Discussion - General Discussion Thread 2010-17

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First Post
Since I think we're supposed to use this thread now...

I'm alive. My computer was virused, I nuked it with combofix and have access again.

I just have lots of catchup and company and the like going on at the moment. So, if I am slow updating my threads, that's why. I'll try to avoid taking so long as to need NPCed, though.


Thy wounds are healed!
Hey all am subscribing and I have a question (knew I couldn't get by without one LOL)

I have two PC's that have gotten LVL up XP and I do not know what to do. Walking Dad thinks I first need my judge (Manzanita) to o.k. the XP before they can do their LVL up changes. What are the procdures for LVL ups during an adventure or after for that matter.

Thanks in advance,


Rae ArdGaoth

A judge must approve all awards, physical or immaterial, that will carry over to other adventures. That includes XP, so yes, you should get Manzanita to approve the awards.

If your rewards are pretty standard, I think it's okay to assume they'll be approved. To move things along, I recommend that your PCs submit their leveled up characters to the character judges now.

As for leveling up during an adventure, that's completely up to you. I usually say it happens during a significant period of rest. But it's your call.

[sblock=HM's Players, do not read]To answer your other question, I think we'll just have to wing it. Keep them in your adventure thread for a little bit longer (surely they'll need some R&R after the adventure, at least a day?), make the necessary rolls, and play it out.

An easy cop-out is to just hand wave the diseases away. If neither you nor your players are interested in playing it out, then I recommend that route.

I think you should play it out, but ultimately, it's up to you.[/sblock]


Thy wounds are healed!
Thanks Rae, The judge I need to approve the xp and material rewards is Mantzanita right? Just the one person I haven't heard a peep out of in a long while.



Thy wounds are healed!
Thanks for the advice covaithe, I caught your post in the '09 thread and will probably wait to resolve everything after the adventure.



The man with the probe
Hey folks, long time no see.

Good to see you folks still rolling. I might try to step back in, depends on how my time works out.


The man with the probe
Ok, a couple of quick questions for the current Judges (I'm going to presume I'm not an acting judge at the moment).

1) Vanitri picked up Leadership at Level 9, but his Henchman character (Who was created by a DM) never got posted, and I think I'd rather just avoid all the complications that go with that, and handwave the followers part as they'd never come up in game (He was going to have his own small Freefolk Caravan off stage). Anyone mind if I swap that feat out for something else? (I'm not even 100% sure he was approved for level 10, though I think he was pending the henchman).

2) I realize that a Level 10 character could be somewhat problematic to fit in with the newer folks around here, so:

A) How many people are waiting in the Tavern and of what level?

B) Could I NPC Vanitri in an adventure (He'd be unavailable for normal play, and sorta the guy hiring the PCs) and simply earn time XP (I'd even take half time XP)? Yes, I realize I could use credits to simulate that, but that doesn't require me to take him out of play.


First Post
Sorry. I have been a lame judge there. I haven't been around much period. I'll get over there & look at those awards.

Bront, If you're thinking of running an adventure, and Vanitri would help, then you should bring him along as an NPC. I know this has come up before, more than once. Time XP sounds find by me. We need DMs!

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