Disney Star Wars Is It Actually That Bad?

Empire strikes back
last few minutes of rogue 1
New Hope
return of the jedi
some of the cartoon stories from all series (the introduction of grievous before the chokehold was action sequence )

Boba fett-story wasnt good and the character was that likeable for a bad guy.

solo has few good moments

the rest i avoid or would only watch i had 2 as the other streaming services have better content on a smaller budget

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Prequel trilogy time.

The Phantom Menace.

This movie has a lot of problems. The disappointment was very real in 1999. It's not a good movie and one can think it's D/F tier terrible. Well there's worse movies and that fact keeps it out of the bottom tier earning a ranking of C.

Attack of The Clones.
Wasn't good at the time and the special effects have aged terribly. And the dialogue. Generally regarded as one the worst of the main movies. AotC gets a D tier ranking. Video game was kinda fun though.

Revenge of the Sith

Generally viewed as the best of the prequel trilogy I quite like this movie. It's not great but has a satisfying conclusion, some great scenes and is a dark film as far as Star Wars films go. B Tier.


More or less going in order of release.

Clone Wars (animated film)
Well if you thought Attack of the Clones was bad this is worse. On the plus side it was the debut of Ahsoka. D Tier.

The Clone Wars (series).

This was a great TV show generally well regarded by the fans. The best if it is S tier up there with the Empire Strikes back. BUT not all of it is that good eg season 1 and whole chunks of the following bseasons. Overall still great but I'm giving it an A.


Probably bovetlooked at time of release but seems to be reasonably popular now. It was kind of a sequel to the clone wars and set up the Mandalorian as well. Unlike the clone wars it has a way better season one and all of the main cast get a story arc and it also has a great conclusion. Overall I think this is some of the best Star Wars on screen and I'm giving it an S due to consistency over the Clone Wars.

These three shows feature Ahsoka Tano heavily and her story continues in the Mandalorian. I'd you like her story arc it's been going for 14 years now. And she's getting her own show. If you like it it's for a similar reason legends fans like the OT adventures for 20 odd years post Heir to the Empire.

As someone whose not a star wars fan, I find internet gossip about the behind the scenes drama at Disney far, far more entertaining then any of the series. I don't even care if it's true or not. I will say Baby Yoda is cute


As someone whose not a star wars fan, I find internet gossip about the behind the scenes drama at Disney far, far more entertaining then any of the series. I don't even care if it's true or not. I will say Baby Yoda is cute

Baby Yoda's a green money printing machine.

Or at least his relationship with Mando is.


Game Designer
My opinion is that most of the Star Wars stuff that came out was adequate as movies or shows, but pretty terrible as Star Wars media. Disney released some mind-numbing bad content. There's often some cool moments sprinkled in there, but it's pretty bad. It's the Hollywood tasteless and bland treatment applied to Star Wars.

The sequel trilogy are atrociously bad. They have cool moments, but they absolutely naughty word on some of the legacy of the original six movies and they're just unquestionably bad movies. Some people enjoyed them, which I'm fine with, but they're stuck out of my head canon.

Rogue One is definitely tolerable, but I tend to not like it as much as many do. It's definitely one of the most palatable things Disney has released. But I have no intention of watching it again.

Solo, surprisingly I enjoyed. It did things differently and it explored some parts of the universe I was curious about. Not great, but definitely decent.

The Mandalorian is probably the best thing Disney has released? It's very uneven but there's really good and really bad episodes out there. It's probably the only thing I tolerate.

The Boba Fett and Kenobi shows were overall pretty bad too. I thought the first few episodes of Boba Fett were really good with how they explored the culture of the sand people, but it devolved into a terrible mess. Kenobi was such a let down, the big scene at the end of the last episode was really good, but it can't save a poorly written show.


My opinion is that most of the Star Wars stuff that came out was adequate as movies or shows, but pretty terrible as Star Wars media. Disney released some mind-numbing bad content. There's often some cool moments sprinkled in there, but it's pretty bad. It's the Hollywood tasteless and bland treatment applied to Star Wars.

The sequel trilogy are atrociously bad. They have cool moments, but they absolutely naughty word on some of the legacy of the original six movies and they're just unquestionably bad movies. Some people enjoyed them, which I'm fine with, but they're stuck out of my head canon.

