D&D General DMs how do you feel about players fudging?

DMs how do you feel about players fudging?

  • Very positive. Fudging is good.

    Votes: 2 4.1%
  • Positive. Fudging is acceptable.

    Votes: 2 4.1%
  • Neutral. Fudging sure is a thing.

    Votes: 4 8.2%
  • Negative. Fudging is dubious.

    Votes: 5 10.2%
  • Very negative. Fudging is bad.

    Votes: 36 73.5%


B/X Known World
This is a a companion thread to the other poll on fudging. I think DM responses matter on this issue. It needs no further description: whatever you consider "fudging" to be, what do you as a DM think of players doing it?

Word of warning: you cannot change your vote. Pick wisely!

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The DM seems to have official license from the rules to fudge as a tool at their disposal. If session 0 rules out fudging for the DM then the DM would be cheating to do so.

The rules have no license for the player to fudge in the books, and it seems like it would generally be considered cheating for them to do so. If session 0 gave them the green light to do so then it would not be cheating.

I see know reason to continue associating IRL with people who cheat in games.

Thomas Shey

As I've noted before, I just can't make myself care. And the unnuanced options here aren't much more helpful than in the other thread.


Players fudging dice rolls is cheating period. If a player starts an action and then realizes their folly with or without DM intervention, then wants to change their action I think that's acceptable, but I'd still consider it fudging. As long as that doesn't become too common, I don't see the harm in it other than slowing the game down. It happens at our table sometimes. I chose neutral but think I fall between neutral and negative.


Guest 7034872

The DM seems to have official license from the rules to fudge as a tool at their disposal. If session 0 rules out fudging for the DM then the DM would be cheating to do so.

The rules have no license for the player to fudge in the books, and it seems like it would generally be considered cheating for them to do so. If session 0 gave them the green light to do so then it would not be cheating.

I see know reason to continue associating IRL with people who cheat in games.
Yeah, I think the main thing is that DM fudging of rolls is supposed to be done when and only when it's needed for the party's overall welfare and/or something in the adventure has gone way, way off. Players, IME, do it almost exclusively for selfish reasons. That's why I've never found analogies between the two scenarios plausible.

Voidrunner's Codex

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