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Divine Ranks for Monstrous Deities


The EN World kitten
I think that would help. I haven't chimed in on the Intermediates so far because it's somewhat intimidating to comment on so many at once...

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Creature Cataloguer
You guys should say something. :) silence leaves room for too much speculation (and I tend to assume a lack of interest when people say nothing too often). ;)

I'll give a shot at assigning a DR to each of these. Tell me if you agree or disagree with each one, and if you disagree tell me if it should be higher or lower (though Intermediate deities must be DR 11-15).

For starters, why not go with what is familiar, and go with the classic "demihuman" races. :) subraces not included in that chapter will be held off for now so that we can focus on what we've got here.

BOZ said:
Corellon is one of the most powerful nonhuman gods, with a DR of 19. he also has one of the largest pantheons. This chaotic pantheon has no real hierarchy, so it's debatable what positions these 6 Intermediate gods should take. I'd say at most, one or two of them should hold DR 15, and the rest be scattered from 11-14.

as I said, the lack of any sort of a hierarchy makes assigning a DR difficult for the elven gods. Perhaps the best way to go is to compare them to each other in terms of likely power level. The beginning of the chapter (if you have the book) does give a few clues on how they related to each other. How about:
Sehanine (mysticism, dreams, far journeys, death transcendence) - DR 15
Aerdie Faenya (air, weather, avians) - DR 13
Erevan Ilesere (mischief, change, rogues) - DR12
Hanali Celanil (romantic love, beauty) - DR 14 (same as Aprhodite)
Labelas Enoreth (time, longevity) - DR 15
Solonor Thelandira (archery, hunting) - DR 12

BOZ said:
Moradin, also DR 19, has a handful of a pantheon himself. Being a lawful set, it's a bit easier to tell where everyone fits in. Berronar and Clangeddin are clearly Moradin's most trusted companions, and should have DR 15 or perhaps 14. I would rate Abbathor lower than either of those two, because he opposes the other gods and I would not want him to be too powerful compared to them. Dumathion and Vergadain are fairly important but should also be lower than Moradin's top two, so maybe anywhere between 11-13.

Berronar Truesilver (safety, truth, home, healing) - DR 15
Clangeddin Silverbeard (battle) - DR 14
Dumathion (mining, mountain dwarves, underground exploration) - DR 13
Vergadain (wealth, luck) - DR 13
Abbathor (greed) - DR 12

BOZ said:
Garl, DR 18, rules over another sizeable pantheon of mostly good deities. Like the elf pantheon, it is a bit hard to tell where everyone fits. Flandal, perhaps, should be the highest of them, maybe DR 13-14. Urdlen should be 11 or 12. the nature powers Segojan and Baervan should probably be in between Flandal and Urdlen.

Baervan Wildwanderer (forests, travel, nature) - DR 12
Flandal Steelskin (mining, smithing, fitness) - DR 13
Segojan Earthcaller (earth, nature) - DR 12
Urdlen (greed, blood) - DR 11

BOZ said:
Yondalla, also DR 18, has a bit of a smaller pantheon than the rest of her contemporaries. Arvoreen seems to place himself in a more active role, so maybe DR 13-15. Cyrrollalee and Sheela can be from 11-13.

Arvoreen (protection, vigilance, war) - DR 13
Cyrrollalee (friendship, trust, home) - DR 11
Sheela Peryroyl (nature, agriculture, weather) - DR 13
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The EN World kitten
BOZ said:
as I said, the lack of any sort of a hierarchy makes assigning a DR difficult for the elven gods. Perhaps the best way to go is to compare them to each other in terms of likely power level. The beginning of the chapter (if you have the book) does give a few clues on how they related to each other. How about:
Sehanine (mysticism, dreams, far journeys, death transcendence) - DR 15
Aerdie Faenya (air, weather, avians) - DR 13
Erevan Ilesere (mischief, change, rogues) - DR12
Hanali Celanil (romantic love, beauty) - DR 14 (same as Aprhodite)
Labelas Enoreth (time, longevity) - DR 15
Solonor Thelandira (archery, hunting) - DR 12

