Diplomatic Immunity: Three on the Boat

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Rystil Arden

First Post
"Of course. Beautiful but deadly...I have seen many places like that."

"Well, it's not that...it's just that I find diversity interesting, and the inner planets of the Empire are more-or-less homogeneous."


Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Kallithyia: Palmaid/Female (Amazon)

RA: [sblock]“I see,” Kallithyia said as she nodded her head in agreement but she couldn’t help but smile at him curiously, “yet here you are on a boat, Autolycus. One that I have already completely walked twice in very my limited time on it and one I fear will drive me stir crazy. How can you find a place so devoid of diversity interesting enough to remain on?”[/sblock]

Rystil Arden

First Post
[SBLOCK=Kalli]"Well, on the other hand, the ship goes to so many different ports, and each time, we can get shore leave for a little while and explore a new place."[/SBLOCK]

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Kallithyia: Palmaid/Female (Amazon)

RA: [sblock]“Well, I guess that’s true,” Kallithyia admitted before changing topics, “come, Autolycus, we can talk later but right now I will lose my sweat if we do not hurry back and begin are sparing.”

OOC: Kallithyia tactics for the first round will be to use combat expert for a +4 to her AC as she studies his technique. She will of courses till flurry with her greatsword to keep him honest. (He is her favored enemy.)

Rystil Arden

First Post
*Autolycus nods.*

"Very well then."

*They head back up to the deck and hold their weapons at the ready.*

"Shall we begin?"

*Kalli comes in quickly, swinging the practise greatsword fluidly as if it was a much smaller weapon, bringing it to bear once...twice, but her first attack goes wide and Autolycus blocks the second with his shield and strikes forward with a well-placed attack that would have struck Kalli for sure if she hadn't been paying more attention to her defense. As it is, she simply blocks it with her own sword, causing it to deflect harmlessly.*

(OOC: Just so you know, she can only Combat Expertise by 3, since her BAB is 3)


Kalli's Initiative 18 + 4 = 22
Autolycus's Initiative 13

Kalli's Attacks 10 + 0 = 10, 17 + 0 = 17. Both Misses.

Autolycus's Attack 17, Miss.

Kalli's turn)

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Kallithyia: Palmaid/Female (Amazon)

RA: [SBLOCK]“Good, Autolycus, good! A most excellent maneuver especially for a proclaimed novice” Kallithyia grins like the devil itself, “now prepare yourself!”

* The words were barely out of her mouth before she plunged into her own full assault. *

OOC: Flurry. Oops, yeah I knew +3 was the max… I just get excited when I think she could soon be level 4. :eek:

Rystil Arden

First Post
"Just a lucky block is all," he replies modestly.

*Kalli comes at him with two swift and powerful attacks, no longer on the defensive, but his armour manages to deflect both as he strikes forward with a strong but rather clumsy thrust of his practise lance that Kalli easily sidesteps.*


Kalli's Attacks 2 + 3 =5, Miss. 9 + 3 = 12, Miss.

Autolycus's Attack 9, Miss.)

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Kallithyia: Palmaid/Female (Amazon)

RA: [sblock]“If you say so,” Kallithyia says with a grin, a grin that suggests that she didn’t believe him, while her next set of actions are meant to truly test him.

* Kallithyia tries to diver to the side, roll one, and come back with a powerful blow aimed at his hopefully exposed back. *

OOC: Playing around with a “simple” tumble roll (I believe) DC: 15 should be no AoO (If she makes the check) as I understand it but you’re the master. She’ll swing normally also.

Rystil Arden

First Post

*Kalli tumbles past Autolycus's defenses, slashing at him with the Greatsword from behind where he is completely unprepared and nearly knocking him staggered in one blow. At the last second, he manages to use his shield to divert the attack slightly, converting a finishing blow to merely a solid hit.*

*Grunting with the impact, nonetheless, he uses the moment when his shield has caught her blade to send forth his own thrust against her unprotected middle, knocking the wind out of her.*

"Yikes! That was a good move--I barely managed to keep that from taking me out in one blow."


Kalli's Tumble Check 7 + 10 = 7, Success.

Kalli's Attack 20 + 5 = 25, Critical Threat.
Confirmation 7 + 5 = 12, Not Confirmed.
Autolycus takes 8 Nonlethal Damage.

Autolycus's Attack 17, Hit.
Kalli takes 8 Nonlethal Damage

Kalli's turn.)

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