Rogue One is definitely tolerable, but I tend to not like it as much as many do. It's definitely one of the most palatable things Disney has released. But I have no intention of watching it again.

Solo, surprisingly I enjoyed. It did things differently and it explored some parts of the universe I was curious about. Not great, but definitely decent.

The Mandalorian is probably the best thing Disney has released? It's very uneven but there's really good and really bad episodes out there. It's probably the only thing I tolerate.

The Boba Fett and Kenobi shows were overall pretty bad too. I thought the first few episodes of Boba Fett were really good with how they explored the culture of the sand people, but it devolved into a terrible mess. Kenobi was such a let down, the big scene at the end of the last episode was really good, but it can't save a poorly written show.

Not up to them yet but yeah BoBF was disappointing.

Some things on this list are there because there's worse things so they're comparatively better.

Eg something rated B is there because it's better than C. The C thing has that rating because it's better than D.

Basically it's relative to other Star Wars and I agree Solo is better than a lot of other SW stuff but I'll get there eventually.

Some stuff will also get a Bbrating because it's not as good as A tier and the A tier stuff isn't as good as the S tier stuff.

And it's all subjective as well. But there's some shockingly bad SW stuff worse than the internet hyperbole indicates.


Morkus from Orkus
How good or bad is Star Wars post Disney in term of TV shows and movies?

It's probably safe to say there's been some misfires. BUT Lucas himself made multiple erm crap Star Wars content. I would argue the worst of Disney Star Wars is no worse than the worst of what Lucas came up with.

There's only one thing to do. Tier list!!! Not covering things like video games, comics, books etc or the Stat Wars Holiday special only the movies and TV shows.

The tier levels

S: Best of the Best

A: Very good but there's better.

B: Still generally good

C: Has some major problems the negatives outweigh the good.

D: Generally a hard movie to watch. Might have a great scene or two but overall a bad movie possibly even painful to watch.
Episodes I, II and III, and VII, VIII and IX are rated at C by me. So as far as movies in the original storyline go, Disney as tied with Lucas with regard to additional content. However, Rogue One was great, and I know this will get me in some trouble, but I really liked Solo, so Disney edges it out with total movie content.

As far as series go, Disney is doing really well. I liked The Mandalorian seasons a lot, and the episodes of Book of Boba Fett that dealt with the Mandalorian. The rest of Boba Fett was junk. Obi-Wan knocked it out of the park, though. Best of the Disney shows so far.


Episodes I, II and III, and VII, VIII and IX are rated at C by me. So as far as movies in the original storyline go, Disney as tied with Lucas with regard to additional content. However, Rogue One was great, and I know this will get me in some trouble, but I really liked Solo, so Disney edges it out with total movie content.

As far as series go, Disney is doing really well. I liked The Mandalorian seasons a lot, and the episodes of Book of Boba Fett that dealt with the Mandalorian. The rest of Boba Fett was junk. Obi-Wan knocked it out of the park, though. Best of the Disney shows so far.

People don't seem to hate Solo and it seems a few kinda like it. It's not great but compared to the bad SW movies it's great lol.

Obi Wan on the fence between a B+ and A-. I liked it. It's either the best of the B tier or worst of the A tier ymmv I'll have to think about it.


The Force Awakens.
The more I watch this movie the worse it gets while others get better eg Solo. Not bad as such but it's not that original and it's a bit to familiar recycling ANH. Scrapes in with a B rating just because there's a lot worse and it's kinda fun at the end of the day. Generally regarded as the best of the Sequel Trilogy.

Rogue One.

Generally regarded as the best if the Disney movies I think it's a legit great Star Wars movie. I liked it on release and have enjoyed subsequent rewatched. Scrapes into S tier for me as I like it better than the other A tier options.

The Last Jedi.

One of those divisive love it or hate it additions to the franchise. The main problem imho us it's a poor follow up to TFA that deconstructs star Wars. Which is fine in theory but not so much in a trilogy or part 8 of a series marketed as the Skywalker saga. A few concepts here are also fine just poorly executed or in the wrong movie. C rating hyperbole aside its not the worse movie in the franchise.

Broadly speaking this is a fun movie. Almost scrapes into A tier but I'm rating it a B but it's at the top of the B tier imho.

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