do not prove they are up for the task, that’s when they make their move. They use temporal strike to their heart’s content until their foe is dead. If It doesn’t employ its special ability, it will resort to using its unholy scythe to dispatch its foes.

Temporal Strike(ex): Hell Vanguards can teleport at will and attack its foe while their backs are turned. This special ability has 2 variations.
- The first is that it will disappear, then reappear behind its prey, charging forth and whirling its scythe. This attack is quick and damages the victim as if it were caught flat-footed. Reflex save(15 + ½ HD + dex bonus) halves the damage and you are not caught flat- footed.
- The second variation is that it will disappear and reappear under its chosen target. It then launches upward whirling its scythe, catching the target flat-footed. It also launches them (10 + 2 x str bonus (round to the nearest 5th number)) ft into the air. When they hit the ground they take damage depending on how far the fell. Reflex save(15 + ½ HD + dex bonus) halves the damage, you are not caught flat- footed, and you are not launched into the air.

*Hell Vanguards can use this ability every 1d4 rounds. And they reappear up to 10 ft away from its target in any direction. When they reappear they twirl their scythes and let out a disturbing groan, as if to taunt its victim. This provokes an attack of opportunity.

Shroud(ex): The Hell Vanguard are always surrounded in a shroud of darkness which looks like a dark cloak. This gives them a + 10 concealment bonus. As they grow stronger, so does their shroud. For every 5 HD after 20th level they gain an extra 1 point to their original bouns.

added 8/1/07

Pride ( medium outsider, chaotic, evil)
HD: 3d8 +3 (27)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 15ft.
AC: 20( 10 + 1 dex +9 natural)
BAB/ Grapple: +5/+8
Attack: +1 keen scythe + 9 melee (1d6 +3/17-20/x4)
Full attack: +1 keen scythe + 9/+4 melee (1d6 +3/17-20/x4)
Space/reach: 5ft/5ft
Special qualities: darkvision 60ft
Saves: fort+8, ref+5, will+2
Abilities: str 17 dex12 con13 int6 wis5 cha6
Skills: listen+10, move silently+12, search+8, spot6
Feats: power attack
Environment: Hell
Organization: group(15-30 pride)
CR: 1
Treasure: nothing
Alignment: CE
Advancement: 6-12(medium)
Level adjustment:

A dark-hooded skeletal figure lumbers towards you with its rusty scythe gripped in both of its bony hands. It closes in on you, and raises its scythe to attack.

Prides are among the weakest of the devils of Hell. In Hell they govern souls of those sent to Hell for the sin of pride. They use scythes to dispatch foes.

They stand 6 ft tall and weigh up to 50 pounds.

Combat: Pride are slow to act, usually making only one or two power attacks before dying. In great numbers they pose a greater danger, but can still be easily dispatched.

Devil Hearts.

Not many know of their origin. The devil hearts have been around for ages. One thing is for sure; they are a great addition in any half-devil’s repertoire. These gems boost the power of one’s DT (Devil Trigger). They are divided into 3 groups, support, energy, and combat. These powers are automatically activated when, and only, in DT mode. Only one devil heart from each category can be equipped, meaning you can have up to three active at the same time.

These devil hearts boost the prowess of the half-devil in combat by enabling them to deal extra damage.

Chrono- This gem is a white color. It grants the wielder two extra attacks without a penalty.

Offense- This gem is a magenta color. Its bonuses include: a + 6 Strength bonus and a + 10 BAB bonus.

*Dread- This gem is a gray color. While active, the first creature you hit, while Dting, is treated as if your weapon was a dread weapon against the type. For example: if you hit an evil outsider, then you’ll deal an extra 3d6 points of damage to all evil outsiders for the remainder of the DT.

These devil hearts grants the half-devil the ability to deal energy damage.

Electric- This gem cackles with electricity. You now deal an extra 2d6 points of electric damage when attacking.

Fire- This is filled with a raging fire. You now deal an extra 2d6 points of fire damage when attacking.

Ice- This is filled with a raging blizzard. You now deal an extra 2d6 points of cold damage when attacking.

*Dark- This gem is filled with dark energy. You now deal an extra 2d6 points of unholy damage when attacking.

*Hellfire- This gem is filled with dark fire. You now deal an extra 2d6 points of hellfire damage when attacking. This damage ignores fire resistance and immunity.

*Light- This gem glows a bright light. You now deal an extra 2d6 points of holy damage when attacking.

These devil hearts boost the half-devil’s defensive capabilities and provide extra bonuses.

Aerial- This crescent-shaped gem is a blue-green color. The wielder can now fly at 2 times its land speed. If the wielder already has a fly speed, they gain an extra 30ft to it.

Aqua- This crescent-shaped gem is a sea green color. The wielder can now swim at 2 times its land speed and breathe underwater. If the wielder already has a swim speed, they gain an extra 30ft to it.

Quick- This crescent-shaped gem is a magenta color. The wielder’s speed is doubled. They also gain a +4 bonus to Reflex saves and Dexterity.

*Defense- This gem is a silver color. The wielder gains DR10/-.

