D&D 5E Doctors & Daleks - Cubicle 7 Brings Doctor Who to D&D 5E

Cubicle 7 -- makers of the official Doctor Who roleplaying game -- has announced that the Doctor will officially be coming to 5E soon under the name Doctors and Daleks. There are no dates or details yet, over than that the Doctors and Daleks Player's Guide will launch 'soon'. A NEW COMPANION FOR YOUR ADVENTURES THROUGH ALL OF SPACE AND TIME! The wild adventures of everyone’s favourite...

Cubicle 7 -- makers of the official Doctor Who roleplaying game -- has announced that the Doctor will officially be coming to 5E soon under the name Doctors and Daleks. There are no dates or details yet, over than that the Doctors and Daleks Player's Guide will launch 'soon'.



The wild adventures of everyone’s favourite Time Lord comes to the world’s most popular roleplaying game in Doctors and Daleks. Take your gaming group into the TARDIS and travel anywhere, anywhen. Want to meet Leornado da Vinci? Or see what life is like in the year 3,000? What about another planet entirely? All of space and time is your Venusian macro-oyster, but keep your wits about you — there’s a lot of danger in the vastness of eternity.

We are delighted to announce that we are working on Doctors and Daleks – a new line of products that brings Doctor Who adventures to your table using 5th Edition rules! The first release – The Doctors and Daleks Player’s Guide will launch soon.

The wild adventures of everyone’s favourite Time Lord comes to the world’s most popular roleplaying game in Doctors and Daleks. Take your gaming group into the TARDIS and travel anywhere, anywhen.

We’ll also continue to support the new Second Edition of our award winning Doctor Who: The Roleplaying Game, with a host of new products on the way soon!

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B/X Known World

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I remember about a year or year and a half into 5e I had a discussion with a small press game publisher. They were coming out with new PF third party stuff and I mentioned I hoped they would come out with 5e compatible stuff as well. They scoffed at me and said PF stuff sell way better than 5e stuff and they couldn't afford to do something for 5e because it just wouldn't sell enough to justify it.

Which...baffled me. There was little 5e compatible stuff at the time, an obvious demand for third party products as the number of "official" WOTC products for 5e was sparse at the time. But no this publisher insisted PF was the only path to profitability, and said other publishers exchanged information in emails and such and backed up that sentiment. That was just the common thinking at the time among his group of publishers.

And now here we are years later and people are calling it a cash grab to do a 5e compatible version of something and 5e being the only path now to profitability.

Sometimes I think third party sentiment tends to swing to extremes. It's either all or nothing. C7 is trying to do something with their own bespoke system AND with a 5e system, and that just seems intolerable to some. Despite them having experience successfully doing exactly this with LOTR previously.
The person who told you that a year ago was completely wrong a year ago. This isn't something new, and most publishers I talk with have shared this sentiment for years.

And so you succinctly summarise the entire issue.

Since I am not a new player to RPGs, I have already learned a good number besides D&D over the decades, and am not part of the group who started since 2014 and only want D&D or D&D based, no matter what. But I still don't want to hassle with a new system. Last time I tried a completely new system was with The One Ring, and I never fully comprehended some of the rules for that.


Funny. That scene is one from the image I posted above. The rest of the episode is really worth a watch.
My first exposure to the Daleks honestly was through that episode. All the times I caught Doctor Who on Channel 23 the rare few times on Saturdays, was Tom Baker, but none of those episodes that I caught had Daleks in em.


B/X Known World
My first exposure to the Daleks honestly was through that episode. All the times I caught Doctor Who on Channel 23 the rare few times on Saturdays, was Tom Baker, but none of those episodes that I caught had Daleks in em.
I’m a fan but not a lore hound. I think Tom Baker only went against the Daleks twice.

Dire Bare

But this reality is a very frustrating one. There's no agency here for the customer, the gamer, or the publisher, and at the end of the day, it feels like we are all at the mercy of Wizards of the Coast and D&D. And customers hate that. I hate that. But its the reality of the industry, and I only foresee it getting worse from here unless players around as big as Hasbro try getting behind other games too.
We are at the mercy of WotC and D&D?

There's a sort of truth to that, but also its a messed up way of looking at things, IMO.

D&D was the category originator, D&D is awesome, people love D&D and want to play D&D. Even when they want to play Star Wars or Dr. Who. Its what we know and what we're comfortable with. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

There is room for TTRPGs other than D&D, there are a lot of great non-D&D games out there. D&D-powered games are certainly on an upswing, but we've also never had a time with more non-D&D games also. If you want to play a non-D&D game, you are spoiled for choice!

Let folks who want to play D&D, or D&D adjacent games do so, let those who want to try other games do so. Let publisher publish want they want to, what they are passionate for, what they think will pay their employees salaries and allow them to continue publishing games.

There is room for all at the table. Let the unnecessary frustration, "fatigue", and sour grapes go.

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