Disney Star Wars Is It Actually That Bad?


S: The Empire Strikes Back
A: Star Wars, Return of the Jedi
B: Revenge of the Sith; The Mandalorian
C: The Phantom Menace
D: Rogue One, Attack of the Clones; (Solo*, Boba Fett*)
E: The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi, (Rise of Skywalker*, Obi-Wan*)

(*Based on reviews, so doesn't really count)

Yes, real Star Wars has always produced a lot of crap, but that crap was weird comics and obscure videogames that nobody outside dedicated fans knew about and that was mostly ignored. And it didn't interfere with the movie. That's the big difference with Disney Wars.
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Mod Squad
Staff member
I don't tend to rank things with much granularity. I don't find much value in the exercise.

I haven't seen Kenobi yet. I had less than no interest in Book of Boba Fett.
The Mandalorian's okay, though I think that overall the work is too long to have the Old West style pacing pay off. It becomes a bit tedious.

I am, of course, a fan of the original movies.
I also liked Episodes 7-9, and if you have a problem with that, you can fold it five ways and stick it where the points'll hurt.
I liked Rogue One.
I don't think Solo is bad, but I have no real interest in seeing it again, either.
I find the prequels to be flawed, but there's some stuff in there I still like, and if a friend wanted, I'd watch 'em without complaint.


Scion of Murgen (He/Him)
(The following list of all Star Wars stuff was determined by Colosson the Numberwang Robot and as the product of Maths cannot be argued with.)

1. Empire Strikes Back.
2. A New Hope
3. The Last Jedi.
4. 3 3/4" Star Wars Action Figures
4. Rogue One.
5. The Mandalorian.
6. Star Wars Bed Sheets. Search your feelings. You know this to be true.
7. Various animated Star Wars shows, such as Clone Wars.
8. The Force Awakens. Needz moar lenz flarez.
9. Going to any Star Wars movie with a friend who keeps asking you if Yoda is related to Hulk. Because Green?
10. Return of the Jedi. Ain't no party like an Ewok party 'cuz an Ewok party can't stop. Yub nub, eee chop yub nub.
I agree with Snarf except swap The Last Jedi and Return of the Jedi. And swap Rogue One and The Mandalorian.


I also liked Episodes 7-9, and if you have a problem with that, you can fold it five ways and stick it where the points'll hurt.
I came to the conclusion more than two decades past that I like too many stupid things to get bent out of shape about what other people like. Despite disliking episodes 8-9 (7 was okay), I liked all the actors and even their characters, and it was especially nice to see Ian McDiarmid chewing the scenery as Palpatine again.


I came to the conclusion more than two decades past that I like too many stupid things to get bent out of shape about what other people like. Despite disliking episodes 8-9 (7 was okay), I liked all the actors and even their characters, and it was especially nice to see Ian McDiarmid chewing the scenery as Palpatine again.
See, now I feel like you need to start a thread where people can list the stupid things they like.


Sticking to just the mainline:

S: 8, 4
A: 5, 3
B: 6, 7
C: 1, 2
Killed my love for a franchise that was a huge part of my childhood and connection with family: 9


Oh, that I understand. It is when I like something reasonably intelligent, and still have people get on my case about it that it gets aggravating.
I agree, it's annoying. It was while watching Babylon 5 that I realized it was essentially a soap opera in space. Made me reflect on the silliness of things I like, and I pretty much stopped making fun of what other people liked. Glass houses and all that.

See, now I feel like you need to start a thread where people can list the stupid things they like.
I spend a small fortune each year on role playing games and little plastic figures I paint. That's got to be at the top of the list for me.


Continuing things.

Empire Strikes Back
Short and sweet S tier.

Return of the Jedi

To this day on of the better space battles ever committed to film. Not quite as good as the previous two films. One of the more meaningful lightsaber combat as well. A Tier.

Ewoks: Caravan of Courage, Battle for Endor.

While aimed at children even in the 80's as a child you knew they weren't as good. Watched now they're kinda awful. Other Star Wars films may not have the best reputation but they're better than these two. D Tier. They're on Disney+ these days.

Voidrunner's Codex

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