*Longevity- This gem is a golden color. The wielder’s DT duration is doubled.

* These gems are my creation, therefore they are new additions to the original gems.

added 8/4/07

Orangguerra (Huge outsider, chaotic, evil)
HD: 25d8 + 250 (450hp)
Initiative: +8 (+ 4 improved initiative)
Speed: 40ft.
AC: (+ 4 Dex, + 26 natural, - 2 size) touch 12 , flat-footed 34
BAB/ Grapple: +23/+ 49
Attack: 1 slam + 46 melee (2d8 + 30), 1 bite + 38 melee (3d8 +14)
Full attack: 2 slams + 46 melee (2d8 + 30), 1 bite + 38 melee (3d8 +14)
Space/reach: 15ft./15ft.
Special attacks: Pound, Sonic Blast, Spinning Slam, Strangle
Special qualities: Darkvision 120 ft., DR20/ epic and good, SR34
Saves: Fort +34, Ref +22, Will +20
Abilities: Str 40, Dex 19, Con 30, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 16,
Skills: Climb +28, Intimidate +22, Jump +28, Listen +20, Search +24, Spot +25, Tumble +18,
Feats: Acrobatic, Cleave, Great Cleave, Great Fortitude, Improved BullRush, Improved Initiative, Improved Overrun, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack
Environment: Hell
Organization: Solitary (unique)
CR: 23
Treasure: triple standard
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Advancement: 26-56HD (huge)
Level adjustment:

A massive, hulking creature approaches you, shoving its minions out of its way. It appears as a demonic orangutan-like creature with 4 glowing green eyes. Its arms are powerfully muscled and covered in bloody, orange hair. Its fangs are massive and capable of crushing bones. This is the “Terrible Orangguerra”.

This creature spawned from the darkest reaches of hell. It is a one of a kind devil. It tends to bully its minions in order for them to do his bidding.

It stands 20 ft. tall and weighs 5 tons.

Combat: The Orangguera charges at its target like a predator on the hunt. It starts off by slamming its foes with its massive hands. For those too far to reach, the Orangguerra uses its Sonic Blast or Spinning slam abilities to deal with them.

Pound(Ex): The Orangguerra raises its fists into the air and slams them, with full force, unto its target. It deals 2 times the normal slam damage. This ability can be used once each round, and counts as a standard action.

Skills(Ex):The Orangguerra gains a + 10 racial bonus on Jump, Search, and Spot skills.

Sonic Blast(Su): The Orangguerra opens its fanged maw and unleashes a ball of contained sonic energy at its target. It deals 25d8 points of sonic damage. Reflex save DC (33) negates. This ball is 10ft. in diameter and travels in a 200ft. line.

Spinning Slam(Ex): The Orangguerra curls up into a ball and launches itself at its target. This ability deals normal slam damage, but can reach anything within 30ft. Reflex save DC (33) negates.

Strangle(Ex): On a successful grapple check, the Orangguerra strangles its victim. It deals 6d8 + Strength bonus, points of damage.

Demonchorus (small outsider, chaotic, evil)
HD: 5d8 + 5 (45hp)
Initiative: +8 ( +4 improved initiative)
Speed: fly 60ft.(perfect)
AC: 23 (+ 4 Dex, + 8 natural, + 1 size) touch 15, flat-footed 19
BAB/ Grapple: +6/+1
Attack: N/A
Full attack: N/A
Space/reach: 5ft./5ft.
Special attacks: Glyph Blast
Special qualities: Darkvision 60ft., SR15
Saves: Fort + 5, Ref + 6, Will + 3
Abilities: Str 8, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 7, Cha 7,
Skills: Concentration + 12, Escape Artist +8,
Feats: lightning reflexes
Environment: Hell
Organization: group (5-10 Demonchoruses)
CR: 4
Treasure: nothing
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Advancement: 6-10HD(small)
Level adjustment:

You hear a demonic child’s laughter behind you. You turn to see an obsidian stone statue in the shape of a baby. Its small wings keep it afloat. From the cracks of its skin you see blue flames.

The Demonchorus are actually fallen cheribum. These demons work for devils and other evil beings as scouts and spies. If they are ever caught, they’ll fly away in terror, only to return and continue spying.
They are 2 ½ ft. tall and weigh 15 pounds.

Combat: Demonchoruses fly around the battlefield at all times. They avoid getting too close to their target, in fear of getting killed. Instead they stay at least 10ft. away and attack with their Glyph Blasts. While waiting to use this ability again, they fly around the battlefield.

