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D&D 5E Do you find Fantasy Grounds just too much of an investment?


I've played online regularly for over a year, as DM and player, and never entered more than about 20 mins worth of data using either FG or Roll20 prior to a 2 hour session. I just use the programs for rolling dice and displaying maps/pictures.

In FG I only entered monster core 6 attributes (for saves/ability checks/initiative) and the attack/damage macros. That's it. You don't need the rest if you have MM sitting next to you. In Roll20, even less - just attack/damage macros, everything else just have MM on your desk and check it on the fly (as if you were playing in person). I have the adventure on paper in front of me and record HP damage etc on that.

But to get back on topic, I have come full circle. I liked roll20 best originally. Then went FG coz I do think it looks nicer and has a better adv/disad mechanic and secret roll tower. But ..... over time FG crashed a few times at the start of a session, couldn't connect with my players (I don't know if port issues or what, but I didn't change anything on my end) and that was super annoying.

So now I am back to roll20 and loving it. It just works. And the devs appear to be regularly updating their site/functionality (certainly since I last used it), which is great.

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I've been thinking about fantasy grounds for a while now. I've only looked over it, watched a couple of youtube videos etc. I was wondering, can't you enter all of the details into FG yourself? Not necessarily just the adventure details but the class details? I kind of assumed you could which would save having to buy the SCAG info if all you want are the subclasses.

Yes you can enter them yourself.


I hesitated at first (about a year and a half ago). I decided to begin by paying the ultimate subscription cost (about $9.95 a month). After a few months, they had a sale on the Ultimate one time purchase so I jumped on it and I'm glad I did. I was lucky, another guy I play and DM for had already been big into Fantasy Grounds, so he mentored me. He even created his own 5e PHB (don't ask me how) so I was able to begin using the table with just that. Then he and I added monsters by typing them into the NPC part of the table. We added tokens, etc too. Eventually we had about 200 monsters and all of the classes and playable races ready to go. And, let me tell you, I am no computer genius. I barely know how to run word, excel and powerpoint. lol.

For my first few mini-campaigns (a homebrew quick campaign and a modified Ghosts of Dragonspear Castle 1-6th level foray), I created all of the maps, made all of the encounters, etc. I loved how easy it was to find jpeg maps and just use them in the table.

When Princes of the Apocalypse came out, I bought it for FG. That's what I run with my campaign now. Let me tell you, paying for the maps, tokens, pre-made encounters, treasure parcels, monsters data, story information, etc. was so worth it. I'm saving up money now to buy the official PHB and Monster Manual just to have in the table (even though I can pretty much run everything from the stuff my friend and I made).

If you play weekly or more, I think the cost of FG is well worth it. I've paid them about $150 at this point and I'm glad I did. If I had to buy the PHB, Monster Manuel and the Ultimate License it would set me back between $200 and $250 (depending on if they had a sale going). To me, it is still worth it. Also, if you have 5 players in your group, you could ask them to pitch in too since they get all of the benefits and can join in for free with the Ultimate license. My group offered to pay me, but I refused.

(p.s. For some reason, Roll20 never grabbed me. It moved very sluggishly on my computer and I had a difficult time figuring it all out. It also didn't look as polished to me so I never really made it an option for my own games although I did play in a few games using it as a player.)
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I bought Fantasy Grounds when it was on sale. I have bought OotA, the PHB, & MM for it... a couple of those were on sale when I bought them as well. I am not sure that I'll buy SCAG for it. I got the physical book from Amazon for about $21. Paying $35 for the FG version doesn't seem like a good deal.

I use FG while playing at the table session. I mainly use it to help me keep track of the characters' abilities and for displaying content to the players. I use the combat tracker to keep track of HP and initiative order and such. But, we roll physical dice and tend to use miniatures during combat, though I do replicate positioning on the FG map.

I find FG useful for the above, but not for reading content during prep sessions. I would much rather read the physical book for that.

If you are on the fence about trying FG, wait for black Friday. They'll probably have a big sale...


FG looks neat, and I have been easing into more virtual play, but it does seem like way more than I need. When I play on Roll20 its basically a hangout with a dice roller added. Maps WOULD be cool. Is it worth paying all that for maps?
I feel like the thing that will get me to spring for it eventually is just wanting a new dnd widget and there not being a new book available (and being at max capacity for minis).

In place of the books it wouldn't be too bad. But on top it hurts. The advantages gained from purchasing the ruleset versus making a character by hand are too small.


I like FG, I just wish the GUI wasn't so bad and the mapping tools are downright primitive. But in game is sweet and adding stuff is no more difficult than any other VTT.


I just can't justify spending as much on the digital game as I have for the books themselves. Additionally, you can't transfer the data between DMs within the group, so EACH DM has to invest a crap load of money. Since I play in a group with 2-3 other DMs, that's just not viable at all.

Roll20 works great for free.

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