I dissent on two points. I think that the main strength of the Seldarine comes mostly from their numbers, and not that their gods are particularly strong. As such, I think two of these deserve a lesser ranking. Specifically, Aerdrie seems like a better candidate for DvR 12 to me, since her most active worshippers would be avariels. Beyond that, she doesn't seem like she'd be more important than, say, archery (since it seems like virtually every elf is a skilled archer). Likewise, Labelas always seemed like a more quiet, reserved god. He struck me as the kind of god who isn't that strong, but is more about lasting a long time than making a large impact. He gives the elves their long lives, but this, like him, is a passive thing, so I'd place him at DvR 13 or so.

BOZ said:
Berronar Truesilver (safety, truth, home, healing) - DR 15
Clangeddin Silverbeard (battle) - DR 14
Dumathion (mining, mountain dwarves, underground exploration) - DR 13
Vergadain (wealth, luck) - DR 13
Abbathor (greed) - DR 12

I think Abbathor should be stronger. For one thing, when it's one evil god against a pantheon of good ones, he needs to be stronger just to maintain any semblence of a credible threat. He's really the only evil dwarven god for "normal" dwarves, since the other ones are racial in nature. Likewise, Abbathor represents greed, which is something I think all dwarves are somewhat at risk of, which means his influence is always present in their lives. I'd go with DvR 14.

BOZ said:
Baervan Wildwanderer (forests, travel, nature) - DR 12
Flandal Steelskin (mining, smithing, fitness) - DR 13
Segojan Earthcaller (earth, nature) - DR 12
Urdlen (greed, blood) - DR 11

Same arguement for Urdlen as for Abbathor. However, he seems less connected to the fundamental nature of gnomes, especially since spriggans seem to worship him a lot. I'd say bump him up to DvR 12.

BOZ said:
Arvoreen (protection, vigilance, war) - DR 13
Cyrrollalee (friendship, trust, home) - DR 11
Sheela Peryroyl (nature, agriculture, weather) - DR 13

I guess I really just don't think much of the weather, but it seems to me that the creature-comfort loving halflings would value their god of good relations less than the deity of good weather. I'd say switch Cyrrollalee and Sheela's DvR listings.


Creature Cataloguer
all of those are good points. :)

Alzrius said:
I guess I really just don't think much of the weather, but it seems to me that the creature-comfort loving halflings would value their god of good relations less than the deity of good weather. I'd say switch Cyrrollalee and Sheela's DvR listings.

i used this quote, from page 20, to rationalize my DR choice for Sheela: “Most of the more powerful halfling deities are female, and Sheela Peryroyl, the wise nature goddess, is the most loved after Yondalla herself.”

i could definitely see raising Cyrrollalee up to 12 or even 13 though.


The EN World kitten
BOZ said:
i used this quote, from page 20, to rationalize my DR choice for Sheela: “Most of the more powerful halfling deities are female, and Sheela Peryroyl, the wise nature goddess, is the most loved after Yondalla herself.”

That seems pretty cut-and-dried. If the book says she's the second most loved (and that the females are more powerful), what you have listed is probably better.

i could definitely see raising Cyrrollalee up to 12 or even 13 though.

Given the above, I'd say 12.


Creature Cataloguer
so, the "demihumans" are like thus, then:

Sehanine (elf) 15
Aerdie Faenya (elf) 12
Erevan Ilesere (elf) 12
Hanali Celanil (elf) 14
Labelas Enoreth (elf) 13
Solonor Thelandira (elf) 12
Berronar Truesilver (dwarf) 15
Clangeddin Silverbeard (dwarf) 14
Dumathion (dwarf) 13
Vergadain (dwarf) 13
Abbathor (dwarf) 14
Baervan Wildwanderer (gnome) 12
Flandal Steelskin (gnome) 13
Segojan Earthcaller (gnome) 12
Urdlen (gnome) 12
Arvoreen (halfling) 13
Cyrrollalee (halfling) 12
Sheela Peryroyl (halfling) 13

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