Glyph Blast (Su): This special ability forms a glyph around its target and explodes, damaging them. Reflex save DC(13) negates. If hit the target must succeed a Fortitude save DC(13) or be stunned for 1 round. The Demonchorus must then wait 1d4 rounds before using this ability again

added 8/6/07

Auromancer(medium outsider, chaotic, evil)
HD: 6d8 + 6 (54hp)
Initiative: +4
Speed: 30ft.(cannot run)
AC: 21(4 + Dex, +7 natural) touch 14, flat-footed 17
BAB/ Grapple: +6/+5
Attack: staff + 5 melee (1d4+1)
Full attack: staff + 5 melee (1d4+1)
Space/reach:5 ft./5ft.
Special attacks: Ice spikes
Special qualities: darkvision 60ft., SR16, teleport
Saves: Fort + 8, Ref + 5, Will + 7
Abilities: Str 8, Dex 19, Con 13, Int 20, Wis 21, Cha 18
Skills: Bluff +9, Concentration +9, Escape Artist +8, Knowledge(arcana) +8, Listen +, Move Silently +5, Spellcraft +8,
Feats: Combat casting, Dodge, Mobility
Environment: Hell
Organization: group(5-10 Auromancer) or (3 Auromancer, 3 Brontomancer, and 3 Pyromancer)
CR: 5
Treasure: nothing
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Advancement: 7-15HD(medium)
Level adjustment:

A hooded figure appears before you. It raises its staff and launches spikes of ice at you.

Auromancers are evil demonic magicians. They specialize in ice magic.

They stand 6ft. tall and weigh 50 pounds.

Combat:The auromancer, like all mancers, tend to use their spell and teleport away from the first sign of danger.

Ice spikes(Su): Auromancers can launch spikes of ice from their staff, which follows the closest target, dealing 8d6 points of cold damage. Reflex save DC(17) halves damage. They must wait 1d4 rounds before using it again.

Skills:Auromancers receive a + 4 conditional bonus when using their Ice Spikes ability.

Teleport(Ex):Auromancers can teleport as if they were a 13th level caster.

Brontomancer(medium outsider, chaotic, evil)
HD: 6d8 + 6 (54hp)
Initiative: +4
Speed: 30ft.(cannot run)
AC: 21(4 + Dex, +7 natural) touch 14, flat-footed 17
BAB/ Grapple: +6/+5
Attack: staff + 5 melee (1d4+1)
Full attack: staff + 5 melee (1d4+1)
Space/reach:5 ft./5ft.
Special attacks: Lightning Bolt
Special qualities: darkvision 60ft., SR16, teleport
Saves: Fort + 8, Ref + 5, Will + 7
Abilities: Str 8, Dex 19, Con 13, Int 20, Wis 21, Cha 18
Skills: Bluff +9, Concentration +9, Escape Artist +8, Knowledge(arcana) +8, Listen +, Move Silently +5, Spellcraft +8,
Feats: Combat casting, Dodge, Mobility
Environment: Hell
Organization: group(5-10 Brontomancer) or (3 Auromancer, 3 Brontomancer, and 3 Pyromancer)
CR: 5
Treasure: nothing
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Advancement: 7-15HD(medium)
Level adjustment:

A hooded figure appears before you. It raises its staff and brings down a bolt of lightning upon you.

Brontomancers are evil demonic magicians. They specialize in lightning magic.

They stand 6ft. tall and weigh 50 pounds.

Combat: The brontomaner, like all mancers, tend to use their spell and teleport away from the first sign of danger.

Lightning Bolt(Su): Brontomancers can rain down lightning bolts upon their target if they are within 90ft. of it, dealing 10d6 points of electric damage. Reflex save DC(17) halves damage. They must wait 1d4 rounds before using it again.

Skills: Brontomancers receive a + 4 conditional bonus when using their Lightning Bolt ability.

Teleport(Ex): Brontomancers can teleport as if they were a 13th level caster.

Pyromancer(medium outsider, chaotic, evil)
HD: 6d8 + 6 (54hp)
Initiative: +4
Speed: 30ft.(cannot run)
AC: 21(4 + Dex, +7 natural) touch 14, flat-footed 17
BAB/ Grapple: +6/+5
Attack: staff + 5 melee (1d4+1)
Full attack: staff + 5 melee (1d4+1)
Space/reach:5 ft./5ft.
Special attacks: Flamethrower
Special qualities: darkvision 60ft., SR16, teleport
Saves: Fort + 8, Ref + 5, Will + 7
Abilities: Str 8, Dex 19, Con 13, Int 20, Wis 21, Cha 18
Skills: Bluff +9, Concentration +9, Escape Artist +8, Knowledge(arcana) +8, Listen +, Move Silently +5, Spellcraft +8,
Feats: Combat casting, Dodge, Mobility
Environment: Hell
Organization: group(5-10 Pyromancer) or (3 Auromancer, 3 Brontomancer, and 3 Pyromancer)
CR: 5
Treasure: nothing
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Advancement: 7-15HD(medium)
Level adjustment:

A hooded figure appears before you. It raises its staff and launches fire at you.

Pyromancers are evil demonic magicians. They specialize in fire magic.

They stand 6ft. tall and weigh 50 pounds.

Combat: The pyromacer, like all mancers, tend to use their spell and teleport away from the first sign of danger.

Flamethrower(Su): Pyromancers can shoot fire at anyone within 30ft., dealing 10d6 points of fire damage. Reflex save DC(17) halves damage. They must wait 1d4 rounds before using it again.

Skills:Pyromancers receive a + 4 conditional bonus when using their Flamethrower ability.

Teleport(Ex): Pyromancers can teleport as if they were a 13th level caster.

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