Disney Star Wars Is It Actually That Bad?


How good or bad is Star Wars post Disney in term of TV shows and movies?

It's probably safe to say there's been some misfires. BUT Lucas himself made multiple erm crap Star Wars content. I would argue the worst of Disney Star Wars is no worse than the worst of what Lucas came up with.

There's only one thing to do. Tier list!!! Not covering things like video games, comics, books etc or the Stat Wars Holiday special only the movies and TV shows.

The tier levels

S: Best of the Best

A: Very good but there's better.

B: Still generally good

C: Has some major problems the negatives outweigh the good.

D: Generally a hard movie to watch. Might have a great scene or two but overall a bad movie possibly even painful to watch.

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The List.

S Tier: Star Wars: A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, Rebels, The Mandalorian

A Tier: Return of the Jedi. The Clone Wars, Obi Wan

B Tier: Revenge of the Sith, The Force Awakens, Solo

C Tier: The Phantom Menace, The Last Jedi, Book of Boba Fett.

D Tier: Attack of the Clones, Ewoks Caravan of Courage and Battle for Endor, Clone Wars (animated film). Rise of Skywalker
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Star Wars Episode IV a New Hope

Gotta start somewhere. A reasonably basic and traditional tale set against the back drop of well Star Wars. For it's time it had amazing special effects (cf Logan's Run the year before).

Minor negatives somewhat predictable the heroes win, rescue the princess, cue credits but it was released in 1977.

S tier.


My ranking:
S Tier: Ep IV, Ep V, Rogue One and The Mandalorian
A Tier: Ep VI, Solo and Obi-Wan Kenobi
B Tier: Ep III
C Tier: Ep II, Ep VII and Book of Boba Fett (dragged up from D Tier by the chapters dealing exclusively with Mando)
D Tier: Ep VIII and Ep IX


My ranking:
S Tier: Ep IV, Ep V, Rogue One and The Mandalorian
A Tier: Ep VI, Solo and Obi-Wan Kenobi
B Tier: Ep III
C Tier: Ep II, Ep VII and Book of Boba Fett (dragged up from D Tier by the chapters dealing exclusively with Mando)
D Tier: Ep VIII and Ep IX

Mines probably similar +/- one place and I'll be including Ewok Movies and the animated clone wars movie.

So a few of those movies gain a place not because they're great there's just worse in a whole new level of bad.

Quite a bit of Disney will likely make it into B+ tiers.


S: A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back
A: Mandalorian, Obi-Wan
B: Return of the Jedi, The Force Awakens, Rogue One
C: The Last Jedi, Revenge of the Sith
D: Solo, Rise of Skywalker, Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones

Edit: Forgot the prequels - which is a regular occurrence.
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How good or bad is Star Wars post Disney in term of TV shows and movies?
After a strong start it has been generally disappointing - Ep7 was very much "Star Wars Greatest Hits", but that was probably what was needed at the time, "Rogue One" was great. But Ep8 was fairly disastrous and Ep9 tied itself in knots trying desperately to 'fix' it. "Solo" was okay, but completely pointless.

In terms of series, the record is a bit better: Rebels, the final series of Clone Wars, and Bad Batch were all good, Visions was mixed but interesting, and most of "The Mandalorian" was decent. "Book of Boba Fett" had potential but largely failed, while "Kenobi" was mostly good but seriously flawed.

In terms of tiers:

S: Ep4&5
A: Ep 6, Rebels, Clone Wars (both pre- and post-Disney), Bad Batch, Mandalorian, Rogue One
B: Kenobi, Ep 7&1, Visions
C: Ep 2&3&8&9, BoBF
D: Nothing

Solo doesn't fit in a tier - it's just too pointless even to consider. And I haven't rated things like the old Droids or Ewoks cartoons - those are too old for me to really remember.


The thing about Star Wars is that the further you get from the original movies, the better Disney has been able to do with it.

The Mandalorian plays in the universe of the films but is not trying to tie directly into the films. It's the best live action Star Wars thing Disney has produced. The Book of Boba Fett is not nearly as good for a few reasons but a chunk of it is that it's picking up something directly from the movies instead of playing with something new in the universe.

Rogue One ties into the movies, and does it better than Boba Fett, but where it's good is where it's not really playing in the original movie space. Where it fails IMO is where it has to tie things back into the original movies and where it makes winks and nods.

The new trilogy is a mess mostly because they decided to "Exquisite Corpse" a "Mystery Box" idea from JJ Abrams instead of actually having, you know, a story to tell (how can you plan to spend nearly 1 billion dollars and not even have an outline of what you're planning to spend it on? How?). But it's also not good because it tries to tie too much into a story that is finished. It's over - we're done with Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker and the rest. Their story is done, let them retire. There should be new challenges and new heroes and new villains. And they don't all have to be from the same family.

And then there's Solo. What can we say about Solo? It's the one that is most tied to the original movies and frankly it's the one that I find to be the most disappointing. At least the first two films of the sequel trilogy tried to do some new things. Solo is a movie where they felt like they had to give an origin to his name. "Why is he called Solo?" is a question that I never even thought to ask because I just figured it was his last name and the author was engaging in some cute wordplay. When you're making a movie at that level of explaining things about the previous movies rather than doing something creative and interesting, you really have to ask yourself why you're bothering. (I contend that the only way Solo would have worked is if they'd ramped up the humor in it and then, in a mid-credits scene, had Harrison Ford as Han Solo and Billy Dee Williams as Lando walking out of a holo theater playing "Solo" with Han complaining that they got everything wrong and it was nothing like that. Even then it wouldn't have been necessarily good but at least they could have had some fun with it instead of what it was)

(I haven't watched Kenobi yet. I just haven't had the energy to be disappointed by yet another Star Wars thing and I've been spending more of my sci-fi time on Star Trek instead.)

So my advice for Disney would be a) ask John Favreau if he has any other ideas for Star Wars Universe things and if he does maybe put him into the Kevin Feige role over Star Wars if he wants it because he of all of them seems to know what he's doing and b) do more things set in the Star Wars universe but that aren't just strip mining the movies for stuff. Just do some adventure stories set in the Star Wars universe! That's literally all I'm asking for.

The only thing that really stands out for me is Mandalorian, so I'll go with:

A: EP VI, Mandalorian (individual episodes would also be S or B)
B: First Ewok Movie, Rogue One
C: EP I, Second Ewok Movie, Book of Boba Fett

Based on my current knowledge, Obi Wan would get a D, but it's so boring I cannot find the motivation to watch the second half of the first episode, so it's perfectly possible it will get better later.

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